TAJ said:I went to Gamestop as early as I could, (4:30PM) but it didn't matter because they didn't have the game anyway.
I said, "This is one of several reasons that I never pre-order." Hell, I've bought games on Saturday that Gamestop didn't get in until Wednesday.
Anyway, I said, "Oh, well... I guess it's OK as long as I don't get screwed out of the thing I pre-ordered for."
One of the clerks said, "Oh, about that... When did you pre-order?"
"Two weeks ago. The guy counted the pre-order bonuses, or at least pretended to, and told me that I'd be good."
/guy looks at my receipt
"We don't have any codes yet, but we're only getting two, and you're number four on the list."
Then one of the clerks started ringing up a full cash refund on my pre-order even though I'd payed part of it off in store credit.
So yeah, score one for the two guys working at the time, but fuck the guy who rang up my pre-order. I would have ordered somewhere else if he hadn't lied to me.
Anyway, now I'm not buying the game until it's marked down to $25. I'm not buying Banjo XBLA until then, either.
Anasui Kishibe said:fuuuuUUCK
Tooie was one gigantic helluva game..man, it was really huge. Terrible framerate though..will buy day one
Anasui Kishibe said:fuuuuUUCK
Tooie was one gigantic helluva game..man, it was really huge. Terrible framerate though..will buy day one
14th. Thats what mine says anyway.burgerdog said:When should we expect this if we ordered from amazon with 2 day shipping?
Even someone who pre-ordered yesterday not getting one is bullshit. Bait-and-switch pisses me the fuck off.Fantastical said:I preordered the game, I believe, the day after the preorder bonus was announced, so if I don't get a code it's fucking bullshit.
JSnake said:Tooie was amazing. Way better than the first imo. Improved on it in every way. And the graphics for the time, they amaze! :O
_Alkaline_ said:I have to disagree. Just my opinion though.
BK was (and still is) one of my favourite games of all time. Tooie, for me at least, just didn't have the same feeling. It starts off promising, but in a similar vein to DK64 (though BT beats the crap out of that game), just becomes too big for its own good. The worlds become too big and confusing, the items too many and too spread apart, and it just doesn't have that spark that BK had.
It's not that BT is a bad game - it's still great - but I think Rare took it too far. There's just too much of everything, causing the game to overstay its welcome. It looks nice, it sounds great, but it doesn't match up where it matters.
Rez>You said:Maybe it's because Tooie was my first Banjo game (and one of my first N64 games), but I personally think that some of the levels in the game were genius.
Grunty Industries blew my mind as a kid. <3
Once again, it might be nostalgia talking. I'm looking forward to playing through it again on XBLA.
Nuts and Bolts shows that Rare is still a respectable think tank capable of delivering experiences unlike anything else, but this game also clings onto a few annoying elements from the companys past. The biggest one, which the game openly ridicules, is the concept of scouring environments to collect items. Sadly, the items you must collect are new part types for your vehicles. If you want to have a deep LEGO box, you have to dedicate time to hunting for them.
Annoying collect-a-thon aside, Nuts and Bolts is a rare delight that offers up big laughs and inventive gameplay. It also ends up being the closest thing there is to a virtual LEGO set.
The game's new vehicle-based emphasis will probably turn off some long-time fans but I really enjoyed the game's premise. There's an incredibly deep garage tool where you can literally build vehicles of all shapes and sizes from the ground up-if you can imagine it, odds are you can build it and the feeling you get when you complete a difficult challenge with a custom-built rig that you hand built is simply unmatched. [...] Nuts & Bolts isn't for everyone and some hardcore platforming fans will no doubt pine for a return to the series roots but I found enough charm and innovation in the vehicle based gameplay, cleverly written script and deep customization options to keep me playing long into the night.
gnarkill bill said:Only 2 codes? what the hell...
Susurrus said:Why do people still preorder at Gamestop? They rarely have games in on time, and preorder bonuses there are a joke.
Remember console release fiasco? Preordered WAY more than they would have.
SapientWolf said:Whoa. How many weapons are in the full game? The egg shooter in the demo didn't really do it for me.
bryehn said:Cancelled pre-order thanks to EB Games' code bullshit. Too bad they were the only Canadian retailer offering the code, now I just won't buy either...at least till January.
Who's to blame for this shit, Microsoft or Gamestop? Nuts and Bolts really doesn't seem worth it for 40 bucks, I'll have to wait for the inevitable price drop
Really?!? Which seriously expensive country do you live in? :lolSpokkX said:So US version region free?
It is less than half price if I import it (yes half)
Sure thing. Same happened with the Golden Hammerburst.AlexMogil said:I'm convinced that some retail clerks sell codes on eBay.
Won't buy if they won't.Blader5489 said:I hope they decide to include the "Bottles' Revenge" mode.
funkmastergeneral said:The Gamestop my girlfriend works at didn't receive a single damn code, what the fuck.
My order is currently being processed, but still no code. I always got the code whenever I preordered anything from them on the day of release, so we'll just have to be patient and wait for Friday...I hope.Wizpig said:Won't buy if they won't.
Also, i preordered N&B from Game.co.uk [yeah, the website, not the actual store] but i still have to receive my Banjo 64 code.
Any words on this?
Anyone who already got his code from GAME?
UltimaPooh said:lol She works at gamestop?
Any word from amazon for the amazon people? Have they shipped Nuts and Bolts yet to any of you?
Hellraizer said:Sure thing. Same happened with the Golden Hammerburst.
Wizpig said:Won't buy if they won't.
Also, i preordered N&B from Game.co.uk [yeah, the website, not the actual store] but i still have to receive my Banjo 64 code.
Any words on this?
Anyone who already got his code from GAME?
Psychotext said:Really?!? Which seriously expensive country do you live in? :lol
I'm in the UK... it's full price here but you still can't get it imported for half what we pay. Maybe somewhere in Europe is much more expensive, but I can't see it.Ramenman said:Never heard about Europe, have you ?
Psychotext said:I'm in the UK... it's full price here but you still can't get it imported for half what we pay. Maybe somewhere in Europe is much more expensive, but I can't see it.
Best import price I could find was about £28 (exchange rate isn't what it used to be) vs £34 to buy from the UK.
VGPlus.ca obviously =/= European, it's awesome for DS games, but...Ramenman said:It's 40 CA Dollars on videogamesplus.ca, and iirc the shipping to Europe is 7,49 CAD; which makes a total price of 30,7 Euros(a full price game is AT LEAST 60 euros).
Fair enough. You can get it for less than 60 though but it works out much better for Europe than it does the UK.Ramenman said:It's 40 CA Dollars on videogamesplus.ca, and iirc the shipping to Europe is 7,49 CAD; which makes a total price of 30,7 Euros(a full price game is AT LEAST 60 euros).
Wizpig said:Holy shit GAME shipped it right now
Where's my code?![]()