Well I'd almost agree with the last one. I like shiny thingsdejay said:But, but but it's not a platformer and there's no spoken dialogue and the text is too small and the game's a brilliant shell with a mostly hollow centre.
Well I'd almost agree with the last one. I like shiny thingsdejay said:But, but but it's not a platformer and there's no spoken dialogue and the text is too small and the game's a brilliant shell with a mostly hollow centre.
N.A said:So I'm a few hours in now and I've finally realised what game this reminds me of: Toy Commander for Dreamcast.
_Alkaline_ said:What I also don't like is that the characters only make their sounds at the beginning of the text, and then suddenly shut up. Whereas in BK, the gibberish continued for the entirety of the text. The problem with Nuts and Bolts is that having the sounds only at the beginning of the sentences leaves a lot of room for awkward silence, and it makes things feel really stilted. Maybe it's just me, but I definitely noticed it.
Shahadan said:I was planning to buy a 360 for this game (and Dead Rising) but the text problem saves me money![]()
I have a HDMI and S-video port on my laptop, anyone know any way to use them with a console ? I suspect these are for linking a TV and I have to buy an accessory of some sort ?
grandjedi6 said:My hype for this game is really crashing down. The lack of platforming, the non-riverting demo, the fact that the voices don't stay throughout the text bubble, the fact that I can't even read the text, the lack of actually funny humor and its kinda un-Banjoish humor that does exist, poor review scores aren't helping, ect. All of these factors are making the game slowly less appealing to me.![]()
I think the humor's pretty Banjo-ish from what I've seen. The entire intro sequence in Blimblim's link is classic Banjo. Banjo's a bit dull, Kazooie's sarcastic and mean, fourth wall is completely destroyed with the characters well aware that they're in a video game, lots of Rare in-jokes and some self-deprecating humor.grandjedi6 said:the lack of actually funny humor and its kinda un-Banjoish humor that does exist
KevinCow said:I think the humor's pretty Banjo-ish from what I've seen. The entire intro sequence in Blimblim's link is classic Banjo. Banjo's a bit dull, Kazooie's sarcastic and mean, fourth wall is completely destroyed with the characters well aware that they're in a video game, lots of Rare in-jokes and some self-deprecating humor.
_Alkaline_ said:What I also don't like is that the characters only make their sounds at the beginning of the text, and then suddenly shut up. Whereas in BK, the gibberish continued for the entirety of the text. The problem with Nuts and Bolts is that having the sounds only at the beginning of the sentences leaves a lot of room for awkward silence, and it makes things feel really stilted. Maybe it's just me, but I definitely noticed it.
It has come to our attention that people are exmeperiencing subtitle readability issues with Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts on Standard Definition TVs. We would like to assure you that contrary to earlier reports, we are aware of the issue and currently working on a title update to be released within the next 30 days that will fix it for those with Standard Definition TVs. Were committed to ensuring all fans of the franchise are able to have the best experience possible with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.
Great news.BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
Fantastic news.BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
YES! I was really hoping this would happenBLaZiN PRopHeT said:
I know what you mean. I've got a lot of the same feelings that you have. The challenges do worry me more than anything else. If they're as lifeless and boring as the demo, then that could have a major effect on how much I enjoy the game. I'm by no means expecting N&B to be as good(to me) as the previoius Banjo games. I've said this before, but the main reason I'm so stoked on N&B is just because I'm going to be able to revisit a world and characters that are so dear to me._Alkaline_ said:I don't think I've ever been so conflicted on a game before.
BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
Excellent.BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
Costanza said:Anyone try the BK XBLA codes today? They did say it may work shortly before release.
I got mine when I preordered last week.ToyMachine228 said:They actually did give out the Banjo XBLA codes? I canceled my Nuts & Bolts pre-order after playing the demo, but I think I am going to get Banjo Kazooie on XBLA. Probably end up paying the 1200 points to do so.
I completely agree with this. And with the holiday release schedule as crowded as it is, I seriously considered canceling my pre-order. I decided against it eventually because of the low price point. If it was a $60 game I would definitely be passing on it and waiting for it to get cheap._Alkaline_ said:I don't think I've ever been so conflicted on a game before...
ToyMachine228 said:They actually did give out the Banjo XBLA codes? I canceled my Nuts & Bolts pre-order after playing the demo, but I think I am going to get Banjo Kazooie on XBLA. Probably end up paying the 1200 points to do so.
Just go back when someone else is working and cancel your preorder.Cowie said:Quick question/suggestion
if you preorder the game and get one of the codes, whats the worst thing that can happen if you never pick it up? They'll sell your copy after 24 hours anyway, right? In theory, you're getting the game early(was two weeks the figure I heard?) for $5 instead of $15?
Costanza said:Just go back when someone else is working and cancel your preorder.
Thanks GeorgeBLaZiN PRopHeT said:
a Master Ninja said:Excellent.
And now, back to our inane arguments. This is a screencap I took from a Microsoft "Retail Loyalty" Quiz.
N.A said:So I'm a few hours in now and I've finally realised what game this reminds me of: Toy Commander for Dreamcast.
Donkey Kong 64 and other games with mediocre gameplay, I believe.autobzooty said:I don't understand why everyone is so down on collectathons.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donkey_Kong_64The game is a 3D adventure with strong platforming links, similar to that of Banjo-Kazooie. Much of the gameplay involves collecting various items, such as coins, bananas, weapons, keys, and blueprints. IGN described it as the most "collecting-ist" game ever.
There are 200 Golden Bananas with a "Nintendo" tag and a special one with a "Rareware" tag. They are used for gaining access to various levels, blocked by B. Locker, who has the number of Golden Bananas needed labeled on him for unblocking the level's entrance. There are 25 Golden Bananas in each level, but each Kong is only able to find five. One of the five they find is from Snide after a Kong gives him a special blueprint found in a Kasplat (40 total).
The Boss Keys are the second most important items for completing the game. These are used for unlocking each of the eight locks on K. Lumsy's cage. Seven of them are collected by defeating a level boss. These unlock the next level(s)'s entrance area. he third most important thing to collect are the colored bananas, which come in five different colors for each Kong. These are needed to feed Scoff to reach a key to unlock the entrance of a level boss for one specified Kong to battle. There are 500 bananas in each level, 100 for each Kong. They can be found alone, in bunches of five, or in balloons, worth ten.
But, but but it's not a platformer and there's no spoken dialogue and the text is too small and ... mostly hollow centre.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banjo-Kazooie:_Nuts_&_BoltsAccording to game director Gregg Mayles, about 20 percent of the game retains traditional platforming elements, which include ledge grabbing and tightrope walking. There are however no conventional "moves" for Banjo and Kazooie to use, apart from attacks Kazooie performs with her wrench.
I remember exploring hundreds of planets, objects and whatnot plus a dozen traditonal levels from all sides, upside down and inside out, but I know what you mean. The levels/missions are linear. I wish there were more.autobzooty said:Your precious Galaxy was a collectathon, too, just with less exploration.
Tab0203 said:Donkey Kong 64 and other games with mediocre gameplay, I believe.
BluWacky said:I suppose if you discount Banjo Pilot for being a spinoff and call Gruntilda's Revenge 1.5 that ALMOST works. I think we're probably just supposed to forget about them, though.
I liked DK64, even if it was mediocre =/Tab0203 said:Donkey Kong 64 and other games with mediocre gameplay, I believe.
It was good, not great.PataHikari said:DK64 was great.![]()
What store?Costanza said:I got mine when I preordered last week.
I think it originally was, but the plot of the released game is part of the timeline. It's just that nothing really happened because Banjo managed to avoid Grunty's time travel plan.M3wThr33 said:Gruntilda's Revenge was an alternate reality.
I love you Rare!BLaZiN PRopHeT said:
They probably realized that giving it out when the preorder is placed was a stupid idea that could be easily exploited by canceling the preorder.fernoca said:Can anyone update regarding the Banjo-Arcade code thing?
The official site says codes will be given when you pick the game, multiple stores (Gamestop) also are saying the same..and Gamestop.com even removed the preorder bonus note from the game page.
Me too! Loved that game.JSnake said:Hey guys, I loved DK64.![]()
My Gamestop gave me the code when I placed the preorder. I dunno about other stores.fernoca said:Can anyone update regarding the Banjo-Arcade code thing?
The official site says codes will be given when you pick the game, multiple stores (Gamestop) also are saying the same..and Gamestop.com even removed the preorder bonus note from the game page.
JSnake said:Hey guys, I loved DK64.
edit: ^ high five!
flak57 said:Don't worry, most people loved DK64. Time seems to have changed that for some reason or another.
I don't get this at all. I've played the game on two of my TVs, including my 20" (1,680X1050) bedroom TV, and if anything, I think the text is comically big. Yay for options, though.autobzooty said:I'm playing on an HDTV and I still have a hard time reading the tiny text unless I move very close to the TV. Do you think the font fix will be just for SDTV or will it be for everyone?