KittenMaster said:Done.
You will get 3 0-level spells per day and 2 1-level spells per day; more if you specialize.
You should have all 0-level spells in your spellbook.
You should have 6 1-level spells in your spellbook.
The DC for your 0-level spells is going to be 13; for your 1-level spells, it will be 14.
Be sure to put 4 ranks in Concentration and Spellcraft - after that, it's all whatever the heck you want, and feel free to go cross-class. It sometimes helps to be the party brain with a lot of knowledges / languages, in which case Decipher Script and Knowledge (Arcana) come in handy.
You probably should pick your familiar. You should buy some gear - you'll need a spellbook and some ink, parchment, and pens and you'll want a small-sized light crossbow and some bolts for sure.
You could be a specialty mage if that interested you.
And I don't really recommend Magical Aptitude for a Wizard unless you want to put a lot of cross-class ranks into UMD; you won't need UMD to use almost any arcane device, but you will need it if you want to use divine ones (Cleric, Druid stuff). I'd recommend Spell Mastery, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Spell Focus, or even Rapid Reload before MA; though MA is very useful for another class, the Artificer.
You need to pick 6 1-level spells. I recommend good ol' Magic Missile, Mage Armor (and / or Shield) , Identify, maybe Color Spray, maybe Sleep; and all this is subject to change if you become a Specialist.
Once you've got all your gear, you could actually buy a couple of extra scrolls, and learn them / put them in your spellbook, or even just to hold onto.
KittenMaster said:I'll look into those suggestions. I ended up posting before you made that edit. I'll go ahead and pick the spells you recommend.
EDIT: All level 0 spells? That is a lot of spells for a level 1 character.
KittenMaster said:I listed some spells (hopefully the DM doesn't mind me saying "All Level 0 spells"), but I only list four level 1 spells since Evocation only had four spells, and I plan on specializing in Evocation.
I will dump Necro and Ench. So just remove all Level 0 spells from those two schools, then add two Level 1 spells from a school I didn't ditch?JayDubya said:Okay, so then you need to pick two schools you don't like / won't use. You can still use scrolls and wands of that type I believe, but you can never learn those spells or even use them from wands or scrolls (I just checked).
If I make an Evoker, I tend to dump Necromancy, but then the next one's tricky. Of course, at lower levels, it's not THAT tricky, you just look at the spell lists from 1-level through 3-level spells and figure out what you won't miss.
JayDubya said:
LiveWire said:Jay, is this going to be your character for the campaign?
JayDubya said:Quite probably, but I'm not certain just yet. I'll play anything the group needs, but I tend to like Fighters / Rangers / Paladins / Barbarians and the other assorted Duskblade / Knight / Swashbuckler / Samurai / Warblade / Psychic Warrior / yadda, yadda, yadda.
My two other leanings are a Fighter / Rogue (would start as Rogue) and a Paladin.
rSpooky said:For rolling the Dice, the gametable has the rolling macro. (we will just have to trust the computer For any rolls that only the DM should see , we can use that online email roll program, I will setup a separate email just for that.
KittenMaster said:For weapons and armor, I just choose whatever is within my budget and whatever my character can equip, right?
If so, I guess he just has a Light Crossbow, some bolts, and a Small Padded Armor (just so he won't be nude.)
Lighter armor the better, look at the spell failure rate. Pick whatever gives the best armor bonus and least spell failure rate.KittenMaster said:For weapons and armor, I just choose whatever is within my budget and whatever my character can equip, right?
If so, I guess he just has a Light Crossbow, some bolts, and a Small Padded Armor (just so he won't be nude.)
KittenMaster said:So is he assumed to have some sort of cosmetic clothing in-character that doesn't affect his spells and/or AC?
JayDubya said:Let's clear up one point, real quick then, before we get too far into character creation (too late, but oh well):
Do you want us to roll stats, and if so, does that mean you want to wait until the day of to roll stats?
If not, do you want us to use a 25 point buy, or some other (preferrably higher - yes I know, I'm shameless) value?
Or do you want to roll some stat blocks for us and hand them out (it could work, but :lol)?
chapel said:I am pretty open as well to what to play.
To give some insight into my character, a noble blooded prince (can be of a current kingdom or ancient depending on the setting ofc) with a legacy of serving the earth.
Basically he is a well rounded agile fighter, and maybe down the road through RP I would like to connect to the earth some how, maybe somehow discover some powers of the earth. Not like a druid, if you have heard of the series Runelords, that is where I got the inspiration from.
I would like to know what the general theme of the campaign will be, will it be dungeon crawling? Are we going to get horses, need them, so on?
KittenMaster said:Alright. Just a light Crossbow and some bolts then... Possibly scrolls and stuff.
EDIT: Also, do bolt cases cost 10GP, one for each bolt? Or the whole case for 1 GP?
KittenMaster said:I updated my sheet with his crossbow and bolts. Hopefully I got all of the information correct.
JayDubya said:For stats, use the standard 25 point buy, just like in good ol' Neverwinter Nights, where:
An 8 costs 0 points, a 9 costs 1 point, and so on, 10=2, 11=3, 12=4, 13=5, 14=6, and then things get more expensive:
15=8, 16=10, 17=13, 18=16
8 being the worst (-1 to that stat) and 18 being the best (+4 to that stat); be sure to count this BEFORE you apply any racial modifiers.
LiveWire said:Ah, my bad Jay, I completely forgot about the racial modifiers! *facepalm*
It's been a long time since I played obviously. :lol I need to dig out my 3.5E books when I get back in town on Sunday night. I'm leaning more towards Druid than Cleric at this point. The party needs a dedicated healer for sure, but IIRC Druid has at least a few healing spells?
chapel said:If need be I can roll up a Cleric. He would be an 'earth warden' heh, more Runelords lore.
I don't mind, I have a character in mind. Let me know if you think I should.
JayDubya said:Looks good.
If RSL aren't allowed, Spooky, let me know; I'd drop down to 13 hp instead of 15 and pick a specific weapon focus instead of getting the catch-all Axe Focus.
If they are allowed, the later Dwarven Cleric feature of Earthen Spell Power is right up chapel's alley, and the early one would remove his ability to turn undead but let him smite giants (like a Paladin's Smite Evil, only Con based instead of Cha based).
rSpooky said:If they official DnD books (WoC) then that is fine. I just want to stay away from psyonics and exotic race/classes atm. (dual class is fine..but consider the trade offs you get with them) said:If they official DnD books (WoC) then that is fine. I just want to stay away from psyonics and exotic race/classes atm. (dual class is fine..but consider the trade offs you get with them)