That could easily pass for ten different SF franchises, tbh. Although that's as much ME's issue as it is those renders.
That could easily pass for ten different SF franchises, tbh. Although that's as much ME's issue as it is those renders.
Advice, if you've already beaten ME3: Get at least the Citadel DLC, play through ME3 to just before the point of no return. Then play the Citadel DLC. That now becomes your ending. After completing that, turn off the system.
I guarantee you will leave with much better feelings towards ME than you did after getting the "real ending".
Ah found it:
If you had asked him this question for ME1-3, I doubt he'd have said it any differently.
I only wish that the extended cut ending (the one where the battle against the reapers is lost- and a hologram of liara is left for future generations) was made canon. That way I feel that the series could have continued in a meaningful way.
Yeah, you can't make a game without humans.But then that would mean that the Reapers would have succeed in eradicating all the races. So you would have to say goodbye to turians, krogans, asaris, salarians, drells, volus, and i can go on. A sequel like that wouldn't even be Mass Effect anymore.
Well they did look really good. The character models were pretty superb when ME launched in 2007.
Mostly true for non-human female characters.
That said I remember this showing a rather poor side of ME's modelling and reiterated the issue that we still have, i.e. lack of proper animation from under the chin down to the neck (including adam's apple) which can lead to some awkward looking models:
I still need to finish my Femshep run of all 3 games. I'm on ME2 right now
Also the picture in the OP is invalid due to a lack of Wrex.
Does anyone want a different type of shooter or genre for the next game?
Yeah, what's up with that? Who is insane enough to kill him in ME1 other than for curiosity?
Someone with a tweeter account need to ask Yanick Roy what to expect with animations. Maybe we'll get an answer if we're lucky.
He's been pretty good with answering any inquiries I have, I'll give it a shot![]()
Nice, keep asking!Also
*Krogan's high five*
(which mean headbutt)
Not really detailed, but hey at least they're most likely going to work on it:
Whilst the animations and crappy textures were janky one of the biggest issues for me was the "magically appearing weapon" in in-game cutscenes. You know the kind of thing you spend most of the game with the Mattock because you love it then bang a cutscene happens and magically Shepard is now sporting the fucking Avenger for a cutscene.
Whilst the animations and crappy textures were janky one of the biggest issues for me was the "magically appearing weapon" in in-game cutscenes. You know the kind of thing you spend most of the game with the Mattock because you love it then bang a cutscene happens and magically Shepard is now sporting the fucking Avenger for a cutscene.
Thanks for asking questions shinobi, hopefully he doesn't get tired of your questions. ;p
Hopefully not, because he's going to be getting a lot of them until launch![]()
dont think i've ever been as excited for the potential future of a new IP as I was after I played the first Mass Effect
then 2 and 3 happened
fool me once..
As much as I hate 3 i'll definetly give them a chance with whatever the announcement/first footage is.
The dwarf's name is Varric and the woman in the last gif is Morrigan
Nice GIFs, makes me want to put some images together and post too. *starts googling*
Also can you imagine playing ME4 with character fidelity very close to this:
Is that from SW:TFU2? If not where?
Also can you imagine playing ME4 with character fidelity very close to this:
I beat ME3 today. A little disappointed by the finale, but no complaints with the ending. I found this one too be far too heavy on the linear cover shooter mechanics. Additionally, basically all of my characters in ME2 died and thus I only got Edi, James and Liara for the entirety of ME3. A little lame for me.
That being said, I'm still very stoked for next gen Mass Effect. I want more options, more conversation and a deeper squad system if they are going to stick with it.