Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Any idea when the iOS version is scheduled to release?
Hopefully the numbers keep doing even better through word of mouth.One million episodes sold so far![]()
and you can expect to be doing more of that in Episode 2 - coming in June.
June makes me cry but as long as it's as well done as EP1 then I'm okay with it.
Maybe they mean early June? :'(Oh wow in that announcement they mentioned the release of episode 2.
So yea that kind of sucks. As I said before though when people asked. Telltale doesn't always release one every month. Here is a prime example.
I love this game, because it's one of those games I can put 10-20 minutes into before I go to bed and feel like I accomplished something. I think I'm about halfway through. I never could really get into Sam and Max, but I'm really enjoying this.
This is weird to hear since I thoroughly consumed in about 2hrs or so.
Can anyone clarify something for me, the walking dead game and season 2 finale spoilers ahead:
If everyone is already infected, what is it about being bitten that turns the victim?
Yeseveryone is already infected, they turn because they die of the infection or the wounds.
So the bite amplifies the infection? If a zombie had a little nibble on my arm and i recieved some quality medical treatment, i'd still be fucked?
A zombie bite seems to trigger some sort of very harsh fever that is fatal.
There have been instances in the comic where amputating the limb quickly stopped the bite from causing the fever. But "quality medical treatment" is not really something you're gonna get in a zombie apocalypse.
Can anyone clarify something for me, the walking dead game and season 2 finale spoilers ahead:
If everyone is already infected, what is it about being bitten that turns the victim?
Fuck I just saw spoiler, the game so I read it and I haven't finished season 2 yet :/
Fuck I just saw spoiler, the game so I read it and I haven't finished season 2 yet :/
Well the guy does say season two finale spoiler right in his post.
Sucks but it just means you need to be more careful.
That's the usual "Heavy Rain" problem. Was still nice that the episode 2 teaser already referenced choices that I made.I picked up episode 1 on PSN on a boredom search and I finished it in 1 sitting that was probably 2-3 hours. I've never been huge into these types of games but I was pleasantly surprised for the most part, it kept me engaged and gave me the illusion that my choices were actually meaningful.
Then the internet ruined that for me. I looked up a guide after I was done to see the different choices andI was surprised how little actually changes. Like on the farm it said if you try to save the guy he ends up dying anyway, the only difference is the old guy doesn't yell at you but you still have to leave. Uhh...whoopdey fuckin do? And the girl at the motel blows her head off regardless of what you choose, stuff like that disappoints me.
Anyway despite that I still enjoyed it and most of the characters were pretty believable if not a little cliche (another angry old guy?). The teaser for episode 2 got me excited which is pretty hard to do.
Which is a bit weird to me.I also got a laugh whenI saw that me and like 80% of everyone else saved the hot reporter chick instead of the nerdy guy. Guess I wasn't the only one who was hoping we'd get to smang that, but it seems like the story wants us to get with the bitchy military chick :|
Even if Carly was male, more people would have saved her because she was actually an interesting character and Doug was not. Carly had that whole radio thing, and she was there when you went to the motel. She also talked to Lee in the back office and stuff. DOug did none of that.
Finished the first episode, voice acting was a bit off at times but not too bad and my frame rate dropped pretty often. (360) But I really enjoyed it, was well worth the 400 points. Did anyone else experience the fps problem on the xbox?
But that could be the very reason to let her die, she knows about you.
Yeah. But if you care more about having interesting characters around, the choice is obvious. Plus she says she won't blab so you can choose whether or not to believe her.
If anyone chose Doug because they want their secret to die with Carly, it's perfectly valid reasoning, though.There's not really a wrong answer.
I also assume having someone that could handle a gun would be more helpful. And I'm 60% sure that Lee will have a chance to sex up Carly.
He could sex up Doug too, you know. He does go "I want you to know I think you're a great guy" after exchanging about 10 sentences with you...