Tricky I Shadow
Just 3 more days till I get this:

Tricky I Shadow said:Just 3 more days till I get this:[./IMG][/QUOTE]:D
I'm off to get it tomorrow hopefully. My local EB were actually expecting it on Friday, but it didn't arrive, so tomorrow should be the day.
Tricky I Shadow said:Just 3 more days till I get this:
Mistle said:
I'm off to get it tomorrow hopefully. My local EB were actually expecting it on Friday, but it didn't arrive, so tomorrow should be the day.
Diprosalic said:is that an official edition? and it comes in that box?
Naked Snake said:My copy has been waiting for me to go pick it up since yesterday, but I can't be arsed :/
I work from home, so unless I have multiple reasons to go drive into the city I usually put things off until I can do them in batch.
Tomorrow it will surely be mine.
Yeah, and why the hell would you put an ocarina in the middle of the triforce.Chao said:That has to be one of the worst photoshop jobs I've ever seen. Look at dat emboss
Kerrby said:I'm sure this has been asked on every page but what's the 3D like?
Is it like things popping out or is it depth? Can someone explain it to me thanks.
Anasui Kishibe said:depth. It's like looking into a small box where little characters go around and do shit together
Anasui Kishibe said:depth. It's like looking into a small box where little characters go around and do shit together
Kerrby said:Is it implemented well? The only 3D I think I've ever seen was Spy Kids 3D about 10 years ago and that had things popping out of the screen and whatnot.
Anasui Kishibe said:from what I've played (SSFIV, Pilotwings, Nintendogs), OOT looks like the best use of 3D on the 3DS to date. It increases aliasing but other than that it's quite good
Yeah, every time Link holds an item above his head, it's positioned halfway in, halfway out of the screen.Chao said:But there are things that tricks your brain making you believe they're coming out of the screen too, like particles, tree branches and that kind of stuff.
Kerrby said:Thanks for the answers, not having used a 3DS I think I'm more confused than before haha.
Hopefully when I get one next month I'll understand a bit better.
Kerrby said:Is it implemented well? The only 3D I think I've ever seen was Spy Kids 3D about 10 years ago and that had things popping out of the screen and whatnot.
The Lamp said:Just got a 3DS. Maybe I'm still on the high but this is the coolest 3D ever. I'm utterly sold on the concept.
EatChildren said:This game has made me do a complete 180 on the analogue nub. I went from loving how it felt to now strongly disliking it. Maybe its my system, but it still feels far too stiff. I wish it had more grip as well, something like the N64 and GCN analogue sticks. My thumb constantly slips off.
Maybe I'm just too greasy. Greasy greasy man.
EatChildren said:This game has made me do a complete 180 on the analogue nub. I went from loving how it felt to now strongly disliking it. Maybe its my system, but it still feels far too stiff. I wish it had more grip as well, something like the N64 and GCN analogue sticks. My thumb constantly slips off.
Maybe I'm just too greasy. Greasy greasy man.
EatChildren said:This game has made me do a complete 180 on the analogue nub. I went from loving how it felt to now strongly disliking it. Maybe its my system, but it still feels far too stiff. I wish it had more grip as well, something like the N64 and GCN analogue sticks. My thumb constantly slips off.
Maybe I'm just too greasy. Greasy greasy man.
EatChildren said:This game has made me do a complete 180 on the analogue nub. I went from loving how it felt to now strongly disliking it. Maybe its my system, but it still feels far too stiff. I wish it had more grip as well, something like the N64 and GCN analogue sticks. My thumb constantly slips off.
Maybe I'm just too greasy. Greasy greasy man.
If it wasn't clear before that you were playing dumb.Dedication Through Light said:Since theres alternate dimension stuff going on in the game Sheik could honestly have been anyone. The sages exist in dual dimensions, and know of Link in both present and past tense, its kind of boggling. Unless, Im thinking too into it.Thats why I initially thought Sheik was female, however, the game, this OoT referred to Sheik as male. I was always under the impression she was a she, but the character designs look different and I assume OoT is canon while that design is Sakurai's vision of Sheik. I never read any of the character data for Sheik in those series since I hadnt played Zelda before.
Ha ha ha ha ha, yeah, I noticed that the first time I played it. Master Quest Water Temple is a lot easier. I guess it couldn't be any harder. xPBY2K said:What the hell happened to the Water Temple in Master Quest!? It's supposed to be harder, not easier!
Why is he hanging off the edge of the stage, dodging non-existent rocks, when he should be pelting Volvagia with arrows? What a n00b.Smiles and Cries said:spoiler video of how easy Volvagia is
-PXG- said:I'm saving MQ for a long trip on August. Plus, I'm not really in the mood to play the game again when I just beat it.
The Zora egg quest in MM is so stupid. If you haven't done any side quests, you'll only have one bottle at that point in the game. Luckily I did the Goron race (to get the gold dust) so I had two. Backtracking through the Gerudo Fortress and Pinnacle Rock was a big pain in the ass. I Finally managed to get to Great Bay Temple by the night of the second day. Let's just hope the flow/current mechanic of this temple doesn't give me a stroke.
If memory serves me right (I haven't played this since it first came out in 2000) you get the ice arrows in Great Bay.
-PXG- said:The Zora egg quest in MM is so stupid. If you haven't done any side quests, you'll only have one bottle at that point in the game.
Tricky I Shadow said:Its exclusive to EB Australia, and yes it comes in the box.
Diprosalic said:i just want to know if its officially from Nintendo or if EB Australia just packs the game and the ocarina in this box. see i collect those rare zelda boxes and if its just a repackage from EB i don't care.
The only things that are different about Master Quest are the dungeons, the fact that the world is mirrored, and the fact that enemies do double damage. So things you find in the dungeons will be moved around but things you find outside of the dungeons will be where they've always been.Edag Plata said:So when you play Master Quest, are all the Skulltulas and Heart Pieces and stuff in different places too, so like even though I 100%ed the regular game, I should do it again?
Edag Plata said:So when you play Master Quest, are all the Skulltulas and Heart Pieces and stuff in different places too, so like even though I 100%ed the regular game, I should do it again?
Do you have the map and compass? Hunt down every chest you see on the map. You can access them all as soon as you get to the rooms they're in. There's one key inside a giant flaming skull you have to throw a bomb into, which wouldn't show up on the map. I don't remember if it's in the lone skull or the set of three, though.RaidenZR said:Damn, I'm stuck in the Shadow Temple. I ran out of keys and there seems to be nowhere else I can physically get to. I know I'm missing something but I haven't played OoT since 1998/99. And this usually happens to me somewhere once every Zelda game.
Exper GAF: What am I probably overlooking? It's driving me nuts. I even looked at a guide after over an hour of searching and I couldn't see any missteps.
I feel so pathetic.
Nowadays most movie directors and game producers know that popping things out of the screen at the audience should be used sparingly. Use it too much and the 3D becomes a gimmick, and distracts from the movie/game. Zelda does pop things out, but only once in a while, and you may not even notice it when it does.Kerrby said:Is it implemented well? The only 3D I think I've ever seen was Spy Kids 3D about 10 years ago and that had things popping out of the screen and whatnot.
RaidenZR said:Damn, I'm stuck in the Shadow Temple. I ran out of keys and there seems to be nowhere else I can physically get to. I know I'm missing something but I haven't played OoT since 1998/99. And this usually happens to me somewhere once every Zelda game.
Exper GAF: What am I probably overlooking? It's driving me nuts. I even looked at a guide after over an hour of searching and I couldn't see any missteps.
I feel so pathetic.
Clue: you could have Epona at this point if you wished.Futureman said:Just beat the Water Temple. I thought you needed thefor that temple? Guess not as I just beat tunic
I feel like I'm flying through the game. Thought I'd have Epona at this point as well, but every time I go to the Lon Lon the dude just asks me if I want to ride around for 10 rupees, not if I want to race.
Hint, not word-for-word spoiler:Futureman said:Just beat the Water Temple. I thought you needed thefor that temple? Guess not as I just beat tunic
I feel like I'm flying through the game. Thought I'd have Epona at this point as well, but every time I go to the Lon Lon the dude just asks me if I want to ride around for 10 rupees, not if I want to race.
Roto13 said:EDIT: Yay, waste of thinking. What key were you missing?
=HERO= said:There's literally no way to "run out of keys" in regular OoT[/spoiler]
If youFutureman said:ok, what about the? It's just optional? or necessary at some later point?blue tunic