This is exactly how I felt after starting BOTW. I hadn't played a Zelda game since SS, which I had practically forced myself to get through (took my like a year and a half to get myself through it), and though I've always been a huge fan of the series...I could never go back.
My husband, who isn't really a gamer but will work his way through the occasional game if he's inspired, made an interesting observation yesterday. He's playing through Uncharted (we got the collectors edition that came with our PS4), and he was getting annoyed. He said, you know, in Zelda (BoTW), I never felt frustrated. Everything was fun. Sometimes it was challenging, but never frustrating.
And that's when I realized, it's true. Botw is the first game that I realized I was never annoyed or bored with. Somehow, nothing felt like a chore in that game, or something I had to grit my teeth to get through.
I think back to basically the entirety of SS (sorry, I really hated everything about that game. Except maybe Impa. She was awesome), and certain aspects of each 3D Zelda before that, and there was always a couple of parts where I would groan and want to just get it over with.
BoTW broke so many stupid gameplay conventions, it was like not realizing you were in a closed-in room --a pretty, well decorated room, but a room none-the-less --and suddenly the walls around you broke down revealing a sprawling, infinite playground all around you. Suddenly, the idea of going back to the nice room feels restrictive and archaic.