My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Hey everyone, I've decided to include this Nintendo Direct in the Checkbox BINGO game. Get your registrations in! 
Will expire in 30 days so rehost when using it. (too lazy to register and need to get to bed)
Sales wise isn't Mario Kart bigger than Smash? (and maybe NSMB?)I think if you go for hit potential in a sales way, NSMBU will be the biggest hit followed by Smash if it is there. I can't really think of anything Retro could do with the sales potential of a new Smash Borthers.
But if you mean hit @ GAF, than Retro should be the biggest game (except a hypthetical 3D Mario)
Sales wise isn't Mario Kart bigger than Smash? (and maybe NSMB?)
Sales wise isn't Mario Kart bigger than Smash? (and maybe NSMB?)
wasn't there rumors about an app store on WiiU besides the e-shop for games? Couldn't this descriptions be for app developers, who could develop social apps with facebook and twitter support for the WiiU and using Nintendo characters?
I also had the thought about comments from Mario and co to your playstyle and archievments
edit: second time in a row first post of a new page (at leat with 50 posts per page) lol
In either aspect, (one being they use it more with their own system, more akin to helpers with micro transactions and the like, or the other being handled by other developers and more social gaming), the idea is brilliant. Nintendo has reached it's limit on holding back their characters and not adapting them to fit with what sells these days. Games with deep stories and characters. We won't see Mario with some dark back story but I think when moving to HD it's the perfect time to just at least give these characters voices.
On the social front, I think the Wii U pad is great to transition more toward smaller, faster, scale down experiences, which can be purchased cheap and is multi-player focused. Nintendo knows how well Apple is doing..they know how many copies of Angry Birds have been sold and as long as they have those core experiences, (the mario, zelda, mario kart, f-zero etc) there really is little harm in pushing toward the social market while expanding their characters and universe to a larger range of people.
But what do I know right?![]()
So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
YES! I speculated this in a previous WUST thread!
Nintendo Direct? It would be amazing to have one before E3. I know it's unlikely but it's just that if it were the case it would increase the Hypometer by 1K, without even talking about what it could imply in term of content delivery for E3.
Interesting.So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
as I read that, I totally expect to see an angry birds WiiU edition at the e-shop near launch.
Yep, it's what I remember reading somewhere too...I thought that was all but officially confirmed? Maybe not launch day but soon after if not.
Yep, it's something I've in mind too: Nintendo trolling them, releasing a free light app/game with a new franchise and once it becomes a hit just release a more ambitious and complete experience of the same franchise on a Nintendo system. Exclusively.What would be funny to me now as an adult? Nintendo franchises on Android that are but small demos and end everytime with "Like this game? Buy it on Nintendo 3DS".
It's why I think if Nintendo choose to go with something like that it's better with a new IP (characters) and an a free light app/game tailored to seduce in a quick yet addictive way. A soft tagged as "the Nintendo thing on smartphones", optimized for the UI, with an appealing universe and characters. And in a second time release a "real" game on one of their system. I see it like a promo campaign but with but part of the budget dedicated to develop the app.I mean, I'm not completely sold on the demo idea. You don't want someone turning down NSMB because "the controls are bad," when it undoubtedly controls fine on the platform it was intended for.
I'm not shooting down the demo idea either. I just think Nintendo should think outside the box. And yes, still keep their games tied to their platform.
That said, I remember Iwata last year, elaborating on the possibility to use social medias for promotion. So, why not?
This.It's not really a game, more an interactive advertisement.
Well, one thing we can almost bet on is the mobile app that lets you purchase your Digital software from the eShop. I hope it hits Sunday once the presentation starts up so we can use it to download a surprise title they put up on the eShop during the conference.
ShockingAlberto said:So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
Real men don't speculate using the word "unlikely".![]()
So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
Yep, it's what I remember reading somewhere too...
I also speculated twice in others threads about Nintendo "trolling" social media/ios and so on with dedicated app to expand & seduce/advertise theirs buisness/IP nd attract more users to their systems.
If what IdeaMan posted is confirmed I can't wait to see how they'll handle that.
I can see this happening as they already have DD sales through sites like Amazon and the Wii has a standby mode that lets it update channels. Putting the two together seem to point towards purchasing DD on other sites with other (mobile) services and having them sent to the Wii U. They could even have a dedicated app for that. I can hear the "Nintendo going 3rd party" jokes already.So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
Real men don't speculate using the word "unlikely".![]()
If I only had a phone.
So a pretty good source of mine just told me that you will be able to buy Wii U purchases (up to and including otherwise-retail games) through your phone.
S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.
If I only had a phone.
Someday I might own a phone I could do that through.
All I have is a Jitterbug-like flip phone from around 2005. No smart phones for me..
I am so jelly for 'Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation' now I just need Sony to sell me on Vita so I can play as a girl assassin
what does pre-loaded games mean?
I will let you borrow my phone to purchase games you would like to own and download them to my Wii U.
Ehh.. I'm going to go with physical media for as long as I possibly can, so this really won't affect me all that much.
is such an app announced? I only remember that QR Code thing on an Internet E-Shop to download software on the 3DS.
If Nintendo expands on the Wii Connect 24 feature with the WiiU, how awesome would an app be which allows you to buy a game on your smartphone or tablet with the e-shop app while you are outside and when you come home it is installed on your WiiU
Ehh.. I'm going to go with physical media for as long as I possibly can, so this really won't affect me all that much.
I will let you borrow my phone to purchase games you would like to own and download them to my Wii U.
Yeah... I mean no, I was cautious :]
So how do I see it? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Nintendo has found a way to mimic (that means including Gold) Xbox Live without charging a fee to the gamer.
Other gamer benefits would be the following:
- Will have one account access to everything.
- Will have the features that gamers may want like friends lists, achievements, rankings, matchmaking, etc.
- Because of the references to controller abilities both in the quotes and from E3, I can see video chat being a part of, but not limited to scheduling matches. I can also see in-game video chat being a possibility. It may even be possible to do cross game video chat. That would be a feature I believe nobody else has and could be a selling point. There may be an ability based on what Miyamoto said to switch the view to watch what a friend of yours is playing.
- Facebook, Twitter, etc. accessibility (or integration) tied in to accounts.
For the developer I see:
When looking at comments from Iwata, Reggie and Scibetta I see Nintendo creating a system that will try to give developers what they want. If there are features they don't want to use they will not have to use them which might be better for smaller developers who may only want to use a few things, yet the features will still be available (a la carte so to speak). I'm going to also include dedicated servers in this. If the requests of the developer is greater than what Nintendo's platform can provide, then they are free to use their own network that will still tie into the single account. I believe Nintendo will want their platform to be the “default” platform, but will not make a fuss if they can't meet the needs of the larger developers/publishers or they just prefer to stick with their own.
I saw this was getting long (and I could have made it longer) so I won't go further in this post, but this is what I see so far based on the information given.
Servers for the game go live a day or two before release so people can just grab the authentication key at 12AM midnight the day of release and play the game.
Steam does it with a lot of titles.
Virtual Console games and eShop only games!
And I'm still expecting it to happen.
*pats self on the back like Barry Horowitz*
Man, I'm actually getting excited. I told myself I wouldn't :-/ I'm just gonna end up getting disappointed.
What do you guys want to see there, game-wise? I'm looking forward to seeing something regarding...
HylianTom said:Ehh.. I'm going to go with physical media for as long as I possibly can, so this really won't affect me all that much.
Man, I'm actually getting excited. I told myself I wouldn't :-/ I'm just gonna end up getting disappointed.
What do you guys want to see there, game-wise? I'm looking forward to seeing something regarding...
-Zelda 3DS
-Mario Wii U
-Smash Bros Wii U
-New Metroid
Servers for the game go live a day or two before release so people can just grab the authentication key at 12AM midnight the day of release and play the game.
Steam does it with a lot of titles.
Ahh - true!
The good thing about those is that I won't be as uber-hyped about 'em to the point where I'll be antsy about buying them via iPhone, hehe..
Xbox Live has cross game chat, IIRC.
Man, I'm actually getting excited. I told myself I wouldn't :-/ I'm just gonna end up getting disappointed.
What do you guys want to see there, game-wise? I'm looking forward to seeing something regarding...
-Zelda 3DS
-Mario Wii U
-Smash Bros Wii U
-New Metroid
True. They might even allow you to pre-purchase games through an internet browser, so you can do it while at work![]()
I'm really curious in the game Shikamaru Ninja was talking about.Man, I'm actually getting excited. I told myself I wouldn't :-/ I'm just gonna end up getting disappointed.
What do you guys want to see there, game-wise? I'm looking forward to seeing something regarding...
-Zelda 3DS
-Mario Wii U
-Smash Bros Wii U
-New Metroid
I want Nintendo to go all the way with this - I want to go online this Friday and buy all my launch Wii-U games, so they will be preloaded on my Wii-U when it arrives on launch day.S/he didn't know if it was an app or just online purchases, but suggested that the possibility of pre-loading games is something Nintendo is looking in to.