Hey, thanks!I think Jocchan's OP should be on the GAF guidelines as "how to make a GAF |OT|", such a nice balance between eye-pleasing and informative without being overbloated.
What a nice job.
Hey, thanks!I think Jocchan's OP should be on the GAF guidelines as "how to make a GAF |OT|", such a nice balance between eye-pleasing and informative without being overbloated.
What a nice job.
I stopped at Gerudo Fortress. That's always been my least favourite part of the game, though. Always get stuck on the last dude.
I stopped at Gerudo Fortress. That's always been my least favourite part of the game, though. Always get stuck on the last dude.
Finally got more time to play this as I didn't have my consoles at my parents for the holidays. I'm about 8 hours in, how far through the game am I? I justgot through the fire dungeon and got the second out of three stones.
Finally got more time to play this as I didn't have my consoles at my parents for the holidays. I'm about 8 hours in, how far through the game am I? I justgot through the fire dungeon and got the second out of three stones.
You're not even half way.
Spoiler alert for a 13 year old game?
Finally got more time to play this as I didn't have my consoles at my parents for the holidays. I'm about 8 hours in, how far through the game am I? I justgot through the fire dungeon and got the second out of three stones.
I stopped at Gerudo Fortress. That's always been my least favourite part of the game, though. Always get stuck on the last dude.
Finally got more time to play this as I didn't have my consoles at my parents for the holidays. I'm about 8 hours in, how far through the game am I? I justgot through the fire dungeon and got the second out of three stones.
Strange, this was one of my favorite parts on my last plathrough. Running around the corners with the Bow drawn, Z-Targeting and blam, a hit from far away. So awesome.
Me too, there's always the same dude I miss all the time and pass right in front of it.
I did beat MQ though, didn't get all the hearts though
No, and yes.Btw, are theabsolutely required to beat the game (missed clearing theice arrowsand I'd prefer not having to do it now, it's a pain in the ass)?Gerudo's trial
I'm stuck in the first room of theTemple, I've got those mouse-bombs but maybe to go forward I need to becomedesertto crawla child?in the left side wall's hole
How do you guys recommend playing this, would using a guide for somethings dampen the experience? I usually never use guides, but I feel like I am missing things like heart containers and side quests.
Finally got more time to play this as I didn't have my consoles at my parents for the holidays. I'm about 8 hours in, how far through the game am I? I justgot through the fire dungeon and got the second out of three stones.
My only real disappointments with the game are the N64-like voice and music samples and the boxy geometry to the levels. Apart from that, most of the faults reside within the original game itself. The first dungeon or two is so simplistic that the only thing that sustains it is the remastered graphics, which actually have the power to surprise and impress. The indoor environments and some of the effects are enough to make everything worth revisiting. And as much as I would've liked them to improve the world's structure, I'm kind of glad that they preserved it. The entire world has the illusion of size, even if, in practice, it's quite small.
The music was re-recorded for this iteration of the game according to the Iwata Asks interview. Or is this not what you meant?
It was re-recorded to slavishly and painstakingly emulate the sound in the original.
I'd have preferred the sound updated, personally.
I wish there'd be new audio and old audio
I wish there'd be new audio and old audio
I mean that it still sounds heavily synthesized. The voices are the worst aspect. I feel that there is a strong dissonance created between the improved graphics and the outdated sounds. It doesn't make sense to have complete fidelity to one but not the other.The music was re-recorded for this iteration of the game according to the Iwata Asks interview. Or is this not what you meant?
I mean that it still sounds heavily synthesized. The voices are the worst aspect. I feel that there is a strong dissonance created between the improved graphics and the outdated sounds. It doesn't make sense to have complete fidelity to one but not the other.
13 Years Later....
I still get stuck at the Water Temple like a fucking moron.
But it's so freaking easy now with all the visual clues and colors D:
Yeah but I missed a key... lol. Also... fuck Morpha
All, I'm playing OOT and it keeps freezing. Has anyone else had this problem? I have to reset the system to unlock the 3DS. Seems to happen no matter what I do after a minute or two of gameplay. There isn't much on the net about freezes either. Some folks say closing the system fixes the freeze but in my case that does not work. I only am having this problem with OOT. Devil Survivor overclocked plays perfectly and I just beat that game with no freezes so I am pretty sure its not the 3DS itself that's broken.
Anyone have any fixes or experience with this problem?
Im ashamed to say this but ive never played this game. When it first came out I was 18-19 years old and during this time was more interested in going out drinking and fooling around. Wife has just sent me a text saying shes got me a 3DS game as an extra xmas pressie and im pretty sure its this as she had been asking me what other games I wanted for the 3DS.
So looking forward to it. Im just concerned that the gameplay might seem dated or have I nothing to worry about? Whats the average completion time with or without side quests etc?
Cant stop playing Zen pinball at present though!!! That game is like crack!![]()
Hey Woo, I did everything you mentioned and then some. I live in the Philippines so can't really send the game to Nintendo. Unfortunately I think the cart is FUBAR since this issue only happens with OOT. Not sure if I'll buy a replacement or not but thanks for the suggestions.
Thanks for the info woo. Yep she has indeed bought me it so roll on xmas day night when I can chill once little girl is in bed. Dont know why im worried about it feeling dated. I still play a load of retro games dating back to early eighties. Seems that oot is perfectly suited for the 3DS.
I wont be rushing it thats for sure. Its the kind of game that will probably take me all year to finish as ill no doubt take a break once resi and mgs3 arrive. Really looking forward to those 2 as well. My favourite franchises of all time and think snake eater is the best of the lot.
Certainly is a good time to be a 3DS owner.
Got the Limited Zelda Edition 3DS with Ocarina of Time. I remember not liking it at the time, but now I am enjoying it greatly.
Question : is it only me or this game has quite an agressive 3D mode ? I mean, I don't have any problem with MK7 and SM3DL, but with this OOT, if I put the 3D to the max the picture is like triple-layered (I know it's difficult to describe). I have to put it really low to enjoy 3D without having this problem.
Hmm, I came across a bizarre bug at the very end of the game and I don't know what to do.
So, yesterday I had some time to spare so I've decided to pop OoT in and kill Ganon once again, just for the endgame. So i start playing, teleport to Temple of Time, take up Master Sword and head for Ganon's Castle. I enter and bam, can't access the tower in the middle. There is no beam from Forest Temple trial, but when I get to the end of it that structure you have to shoot with Light Arrow simply isn't there. What the hell? Had anyone come across something similar? Or at least heard of it cause I can't even find through google anyone who had this.
[Nintex];33739249 said:Use the lens of truth?
Maybe you discovered another timeline.