The motion aiming works far, far better than I could have imagined. It's actually easier than the analogue slider, and far faster. Looking around a new area is awesome.
Android18a said:The motion aiming works far, far better than I could have imagined. It's actually easier than the analogue slider, and far faster. Looking around a new area is awesome.
Naked Snake said:Game is $35 at with free shipping. Amazon is pissing me off now.
Honestly, I'm so f-ing confused by the UAE. I thought that they were under the same compatibility region as Europe, the last time I checked.Pomegranate said:The Saudi Arabia/UAE/Malaysia version (same as US version) uses the European art for the box:
Why do we at the US always get the crappy boxarts![]()
Cool free ringtones for everyone! ( ´∀`)Sir_Crocodile said:Take it for what it's worth, but when I called nintendo earlier to complain about this, the support guy said they'd sort something out for the people this have happened to. here's hoping.
Mantorok said:Is the battery-life really only a couple of hours!?
I'm seriously considering getting the 3DS bundle with Zelda, but my only issue is that in a years time there may be a 3DS-lite (or whatever it's called) that boasts better battery life etc.
I suppose because the game is not designed around a free roaming camera.jump_button said:Why is the camera not on the D-pad?
Naked Snake said:Game is $35 at with free shipping. Amazon is pissing me off now.
BGBW said:the d-pad free for the camera. So there's a bit of hope for real Zelda 3DS.
You left out the "3-" part.AceBandage said:Uh, it's like 5 hours with everything maxed.
Mantorok said:Is the battery-life really only a couple of hours!?
I'm seriously considering getting the 3DS bundle with Zelda, but my only issue is that in a years time there may be a 3DS-lite (or whatever it's called) that boasts better battery life etc.
Reggie already gave away your copy to an audience member on some show presented by some bloke called Jimmy Fallon.iyox said:It seems like this is a botched release. I can't find any midnight release locations. Considering all the people who have their copies already, I doubt I will be able to get the soundtrack after waiting for Target to open tomorrow.
I hope not, for your sake.Inferno313 said:My girlfriend bought this for me off of Amazon. It should arrive on Tuesday or so... You guys don't think the CDs will have run out by then, do you?
Relix said:3DS should get close to 200K sales in June. Ridiculous how many people I know want to get this game and a 3DS. (me included)
Didn't really think it deserved a spoiler. I didn't say anything really.Shin_Kojima said:Spoilertag that shit bro
besiktas1 said:I'm gettings errors in getting a free sound track. Is this normal?
besiktas1 said:I'm gettings errors in getting a free sound track. Is this normal?
I emailed them about this. No reply yet.jump_button said:got the same :/
That's what it is for me. The DS pretty much had shit at launch as well. Super Mario 64 was probably the biggest one. I'm going to be ordering my 3ds next week probably. Part of buying a console at launch time is the future promise of games(e3 showed off a decent amount).Cygnus X-1 said:This confirm that 3DS mostly had one problem: no games. The first great game of course will make lot of people buy the handheld. I was one of these people and I'm glad I did because 3D effect is really great. Expensive as hell, but it was worth it.
Futureman said:It says RIGHT on the promotion page "Offer Starts 6/19."
I really don't get why everyone is so worried over the free CD promotion. I'm sure NOA realizes that the game is being sold ahead of the release date. I bet if you buy within June and do the survey you'll be fine.
Alrus said:But not everyone is from NA you know.
Dedication Through Light said:Hm 41 pages wow...well it'll be my first time playing a zelda game ever, tomorrow, But I was looking at guides, I guess the game is still at the core the same so old guides for the original version are still relevant or not?
It is not "normal" but it is the current situation for everyone since later yesterday, yes.besiktas1 said:I'm gettings errors in getting a free sound track. Is this normal?
besiktas1 said:I'm gettings errors in getting a free sound track. Is this normal?
wwm0nkey said:Guys it says right on the damn thing it starts TOMORROW! Hold the hell on and just wait till the promotion actually starts.
hamchan said:You first timers will never experience the true horrors of the water temple.
Zoda said:This game looks amazing, and I loved OoT64, but I have a question.
Is it worth buying a 3DS now? Or should I wait a year or two for the inevitable 3DS Lite with a price drop?
Yeah.Big Papa Husker said:So what time will we be able to register for the soundtrack? Midnight Pacific Time?