Man, I ordered the game for 360 this past week due to this thread, not knowing if I'd even like it or not.
Never played a PC RPG and never really had any interest in the before either. But somehow this game really intrigued me.
Started out not knowing if this would be up my alley as my first battle training ended a bit clumsily with the game recommending I play on easy. lol
Chose normal instead and proceeded. Was a bit intimidated at first with all the options that were opening up, but decided to push through and before I knew it, the story drew me in like a good book or film usually does.
Just finished a 4 hour play session (more or less) and just finished the prologue.
Gonna start chapter one another time as I really want to cherish this game.

Have to say that it looks stunning in places as well.
So glad I gave this a chance!