Ivory Samoan
Gold Member
The video was great. I'm afraid to check out the thread in Gaming though.
It's literally the best Mass Effect thread I've ever seen on GAF.
It's made me all warm and fuzzy inside to be quite honest.....finally.
The video was great. I'm afraid to check out the thread in Gaming though.
It's literally the best Mass Effect thread I've ever seen on GAF.
It's made me all warm and fuzzy inside to be quite honest.....finally.
👁@GambleMike said:
With Andromeda getting closer and closer, I've been getting back into ME3MP and man did I forget how annoying phantoms are. I was trying to solo cerberus on gold and got sync killed by one of them on wave 10. Not only are phantoms really tough to hit, their hand lasers can bring down my shields in a single shot making them dangerous at any distance. I really hope that in Andromeda they make it so that you're not locked into sync-kills anymore and that they're clearly telegraphed because holy shit it's frustrating here.
Have we seen if the time dilation sniping is still in? Yesterday's video didn't seem to have it.
Also damn. Sara Ryder derangement syndrome is strong and if anything became even stronger with the 1 second clip in the latest video.
Knight-enchanter on Tumblr went and compiled recent info out of dev twitter feeds. I noticed this thanks to Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/5upwqv/compilation_of_recent_tweets_from_mea_designers/
- Narrative is purely the lowest difficulty setting, not comparable to ME3′s action mode which removed dialogue choice in favor of pre-scripted cutscenes
- PC gamers are probably able to adjust their FOV
- Mechanically, power cells work like grenade ammo did in ME3
- Well see a mix of old, new, and revised powers. Pull, for instance, incorporates elements of Lift
- Generally speaking there are counterbalances built into the crafting system to prevent you making super OP weapons
- Theres aim assist, and you can disable it if you wish, on all platforms
- You can keep playing the game after finishing the main story - the majority of content including loyalty missions remains available
- Digital copies of the game will definitely have pre-load. Exact date currently uncertain but it will be close to launch
- We still need to strip away barriers and shields before the fun part of using biotics on enemies begins
- SMGs are still in the game, filed under the pistols category along with hand cannon pistols for the sake of simplicity
- If you want to you can keep leveling up til you max out every skill, but well likely need to start NG+ at least once to pull that off (Ian later tweeted that it might be possible to do it in one run, but he doubts it, and added that youll likely need more than one run to pull it off ). You can do more than one NG+ with the same character
- More info to come on modding and crafting
- Theres definitely no first person view
- Drack was described as grizzled and someone who loves to blow things up
- Supposedly nobody knows how long krogan can live as they do not tend to die of old age
- vfx and colors for abilities are set, we dont select those
- Dpad and left analogue stick both work when navigating through menus
- Cora and Drack are a fun combination in combat, especially if you spec him for fire priming and her for charges that detonate combos
- If Im interpreting the tweets right, the meeting Drack scene was one of a cinematic designers favorite scenes to work on . Tom Taylorson commented that it was one of the easiest scenes to voiceact for (just obvious how to perform due to the awesomeness of the writing)
- Theres no crouch button, you automatically crouch when you take cover against something low
- We can switch profiles in the field. Theyll be showing more about the Favorites feature in the next gameplay vid
- The game is SLi friendly (edit: I think this means SLi compatible, its a specs thing, see here/here)
- Jason Eldred (gameplay designer) is the person to thank for Ryder being able to hold and control Pulls. Apparently hes done some really cool stuff with the powers
- In multiplayer there are only drops, not a crafting system like in DA:I. You can apply mods to weapons, but it is not crafting exactly
- When you start NG+, your level carries over, along with most of your non-narrative progression
- Some weapons and armor are only craftable for narrative reasons, but most drop as loot
- Squad commands will be covered in the next gameplay vid
- Adjectives which most describe Cora in Andromeda, per her writer: Professional, supportive, fearless.
- Seems the games ESRB rating has been updated a bit. Partial nudity now reads just nudity
- In multiplayer you can reach max level and then start again from level 1 if you want. Q. But will this promotion give u any benefits (like ME3MP N7 rating or DAIMP stats; maybe achievements)? -> A. No, we'd call this "resetting." We don't do promotions, but we have another mechanic that serves that role
- You cant really get stuck in cover as it is now not magnetic but all very fluid and smooth. To enter cover all you have to do is approach with your gun drawn - Your body animation and an icon in the HUD help msg that you're in cover.
- Peebees writer (who wrote the Sith Warrior storyline in SW:TOR) says that there are some similarities between Vette (SW companion) and Peebee but that Peebee is a very different character
- Peebees writer wrote another character in the game too
- You can swap camera shoulder whenever you want for optimal visibility
- Characters pop in and out of the Nomad as opposed to an exit/enter animation. There used to be such an animation in development but it was removed as they found it annoying
- Using the Nomad with 4 or 6 wheel changes the way it feels and handles, especially on steep inclines
- Theres an answer to why the N7 Piranha, a weapon that was designed for the Reaper War, appears in the game
- Q. Through crafting, can you use resources to upgrade your gun to higher levels? ie level up a Mattock I to a Mattock IV? -> A. Yes and no. You don't "upgrade" a gun from III to IV, per se, but you can outright craft a IV.
- Ryder holds the foregrip of SMGs properly (in contrast to the original trilogy); the animation team did some extra magic for SMGs
- Q. So what are the chances Cerberus will be in the ME:A timeline? -> A. Low.
- Aaryn Flynn re-emphasized that there are relationships that do not culminate in sex
- High impact sniper rifles are definitely in the game
- Loot/crates in multiplayer is ME3-style. They say theyve made improvements to the rng (for drop rates etc)
- Keep an eye on IGN for upcoming Andromeda coverage
One of my favourite areas of the series.
Have we seen if the time dilation sniping is still in? Yesterday's video didn't seem to have it.
Also damn. Sara Ryder derangement syndrome is strong and if anything became even stronger with the 1 second clip in the latest video.
I used to know all the tricks to manage their postures. Melee vs Cerberus was fun because everyone thought you were crazy. Smashing them with a Krogan Warlord or popping heads with a Batarian was very satisfying. The two tricky things to look out for were teammates that activated the first melee strike allowing Phantoms to immediately sync you and Phantoms could also melee strike mid-charge or cloak-charge (Shadow) and then they sync killed you as soon as you were in range.With Andromeda getting closer and closer, I've been getting back into ME3MP and man did I forget how annoying phantoms are. I was trying to solo cerberus on gold and got sync killed by one of them on wave 10. Not only are phantoms really tough to hit, their hand lasers can bring down my shields in a single shot making them dangerous at any distance. I really hope that in Andromeda they make it so that you're not locked into sync-kills anymore and that they're clearly telegraphed because holy shit it's frustrating here.
It seems that time dilation is out. I noticed adrenaline rush was gone too. I'm guessing they are following the same philosophy as Bungie does with Destiny in that they want the single player (pve) and multiplayer (crucible) to play identically as far as combat mechanics go.
I still personally think adrenaline rush is in as profile bonus.
That would be a bummer. Made the headshots that much more brutal and satisfying.It seems that time dilation is out. I noticed adrenaline rush was gone too. I'm guessing they are following the same philosophy as Bungie does with Destiny in that they want the single player (pve) and multiplayer (crucible) to play identically as far as combat mechanics go.
From the screens Tovarisc was kind enough to post for us, profiles just look like buffs to those skills, not new skills and abilities.
Profiles can definitely include passive ability buffs. Active soldiers get bonuses to chained kills, and engineers get a drone.
Were those in latest trailer? I missed them?![]()
Nvidia CES trailer.
Turbocharge seems the closest combat skill related to adrenaline rush, though it doesn't appeal to dilate time, unless that's a late tree unlock.
Profiles can definitely include passive ability buffs. Active soldiers get bonuses to chained kills, and engineers get a drone.
Turbocharge seems the closest combat skill related to adrenaline rush, though it doesn't appeal to dilate time, unless that's a late tree unlock.
If you want to you can keep leveling up til you max out every skill, but well likely need to start NG+ at least once to pull that off (Ian later tweeted that it might be possible to do it in one run, but he doubts it, and added that youll likely need more than one run to pull it off ). You can do more than one NG+ with the same character
- PC gamers are probably able to adjust their FOV
- Q. So what are the chances Cerberus will be in the ME:A timeline? -> A. Low.
Ryder's character kit was updated with a newer image. Scott's as well. Still think she looks perfectly fine.
Huh, the video is already at 2.2 mil views. Is that fast, or in line with the trajectory of the rest of the games?
Ryder's character kit was updated with a newer image. Scott's as well. Still think she looks perfectly fine.
I think she looks good in that new pic, still got some Gnome like qualities, but overall OK.
I'll be doing the character creator though, want to make a Ciri-esque Ryder.
I can't decide if I want Origin Access so I can play ME3 on PC or not. I kinda want to, but same time I know that it won't have any of DLC that can be considered mandatory for experience.
Also would need to dig up save creator to get that importable state.
Get Origin Access, it's worth it but don't play ME3 without the dlc. You get an early 10 hour trial for Andromeda and a 10% discount.
just beat yakuza 0 yesterday. i don't want to get horizon zero dawn at launch so i'm wondering if i should get mass effect.
Mass Effect is still a month away. I'm planning to squeeze Horizon and Nier in between.
just beat yakuza 0 yesterday. i don't want to get horizon zero dawn at launch so i'm wondering if i should get mass effect.