I think that added quite a lot to immersion. Hope they'll make a return to that with the new next gen power. Dragon Age Inquisition seems to be already going for big hub worlds.
I think it wont hurt if they offer both options. Most open world games offer a fast travel system anyway.It was awesome the first time. After that, i simply use the taxi terminals as much as i can. Shepard can't run outside of combat in ME1 and elevators are too slow, so it kinda takes forever to get from one place to another without taxis when you've already seen that version of the Citadel a lot of times.
The only awesome thing about the Citadel from ME1 is that its huge and its floors are actually linked together, not some levels hiding behind a loading screen. The look of the Citadel itself isn't that interesting. Just sky blue and gray walls everywhere with nearly empty rooms. It didn't look like an interesting place to live in. Give me the Citadel from the last ME3 DLC anyday. Actually, with the new area that the Citadel DLC unlock, i'm sure the ME3 Citadel is bigger than the ME1 one.
I wonder how they are going to carry saves over from last gen consoles to this gen. I was even thinking of switching from PC to PS4 but if save files are kept I will stay PC (Got all the DLC on PC anyways).
I'll have to check that out. I didn't play any of the ME3 dlc yet.
Also, I would like for them to bring back rechargeable weapons from ME1. The ammo thing didn't really work well and was kind of pointless.
ME3 hinted that the synthesis ending is the "correct" ending for Shepard. There's a cutscene showing The Illusive Man selecting the control ending and Anderson selecting the destroy ending. This strongly hints that the synthesis ending is the one you should choose. Not to mention the whole game has been building up to this, as you have been trying to keep other races fighting, forcing them to compromise. The last selection is the ultimate compromise.
Saying that, the effect every character had on after the synthesis selection looked damn stupid, and it would not work if used in a sequel.
Again it wasn't a serious ending it was a choice for the players, it was the "Perfect" ending but not at all a canon ending. Plus Destroy ending is the only one with the teaser afterward hinting that Shepard might live, but it's all meaningless. Synthesis is space magic. Control is technically possible, but still too far out there and creates far too many plot issues for later titles. Destroy in some variation is the only option.
I disagree. ME3 MP pretty much nails the balance. The entire Gameplay loop needs to take what was learned from ME3 MP and tweak it for large open maps. It's very important for the high powered weapons (Harrier) to have some shortcoming. This is one of the keys to promoting variety. The Lancer kicks like a mule, but still hits hard and is fairly lightweight. It also has the classic ME1 overheat system and is one of my favorite weapons.Also, I would like for them to bring back rechargeable weapons from ME1. The ammo thing didn't really work well and was kind of pointless.
Not everything have to be about the major battles.People keep envisioning the First Contact War as this super interesting thing, but there were basically only two major battles (the fall of Shanxshi, and the liberation of Shanxshi).
Not everything have to be about the major battles.
In fact, one might argue that the series is at its best when there's no battle at all.
The Journey of Anderson (as I like to call it) will be about the first contact war and its aftermath. There's like what, 25+ years between that war and the event of Mass Effect. I'm sure they could find something interesting there for Anderson to explore.
Keep the dream alive brothers and sisters.
The wait for ME4 MP is starting to dawn on me.
I feel the same. Left a lasting impression. Did not expect it to be this good. Free DLC was a great deal sweetener.What I admire most is how the formula, content, and depth of tactics grew from that early pre-launch demo to after the last DLC pack dropped. At first the prospect of multiplayer co-op wave based Mass Effect seemed dumb, but the demo surprised. Then the tactics opened up, and the DLC expanded the formula further. I honestly feel the combat of ME3's multiplayer surpassed any single one encounter or build in the entire single player campaign across all three games.
They're not going to make a ME game with two fights in it. Every game in the series is probably 50% combat by duration.
There are only a handful of examples from the single player campaigns that I'd even put up for discussion. Even then most of those encounters would be praised in large part because of their cinematic experiences. Something like the last Citadel visit in Mass Effect 1. The variety they achieved with ME3 MP has held my attention more than any other high profile multiplayer game. It's impressive how much the game evolved. Power creep played a part*, but the difference in my own play is vast. That was just a taste of what a small team could do. This is one of the few instances where a sequel could make small refinements or change everything and either would work.What I admire most is how the formula, content, and depth of tactics grew from that early pre-launch demo to after the last DLC pack dropped. At first the prospect of multiplayer co-op wave based Mass Effect seemed dumb, but the demo surprised. Then the tactics opened up, and the DLC expanded the formula further. I honestly feel the combat of ME3's multiplayer surpassed any single one encounter or build in the entire single player campaign across all three games.
Who cares about that? GAF will have issues with it even if it is good.
Shinobi ask about biotic improvements! The best gameplay upgrade from 1 to 2 was the addition of explosions. My body is ready for the next level beyond that.
It's kinda funny how the majority of explosions in ME3 (tech, cryo, fire, bio) ability interactions were barely even explained in the game. It was only after playing a fair bit of multi-player do you understand the depth of all this, and even then I had look at the wiki for a bunch.
They really should explain that stuff better in the game.
It's good to see all the love for ME3 MP. I worked on the audio for it and I can tell you guys that the MP/Gameplay team worked their goddamn asses off to prove everyone wrong. They were a well oiled machine by the end, and it was because they loved the game so much that they played it non-stop during the entire development. They would routinely work long days and then go home and play MP all night together. It was inspiring to watch and I feel honored to have been a part of it.
In game development there are very occasional rare moments where a small team is so focused and perfectly synchronized that they can see the matrix for a little while, and great things are born. This was one of them.
It's good to see all the love for ME3 MP. I worked on the audio for it and I can tell you guys that the MP/Gameplay team worked their goddamn asses off to prove everyone wrong. They were a well oiled machine by the end, and it was because they loved the game so much that they played it non-stop during the entire development. They would routinely work long days and then go home and play MP all night together. It was inspiring to watch and I feel honored to have been a part of it.
In game development there are very occasional rare moments where a small team is so focused and perfectly synchronized that they can see the matrix for a little while, and great things are born. This was one of them.
It's good to see all the love for ME3 MP. I worked on the audio for it and I can tell you guys that the MP/Gameplay team worked their goddamn asses off to prove everyone wrong. They were a well oiled machine by the end, and it was because they loved the game so much that they played it non-stop during the entire development. They would routinely work long days and then go home and play MP all night together. It was inspiring to watch and I feel honored to have been a part of it.
In game development there are very occasional rare moments where a small team is so focused and perfectly synchronized that they can see the matrix for a little while, and great things are born. This was one of them.
So are you the one I have to thank for thbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr? That was my favorite bug! Mass Effect multiplayer was a no-win situation that somehow succeeded spectacularly. Hats off.It's good to see all the love for ME3 MP. I worked on the audio for it and I can tell you guys that the MP/Gameplay team worked their goddamn asses off to prove everyone wrong. They were a well oiled machine by the end, and it was because they loved the game so much that they played it non-stop during the entire development. They would routinely work long days and then go home and play MP all night together. It was inspiring to watch and I feel honored to have been a part of it.
In game development there are very occasional rare moments where a small team is so focused and perfectly synchronized that they can see the matrix for a little while, and great things are born. This was one of them.
Today's sprint presentation was breath-taking. I deeply want to play this game I'm making with this team. #MassEffect
Oh, holy shit. I envy the player who will experience this game as a completed whole. Not that I'd give up making it, of course #masseffect
New Mass Effect update. Our art team is fucking sick. End transmission.
Let's just hope the new game will be a sequel, and that those filthy Krogan vermin will be extinct by then. Praise the Genophage!
I'm starting to hate these guys with their teasings.![]()
Mac Walters ‏@macwalterslives
After an intense week of narrative meetings for #masseffect ... The future looks brighter than ever. #NewBeginnings
You just had to slap me back into reality...*During feedback meeting*
Mac : "Not enough space ninjas. Add more space ninjas"
Jay : ""
Probably hovering around zero. It's likely there will be no import option so they can have a fresh start with everyone on the same page.I know this most definitely not a continuation or sequel to ME3, but what are the chances of getting closure on Shepards story?
I don't get emotionally involved with games but Mass Effect struck a chord with me, I've put 500+ hours into all 3 games combined and I've come to terms with the ending thanks to Extended Cut and Leviathan.
To leave me hanging with the Destruct ending is a massive kick in the balls considering Bioware has said thatShepard lives and the love interest refuses to believe that Shepard is dead by not placing the name on the memorial and that there is hope that they could be together again
You just had to slap me back into reality...
Mac.....MAAAAAAAAAAC!!! Stay away, STAY AWAY.
Ya'll are too slow to be ninjasDon't worry, this time the space ninjas will be.krogans