Who though putting "Win 1000 battles" trophy was a good idea?
I finished everything, and I still just did 900...
Oh well
Damn NG+ is such a bore (I'm on nightmare), I kill every bosses under a minute :/
I shouldn't have kept my characters level but I have a feeling that it would be too hard x)
Maybe I'll try a clean playthrough on nightmare after that one, just before the sequel comes out.
Also, just to be sure, for the bond trophies: to be able to dance with the characters I have to invite them on a stand during the festival, right ? Because I did spent all my festival tickets but I was only able to dance with 3 characters. And those characters were among my weakest link level.
You'll need to invite them to 2 stands for them to become available.
Hanging out with them on Chapter 6 beginning (Or chapter 5 beginning for Towa) or inviting them to get the clothes with the bike also counts
Oh... Ok. So I can have only 5 bond trophies per playthrough right? That mean I'll have to play through the last dungeon at least 2 time to get all of them :/
oO Where did you get those costumes ?aaaaand, I'm done
oO Where did you get those costumes ?
No platforms have been confirmed yet.
Ok, so having just finished Trails in the Sky SC, I'll be starting this soon.
Is it recommended to read a summary of the Crossbell chapters (that we probably won't ever get), or will this spoil too much of Cold Steel I ?
Not at all: what happens in the Crossbell chapters happens at the same time as Cold Steel. Better keep your eyes on the newspapers!Ok, so having just finished Trails in the Sky SC, I'll be starting this soon.
Is it recommended to read a summary of the Crossbell chapters (that we probably won't ever get), or will this spoil too much of Cold Steel I ?
i really disagree and i have no doubts thatI finished the game and all I want to say is that Emma is the worst.
Btw the game is now on sale on EU PSN for only 25! Both versions.
Since I see this coming up a lot, the final battle on Nightmare is actually following a fairly simple script and therefore becomes predictable once you knows the opponent's moves. Hoping it helps someone, below is a step of actions you take in each turn to get safely to the end of the battle.
Listening to the soundtrack from CSII (which I HIGHLY ADVISE YOU NOT TO DO if you haven't beaten this game), it appears that CSI has better battle themes.
Not that A Heated Mind or Bring Up Trust are bad, because they're amazing. It just seems like they're a lot more "sweeping" or "dramatic" than the upbeat CSI tracks.
Don't Be Defeated by a Friend is my favorite boss music in any game.
Listening to the soundtrack from CSII (which I HIGHLY ADVISE YOU NOT TO DO if you haven't beaten this game), it appears that CSI has better battle themes.
Not that A Heated Mind or Bring Up Trust are bad, because they're amazing. It just seems like they're a lot more "sweeping" or "dramatic" than the upbeat CSI tracks.
Don't Be Defeated by a Friend is my favorite boss music in any game.
XSEED facebook said:We only have one have more day of Trails of Cold Steel II English voice recording left! Twenty days of sitting in front of a recording booth, listening intently to new and returning voices... It's a lot of fun, and I hope you love the new cast. Our last voice will be Toval Randonneur of the Bracer Guild (yes, he is finally voiced!). I'm excited!
I'm also happy to announce that our entire Trails of Cold Steel cast has returned for Trails of Cold Steel II, so if you have a particular soft spot for any of the voices, don't you worry--you'll be hearing them again when CSII launches this fall.
One voice that DOES differ in the overall series is Bleublanc! You may remember everyone's favorite fop having a few battle lines in Trails in the Sky SC, but alas, recording a few battle lines for a character six or so years back does not guarantee that same actor will return. Still, I think you'll like his new voice quite a bit. He's simply...beautiful!
Hopefully, we'll have more fun updates to share with you soon. Thanks for supporting the Trails series!
Cold Steel II's dubbing is now completely finished and over as of today.
Translation: 100% done
Editing: 67% done
Also, how much dialogue has this game? I tried Trails in the Sky for an hour once, but it was way to chatty for my taste. Is Cold Steel similar?
From that I think you'll like Oreshika more. It's not a traditional JRPG though, it's more of a unorthodox dungeon crawler.I want to play another JRPG on my Vita and I'm on the fence about playing this or Oreshika. I finished Bravely Second yesterday and I absolutely loved the mechanics and the combat in general. Turn based combat was always my favorite and it was implemented almost perfectly in that game imho. I saw both Oreshika and Trails of Cold Steel offers also enjoyable turn-based fights.
Both games have interesting settings, but what about the gameplay? I really enjoy grinding, leveling up my characters and teaching them new skills and stuff. In this regard, what would you recommend me more?
Also, how much dialogue has this game? I tried Trails in the Sky for an hour once, but it was way to chatty for my taste. Is Cold Steel similar?
Time limitsI think Oreshika is a beautiful and super original game with tons of great ideas, but I just didn't have fun playing it. A lot of randomness combined with very strict time limits were just too much for me. It's a shame![]()
Try it at least. It looks so good and has so much potential, but the time limits are harsh.Time limits
It was on sale at some point for ~£8 so I just bought it on impulse planning to get around it at some point. I'm usually pretty open minded about trying different things but the one thing that consistently hampers my enjoyment of certain games is time limits. I'll still play it at some point but I guess it drops down my backlog ladder for now.
I do like dialogue, I played and enjoyed many visual novels. It's all about the writing and pacing. I just don't like filler (for dialogue; grinding is fine by me for some reason).
Thanks for the impressions.
These games only have as much filler as one forces himself to go through. Very little of the mandatory dialogue is filler, most of the time it serves some purpose, be it character development, world-building, character introductions, exposition, giving NPCs some personality/relevancy, bonding between characters or even just humor. It is somewhat wordy, yeah, but it's still generally better quality writing than most other JRPG writing, especially once you get past the tropeish & slow beginning. Not that the stories ever start going at lights speed, but things start picking up after a couple of chapters.I do like dialogue, I played and enjoyed many visual novels. It's all about the writing and pacing. I just don't like filler (for dialogue; grinding is fine by me for some reason).
Thanks for the impressions.
Does it matter what "line" I put my Quartz in? Or how I group my Quartz together?
In Trails in the Sky it mattered a lot since depending on how the Quartz were grouped together you'd get different arts.
But I don't see any difference in Cold Steel. Does it matter? And if not, why do they even call out different "lines" in cold steel?
Does it matter what "line" I put my Quartz in? Or how I group my Quartz together?
In Trails in the Sky it mattered a lot since depending on how the Quartz were grouped together you'd get different arts.
But I don't see any difference in Cold Steel. Does it matter? And if not, why do they even call out different "lines" in cold steel?
Depends. Not in the same way in Sky but it can affect being able to equip certain quartz. For example you can get a quartz that increases strength + 20 and also lowers the enemies defence. There similar ones with the same strength boost but instead lower magic, speed or something else. You can only equip one of those per 'line' so they need to be separated out. Hence Emma or Elliot will only be able to equip the one while the likes of Rean, Laura and others be allowed 3 or 4 depending on the number of lines.Question:
Does it matter what "line" I put my Quartz in? Or how I group my Quartz together?
In Trails in the Sky it mattered a lot since depending on how the Quartz were grouped together you'd get different arts.
But I don't see any difference in Cold Steel. Does it matter? And if not, why do they even call out different "lines" in cold steel?