Only Nintendo themselves can kill the Wii-U
This is correct
Only Nintendo themselves can kill the Wii-U
Seriously, anything you have to buy seperately can't even be compared to Wii U.
Out of the box vs being bought separately is not the same at all. The latter gives little incentive for developers to support any features.
Difficult to answer at this point, but do you guys think that Nintendo will release more or less games for the WiiU compared to the Wii? With the graphical details going up, more manpower and time is needed.
Nobody thought about what Microsoft may include in the box for the Durango?
Doesn't change the fact that it's correct that only Nintendo can kill the Wii U, however.
So there will be an increase of downloadable-only game, but a decrease of bigger retail games?Apparently they want to make many ,smaller' games for the WiiU shop iirc. Like they already did on the 3DS.
GameSpy: What was it like working with Miyamoto?
Denis: Working with Miyamoto is like working with Aristotle ... like working with one of the great masters. I said this at a press conference: "Gameplay is his ocean, and he navigates it like no one else." He has a talent, an insight, a vision, and a conceptual understanding of gameplay like no one I've ever met.
He will sit there and play the game for a long time, and he refuses to make any comments until he plays it himself. And, when he finally comments, he will say something that is so deep that it literally takes weeks to understand totally what he means. Then we have to go back and ask, is this what you meant? And he'll say, "Yes, now you understand."
It makes me feel like Grasshopper from Kung Fu.
GameSpy: What's one of the deep comments he's made?
Denis: At one point, he said to us, "This is looking very good, and we're really happy with it. But it would be really great if you could do something that would make the characters feel alive."
I thought about it for several weeks, and so we created the Reactive Animation System (RAS) where the characters' eyes would follow things, snapping and moving around. So, regardless of whether you were moving the controller or not, the characters would be moving around a little bit; they would seem more real. That's a significant enhancement to the gameplay -- to the feel -- that would never have happened if Miyamoto were not involved.
Difficult to answer at this point, but do you guys think that Nintendo will release more or less games for the WiiU compared to the Wii? With the graphical details going up, more manpower and time is needed.
That Miyamoto / Denis Dyack patent is from Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I knew I remembered reading about it in an interview, and I just tracked it down. I'm surprised GAF didn't pick up on it sooner!
From :
That Miyamoto / Denis Dyack patent is from Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I knew I remembered reading about it in an interview, and I just tracked it down. I'm surprised GAF didn't pick up on it sooner!
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That Miyamoto / Denis Dyack patent is from Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I knew I remembered reading about it in an interview, and I just tracked it down. I'm surprised GAF didn't pick up on it sooner!
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Making games with better graphics would take more time and/or more manpower regardless of when it happened though, 6 years ago or today. But in the Wii era, Nintendo released several of games that werent relying much on graphics (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit etc. etc.), so maybe they do something similar with the WiiU. Then the total game output might be similar to the Wii.I think their output should be the same as it is now. Nintendo waited until HD made sense to them financially before jumping in, so I don't think that will change too much.
DREAMS CRUSHEDThat Miyamoto / Denis Dyack patent is from Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I knew I remembered reading about it in an interview, and I just tracked it down. I'm surprised GAF didn't pick up on it sooner!
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Wouldn't Durango come out maybe a year after Wii U ? I think adding a tablet or tablet-like controller to a console that much after Wii U wouldn't work particularly well. People are surprisingly smart when it comes to bullshit like that.
Man, seeing how Lords of Shadows 2 kind of seems like a safe bet for WiiU, I really hope Konami ports Metal Gear Rising too. It might be the only 3rd party game currently that I'm interested in. Looking at the big publishers at least.
I think their output should be the same as it is now. Nintendo waited until HD made sense to them financially before jumping in, so I don't think that will change too much.
Nintendo being able to completely support themselves would be an absolute dream, but I know it's nigh-impossible. Still, they can come close if they continue expansions (new buildings, a hiring spree, etc), increasing output, forming partnerships with third-parties, etc. Any other content provided by third parties is considered bonus in my book..the thing is if they stay at the same level of output they had this gen it may not be enough. This time they are going after a much more demanding crowd.
The way I see it they are going to have to knock it out of the park with about 25 AAA releases for the generation. That would mean a 3D Mario or two, a Starfox, an F-Zero, two Zeldas, Pikmin, two Metroids later down the line in this gen, another DK game, Eternal Darkness 2, A western oriented game from Retro and a sequel, maybe a new Pilot Wings game done internally, Miyamoto's IP and perhaps a sequel as well, and then you have games which are likely to be no better than AA like anything from Headstrong, Monster, Intelligent Systems (in their case I mean AA in popularity, not quality), Next Level, NST, Good Feel (maybe).
Add to that a couple masterpieces from Monolith and you would just barely reach that number.. Take into account flops and under-performers and things look a little shaky.
The point is Nintendo would still need internal teams to develop 2D Mario, Wii U Sports and Wii U Fit, Animal Crossing, Wario Ware, Mario Party, Rhythm Heaven and all the other "family oriented" games if they want to have all their bases covered this gen.
It can be done, but they really have to be a well oiled machine this gen.
Nintendo being able to completely support themselves would be an absolute dream, but I know it's nigh-impossible. Still, they can come close if they continue expansions (new buildings, a hiring spree, etc), increasing output, forming partnerships with third-parties, etc. Any other content provided by third parties is considered bonus in my book..
the thing is if they stay at the same level of output they had this gen it may not be enough. This time they are going after a much more demanding crowd.
The way I see it they are going to have to knock it out of the park with about 25 AAA releases for the generation. That would mean a 3D Mario or two, a Starfox, an F-Zero, two Zeldas, Pikmin, two Metroids later down the line in this gen, another DK game, Eternal Darkness 2, A western oriented game from Retro and a sequel, maybe a new Pilot Wings game done internally, Miyamoto's IP and perhaps a sequel as well, and then you have games which are likely to be no better than AA like anything from Headstrong, Monster, Intelligent Systems (in their case I mean AA in popularity, not quality), Next Level, NST, Good Feel (maybe).
Add to that a couple masterpieces from Monolith and you would just barely reach that number.. Take into account flops and under-performers and things look a little shaky.
The point is Nintendo would still need internal teams to develop 2D Mario, Wii U Sports and Wii U Fit, Animal Crossing, Wario Ware, Mario Party, Rhythm Heaven and all the other "family oriented" games if they want to have all their bases covered this gen.
It can be done, but they really have to be a well oiled machine this gen.
I think they can do it. Their 3DS output has been pretty steady. In addition, Panic Mode Nintendo is when Nintendo is generally at their best. When they're on top of the industry they tend to get a little too comfortable while someone sideswipes them. After the poor 3DS launch and with the 360 taking the top spot in the console world, they have something to prove. Keep the faith!
I think that, with luck, they can approach about 30 "A-level" or greater titles per generation. That'd be about six games per year - not too too shabby. At that level, at least a mediocre level of third-party support would be completely support themselves they would need 50 AAA games per generation. That kind of output is far from being within their grasp.
to completely support themselves they would need 50 AAA games per generation. That kind of output is far from being within their grasp.
Not sure if this has been posted in this thread yet, but for those of you not visiting the E3 gif thread I thought you might appreciate this.
Not sure if this has been posted in this thread yet, but for those of you not visiting the E3 gif thread I thought you might appreciate this.
It's an Avengers thing.I don't get it.
It sounds like more of a response to iPad + Apple TV than Wii U.I expected this would be Sony's and M$'s response to the WiiU.
I doubt they will go with a controller with a built in screen for the future consoles.
They are also looking to fend off Apple and other companies.
SK x Konami x Platinum = Metal Gear Rising Re-Revengeance!DREAMS CRUSHED
AAA are over rated. Bring on the B games!
I don't get it.
Scribblenauts Wii U confirmed
What are the odds that Riccitiello would be back on stage this year? (he's in my list of bingo events).This was John Riccitiello last year on stage at the Nintendo presser:
He said EA would fully support (All their big releases apparantly) the Wii U and out of those franchises Dead Space, NfS, Medal of Honor and the sports games will release at the end of this year or in 2013. The sports games will be there and I believe an Austrian newspaper confirmed MoH Warfighter for Wii U. And Visceral Games had an job offer to work on a new Dead Space game targeted at the 360, PS3, PC and a unannounced platform. Unless they meant Vita, I'd say the unannounced platform would be Wii U. Remember, EA was actually working on porting Dead Space 2 to Wii(!).
Well, we are just talking about a rumour here...
I could be happy with two Super Mario Galaxy-level games per year and the rest could range from Nintendo's solid second-tier titles to well-done Sphinx & the Cursed Mummy-level games - games that are not flawless, but well put-together nonetheless.
Then again, I don't have nearly the same amount of free time as many high school and college students. How people go through 12 games per year thoroughly is a mystery to me.. I am very envious, actually.
That Miyamoto / Denis Dyack patent is from Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I knew I remembered reading about it in an interview, and I just tracked it down. I'm surprised GAF didn't pick up on it sooner!
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The E3 signage thread reminded me that Epic Mickey 2 exists. I really, really, REALLY hope it is not spotlighted at the Nintendo conference.
The E3 signage thread reminded me that Epic Mickey 2 exists. I really, really, REALLY hope it is not spotlighted at the Nintendo conference.
What are the odds that Riccitiello would be back on stage this year? (he's in my list of bingo events).
I would be satisfied with 2 games a year in the style of Zangeki no Reginleiv and Disasteray of Crisis
and nothing else
Fuck reggie for jinxing that one.
Disaster Day of Crisis is one of the most fun games I have ever played.
I wanted a sequel![]()
Place your bets: number of new IPs from Nintendo and its subsidiaries this gen?