Guy in the student union sells them behind the counter, along with one of the shops in town.
In Ch1? I must be blind then
EDIT: No I just checked, he definitely doesn't
Guy in the student union sells them behind the counter, along with one of the shops in town.
In Ch1? I must be blind then
EDIT: No I just checked, he definitely doesn't
A super sentai team-up with Trails characters? Well that'd be an amusing experience, but wouldn't really work in this setting.
He does sell battle scope very early on.
That is an item that functions the same as the analyze art
I think a full-scale Trails Avengers moment would be like a continent-scale madness anyway.
I'd think Chapter 6's equivalent of SC, but instead of going to towers, respective members of each country resolve the Ouroboros shenanigans of each country, with a strike force of selected members from all the games (all the main MCs of all the games, etc) attack the final boss's final dungeon.
What I think would be a good Trails finale would be a trilogy of something like this.
Part 1 : Multi-country standalone story with all the teams of the previous games getting involved in Ouroboros's final master plan.
Part 2 : Some story tidbit that allows all of the teams of the previous games to come together unite as a singular alliance. Doesn't have to be all of them together in the same airship, but all of them united as one anyway.
Part 3 : Final fight spanning the entire Zemuria continent.
Or it could just be 2 games, with Part 2 & Part 3 together.
Finished Chapter 2. Had some trouble with that last pair of bosses, I need to get away from the idea of hoarding my CP and/or waiting for a Critical Turn and just let loose with S-Crafts right away. Nothing worse than having a full CP bar, getting knocked out by an attack, and seeing that bar drain to zero.As a result the fight went on way longer than it needed to.
What's the max link level?
I haven't found a shop for items but you can buy an Analyze Quartz after you finish the quest in the engineering building.
I've heard / read that the UI / font-size on vita is rather small. is this really a problem or are people exaggerating?
I've heard / read that the UI / font-size on vita is rather small. is this really a problem or are people exaggerating?
Wow, a bit of minor spoilers but in SC,Muller commented on how the food in the Erebonia military sucks, and then now in Cold Steel, whatever he mentioned is the meal of Class VII lol. Little details like this makes me appreciate the series as a whole.
The trade conferecehappens in Zero or Ao I presume? Osboune had a flashback of Olivier pointing a gun at him, I figure that we would have seen that scene in a previous game, because I have no idea what it is supposed to mean. It also seems odd to me that Osbourne is so chill with Olivert's plotting primarily because if not for him, the second invasion of Liberl would have happened.
Wow, a bit of minor spoilers but in SC, Muller commented on how the food in the Erebonia military sucks, and then now in Cold Steel, whatever he mentioned is the meal of Class VII lol. Little details like this makes me appreciate the series as a whole.
Toval is a lead character in the Trails to Zero Prologue manga. It's only four chapters and it's been translated. TheIn chapter 6, just before the field study. Things seem to be picking up again, which is cool. Man in many ways this feels like a direct follow up to SC.Olivier and Mueller on an Arseille class airship, but bigger. Things like that.
A couple of questions though as far as what happens in what games, or who is who in the stories:
The trade conferecehappens in Zero or Ao I presume? Osboune had a flashback of Olivier pointing a gun at him, I figure that we would have seen that scene in a previous game, because I have no idea what it is supposed to mean. It also seems odd to me that Osbourne is so chill with Olivert's plotting primarily because if not for him, the second invasion of Liberl would have happened.
As far as some side characters: Tovalis Toby from Carnelia right? The question that leaves is who is Sister Carnelia? I'm guessing that she is the nun I have seen on the cover of 3rd.
If you really want to know about Carnelia,As far as some side characters: Tovalis Toby from Carnelia right? The question that leaves is who is Sister Carnelia? I'm guessing that she is the nun I have seen on the cover of 3rd.
Wow, a bit of minor spoilers but in SC,Muller commented on how the food in the Erebonia military sucks, and then now in Cold Steel, whatever he mentioned is the meal of Class VII lol. Little details like this makes me appreciate the series as a whole.
This segment bothered me a lot.Ohhh heyyyy. Now the very very beginning of the game is even dumber causeits non-canon now since my levels were higher then what they had the party set at back then, among other differences!
Oh an Legram was pretty comfy an not needlessly large, nor was its highways. But ya know, battles in this game dun seem to be much for variety. Most battles are just the same type of baddie times 2 to 8. Kinda lame. At least fishing in this game doesn't suck like it does in almost every other game that has it!
I think Zero began in a similar fashion.This segment bothered me a lot.They were wearing summer uniforms and Millium and Crow were there with them, where that wasn't the case in the prologue. I guess it was Rean's dream, but still.
Yup yup! Also pretty sureThis segment bothered me a lot.They were wearing summer uniforms and Millium and Crow were there with them, where that wasn't the case in the prologue. I guess it was Rean's dream, but still.
Did I make my life by not following a guide for my first playthrough if I want to get a Platinum trophy for this game?
Final Chapter trophy questions:How do you unlock the ability to ask someone to dance with you at the Festival? I would have figured it was Link level 5 but Alisa wasn't an option and she was maxed.
Did I make my life by not following a guide for my first playthrough if I want to get a Platinum trophy for this game?
Final Chapter trophy questions:How do you unlock the ability to ask someone to dance with you at the Festival? I would have figured it was Link level 5 but Alisa wasn't an option and she was maxed.
Did you use a bonding point to talk to her on the last free day?
Did I make my life by not following a guide for my first playthrough if I want to get a Platinum trophy for this game?
Final Chapter trophy questions:How do you unlock the ability to ask someone to dance with you at the Festival? I would have figured it was Link level 5 but Alisa wasn't an option and she was maxed.
Okay so I think its a combination of things...
I think you have to have their character page finished AND Link level 5, I gave every ticket I had to Alisa and I still had Jusis, Emma, and Laura available to get in my first playthrough and I had other people at link level 5 as well but not filled out in the character book and vice versa so I'm thinking its both, I have no way to confirm this for sure but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with going to a festival event with them and the tickets as far as I understand but you can use those if you are just shy of level 5.
Again not 100% sure on that but its the only thing that made sense to me for it.
I just started playing this and I am having trouble understanding the zero arts AT bonus. Sometimes when I am on a zero arts turn, the arts button on the wheel is greyed out; why is this? I thought this AT effect was supposed to allow me to cast with no delay and no EP cost?
I just started playing this and I am having trouble understanding the zero arts AT bonus. Sometimes when I am on a zero arts turn, the arts button on the wheel is greyed out; why is this? I thought this AT effect was supposed to allow me to cast with no delay and no EP cost?
Yeah, I had her character page filled out too. I thought that might be it as well so I had checked. I really want to know what triggers because going through again and still missing out on some would be frustrating.
Were you muted? I never had any problems with Zero Arts during my playthrough, so that's the only explanation I can imagine.
Yeah, thats what it does. It doesn't block you out of Arts. Are you sure you weren't muted? Or was it a tutorial trying to get you to use another ability? I can't remember if the game actually has that or not.
No, definitely not muted. I'm just in the tutorial dungeon and I don't think any of the enemies can even inflict mute. All of my characters have arts equipped so I have no idea why the arts button would ever be greyed out. I'll have to see if it happens again.
Now that I've played both SC and CS in succession, is it just me or did Cold Steel have less pacing issues than SC? I never felt like things were 'dragging' in the same way the low points of SC did. I mean sure, there were weird bits (Chapter 3) but still.
Weird, never had that problem at any point throughout the game. Might just be a tutorial dungeon thing.