I never found the Spirit Temple creepy. In fact I would always look forward to it as a reprieve from the creepy after the Shadow Temple :lol
Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt about it.shadyspace said:I never found the Spirit Temple creepy. In fact I would always look forward to it as a reprieve from the creepy after the Shadow Temple :lol
No, which is really stupid, they should have made some heart pieces and gold skulltulas require them. It's like the special triple jump move you get in Super Mario 64 after getting all the stars, great now I can never use this for anything because I already did everything.SolarKnight said:For the first time in my life, I got the ice arrows. Yay. they even have a purpose?
Muskweeto said:No, which is really stupid, they should have made some heart pieces and gold skulltulas require them. It's like the special triple jump move you get in Super Mario 64 after getting all the stars, great now I can never use this for anything because I already did everything.
I also remember Bottom of the Well being more... red, Which added to its creepiness.Y2Kev said:The Spirit Temple is actually cooler on N64 IMO. The fact that this game has lighting makes it so much...less creepy. The original is like a freaking tomb.
They keep editing out cool stuff with every damn revision.Lonely1 said:I also remember Bottom of the Well being more... red, Which added to its creepiness.
ZZMitch said:Well I am kind of stumped on the Deku Tree... awesome game, but I fear that I am too stupid to play this game![]()
thetrin said:Did you try jumping onto the spider web on the floor from a great height? I'm just guessing that's where you're stuck (which is kinda sad, because it's the start of the dungeon)
IIRC in master quest it wasSolarKnight said:What the Deku told you? That's to know the right order to hit the Dekus guarding the door to the boss.
Speaking of that, they never do tell you the order in MQ do they? I had pretty much do trial and error.
And you have to take into account that they're mirrored now, so the order is different in 3D MQ to 2D MQ.GaimeGuy said:IIRC in master quest it wasreversed. 1 3 2
Cygnus X-1 said:I finished the game right in this moment. My impressions: I'm speechless. A lifting was enough to restore the original shining light the game had back in 1998. A light that put all other games into the oblivion!
If the game is the best ever made; if it is perfect; if it surpass everything: that's a matter of opinions!
But let me say this: every fucking developer of the world should learn from this masterpiece, so that every game can be as fun and with the ability to keep you playing till the very end!
In no other game I played in last 20 years I could find one that could give me as many chills of excitement as Ocarina of Time. Never!!!
TheExodu5 said:I don't know. I think it's fun, but I'm not that amazed by the game. Only at the Fire Temple...kind of bored of it now.
The game feels fairly shallow, the puzzles have been mostly uninteresting, unimaginative, and unchallenging. The bosses have been a major letdown after how much people had been building them up. The only difficulty in the game comes from needing to explore every nook and cranny just to find out where to go next. For example, hiding the hookshot in a little grave was terrible.
PKrockin said:Really? (spoiler for this part of the game obviously)Shiek tells you as soon as you become Adult Link that you need to go to Kakariko Village, then once you get there the first two guys you see talk about Dampe the Gravekeeper's ghost floating around or whatever. You go to the graveyard, you notice a few graves have flowers in front of them, and through further investigation you can pull them open. Not exactly Castlevania II stuff here, the game always tells you where to go and hints what you should do. What do you want, a little golden Fable 3 trail leading to the next item?
Roto13 said:If you hate talking to people and exploring to find things, adventure games are not for you.
Roto13 said:Just got my soundtrack CD. I may or may not open it.![]()
Same, I got one from NOA and all I did was register my game, I don't remember hitting a button on the website... either way, AWESOME!Roto13 said:Just got my soundtrack CD. I may or may not open it.![]()
Lord Ghirahim said:
Come back later when you have the boomerang.Neo Child said:Finished the game on normal, starting on Master Quest now.
Just tanned through the Deku Tree, I mean it's still easy but I did die once. It's basically brand new, theres graves, new rooms and re-arranged items - not to mention the whole things me by suprise cause I could do the Deku Tree blindfolded in the normal quest.
I'm gunna make this a proper 100% runthrough, all items, all skulltulas etc. One problem... in one of the rooms in the Deku Tree there was a Skulltula on the wall, I killed it but have no idea how to get it... couldn't back-flip or sword jump to get it, was just too high =[
Any ideas?
Thank you very much!AbsoluteZero said:Okay, I just grabbed the official art from the web and re-typset the wording.
NOE is on a role it seems.AniHawk said:man how come europe gets the robin williams. i want the robin williams.
I never, ever undrstood what people were hanging up over such an easy dungeon. All i had to do was glance on the map and switch a few floors and I'd know which places I haven't visited. I have only backtracked *once* because I missed a key on the second water level floor (the one where you have toEffect said:I really hate the Water Temple. I really do. So frustrating. I've gotten up as far as the water fall room with the moving platforms but I can't get another key. I think I have to get to the hall that is behind a gate that is lowered by shooting an arrow into an eye. Yet can't seem to make it across in time. Can't hook shot across and by the time I get into the water and up on the platform the gate is down every time. Ugh. I guess I need to find a guide but does anyone know what else I'm suppose to do?
Thinking back on things I think this is as far as I got on the original version of the game back on the N64. I got so frustrated, don't remember if I had a guide or not, and gave up. I think this is when I started to focus more on the PS1. I remember feeling things were more fair on the PS1 in terms of game difficulty.
KarmaCow said:So what were the other easter eggs in the game? I know about.the Skyward Sword art in Gerudo Fortress