Can anyone tell me what happens if youCurious to what would have unfolded after Hershels son instead of Duck?
Got mine too and after complaining figured I should give them credit for the decision to hand out codes. Very cool.
I understand they're a pretty small company to have their own distribution platform so they understandably have some issues at times. Just wish they were a bit faster at communicating those things -- even if "oh my god, everything is on fire" kind of news isn't what almost any company likes to share with consumers.
Is the xbla version confirmed for tomorrow?
I love the way episode 1 ends![]()
Haven't played the game yet, but do choices carry on from episode to episode? Or are they self contained?
wow, just finished this and am CRAZY hyped for episode 2.
Apparently only me and 26% of the playerschose to save Duck? i thought that one was obvious- there's no way I'd be staying with Hershel, and not pissing off Kenny seemed like the better long term plan. besides, he has a boat!
Also, that old dude is a dick, and so is his daughter.I'm itching to let them both die painfully
They carry over. There's a "next time on walking dead" segment after the game that directly references some of the choices you made. Also, i saw it mentioned in a few reviews of the game.
Haven't played the game yet, but do choices carry on from episode to episode? Or are they self contained?
Yea you and me both. I really hope I get toKill the old man. Leave me for dead will he? I'll make sure to return the favor if I get that chance.
Episode to episode. Its kinda cool how they only give you so long to respond too.
Episode to episode. Its kinda cool how they only give you so long to respond too.
I know right? Afterall that bullshit I went through to get that asshole his pills..and it was a LOT of bullshit..he knocks me out and leaves me for dead over an argument? Fuck that. And then he asks if i'm trying to screw his daughter? please! She's not even hot!
So it's good? Better than Jurassic Park and BTTF?
So what's the verdict on this based on episode 1? Worth getting if I have had no exposure to The Walking Dead and really enjoyed Back to the Future?
So it's good? Better than Jurassic Park and BTTF?
I know.Carly was way hotter then his ugly ass daughter
Much better. I'm having a hard time thinking of any areas where it falls short, to be honest.
and DAT ENDING! I'm hyped.
yeah, I savedbecause i figured she'd be grateful...VERY grateful if you know what i mean. plus she's far, far more useful in a fight.carly
Maybe there was a conversation option on another branch wheremight have been nicer to me, but she was a bitch the ENTIRE TIME. theasshole old man's daughterdiatribe seemed to come out of left field for me.stay away from my daughter
other than that, AAA would play again.
I have never played a Telltale game in my life, but that's about to change. The game just finished installing, and I'm really excited about playing. I've never been interested in episodic gaming, but the impressions and trailer sold me on it. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about buying the subsequent episodes.
EDIT: WOW, haha. The game crashed at start-up.
EDIT 2: WTF? My game isn't launching =/ I see the green border around my icon, but then it just goes back to blue on Steam. Guess I'll reinstall.
I reinstalled, verified cache, and have restarted Steam... it's still happening.Try verifying the file integrity then also try restarting steam. Sometimes things get a bit squirrely.
I reinstalled, verified cache, and have restarted Steam... it's still happening.
This is kind of heartbreaking.
Yeah, I restarted and it's still doing the same thing.Hmm. Have you tried restarting your PC? Always worth a shot. If not then I'm stumped.
You have an Nvidia card by any chance? If so try this.
If your using an nvidia card, locate the file nvoglv32.dll and copy it into the game directory.
Alpha Protocol uses the same mechanic. Play it today!
We were co-leads on Poker Night at the Inventory, Sean wrote and I directed episode 3 of Tales of Monkey Island, we were on the Puzzle Agent 1 and 2 story team together, and were co-leads on a game which got canceled before it was even in production. This is our first full series as co-leads though.
I'm gonna try my best to explain. Assuming you have the Steam version of the game.
Use My Computer to get to the game directory. By default it should be
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\the walking dead
Then you will see an executable "WalkingDead101.exe"
1. Right click and go to "Properties"
2. Click on "Compatibility" tab
3. Put a tick a tick on "Run this on compatibility mode for"
4. Choose "Windows 98/ Windows Me"
5. Put a tick on "Run this program as an administrator" and click "Apply"
6. Try running the game![]()
If anyone else has issues like mine, this helped me:
Thank you, Telltale forum poster.
Good thing I have an nvidia card.
Is $25 the normal two hour episode price for Tell Tale? Or is that for all 5?
Is $25 the normal two hour episode price for Tell Tale? Or is that for all 5?
Can anyone recommend the better gameplay setting? Standard or Minimal. The dots everywhere on Standard might be a it annoying but then I think I'll be walking about lost with the minimal setting. Maybe I'll do standard on my first play.
Hey that was the episode I enjoyed. Walking Dead seems to be getting some good words in this thread too, maybe it is time for me to jump back into Telltale games again.We were co-leads on Poker Night at the Inventory, Sean wrote and I directed episode 3 of Tales of Monkey Island, we were on the Puzzle Agent 1 and 2 story team together, and were co-leads on a game which got canceled before it was even in production. This is our first full series as co-leads though.