Damn, wish you could turn off the hud or make it fade. Got the adrenaline perk and it adds another big bar right under the health.
Please post it if you finish this! I usually turn the hud off from time to time. Looks amazing without it (and even with it of course).Are you playing on PC?
I'm working on a dynamic HUD mod, the static HUD always bothered me.
NO Prob. I die a lot more than I should for someone giving advice! ;P I started over on Dark mode when I ralized this game wasn't as hard as I thought and like you didn't like my choices early on during easy mode.Thanks for the tips, I was actually dying a lot but that's not such a bad thing, I think I wasted some Talents points also.
I didn't even realize you could run away from battle.
In the original release I was able to use the pillars in the room to break agro with the guy and heal before finishing off the last wave.
Cheap, but effective.
I'm looking for the Superb Longsword in chapter 1. Does anyone know where to find it?
Nah bru, 360. Thanks for the suggestion though. I'll look it up for whenever I buy Witcher 2 on PC.Are you playing on PC?
I'm working on a dynamic HUD mod, the static HUD always bothered me.
Damn, wish you could turn off the hud or make it fade. Got the adrenaline perk and it adds another big bar right under the health.
Damn newboy amulet is there a way to get rid of it
Really impressed by how good they got the 360 version looking. The more people that play this game, the better.
You're playing it! That arena mode and most of the third chapter wasn't in the original release.I so hope they come up with DLC for this gem.
Just picked up the Witcher 1 from Steam for $9.99. Never played it before, so I'll do a run through with that before picking up this game. I've heard good things about the Witcher, hope it lives up to what everyone says about it.
Quen and roll like a mad man constantly until you are standing behind whatever it is your killing. Heavy strikes to the back do more and get them in a brief lock.So any good tips on getting better at combat? I'm barely at Flotsam and getting my ass kicked by nekkers. I didn't have any trouble with combat until now, its really frustrating.
Steam just downloaded a 10Mb... something for the Witcher 2. Anyone know what it is?
So any good tips on getting better at combat? I'm barely at Flotsam and getting my ass kicked by nekkers. I didn't have any trouble with combat until now, its really frustrating.
Keep them in front of you and toss bombs at them. Grapeshot is good but the Zakairrian Suns or Dancing Stars work just as well against them.
Really, Chapter 1 = make bombs, love bombs. Chapter 2 = spam fireballs. Chapter 3 = spam harder. Foolproof on every difficulty, no quen necessary.
LOL do you read this bullshit?!
I was hoping using a scoop or a shovel wouldn't piss off the guards, but they weren't too pleased with my experiments. Gotta watch out for them crazy broom-killers...I use 200% roll just to travel faster lol
Too bad you can't roll with sheathed swords though. Those guards always bust my balls![]()
Guys, how do I get the Grapeshot Grenade? I need for this Nekker quest in the first chapter I think.
Well I FINALLY got the operator down to size.....I am such a poor player, and playing on a wonky system as the laptop barely runs it in 30 fps, with a gamepad means I gotta pull every tricck in the book for something like operator...here is a noob/poor player spoiler to take down the operator:
I realized after this fight that I had enough money for kingslayer armour etc. and unfortunately becuase I wimped out and turned the gargoyles off earlier for the gargoyle contract instead of killing them all, I don[t have enough dust for the boots....two sneaky arachas shitters suckered me into a gullly while I was trying to grind for the final shit...didn't save as I was only expeting harpies and BOOM 2 hours of kingslayer shit down the tubes. FFFFAAARG! this game can be annoying depsite that I like it lot.bring a tonne of traps and bombs..especially red haze as these will make the two gargoyles fight each other adn the operator. Staying behind the pillars lets you rest vs. the opertaor when he is by himself ...he will actually leave you alone. Use this area to rest, apply buffs, andd bombs and traps in and out of your hotkey, etc. THE one thing I didn't realize you could do here until tonight is save....I was going to give up and grind for more leveling and armour etc, but when I could save, fight the two gargoyles, tehn save and plan for the next wave...it became so much easier...still took me all night with a tionne of OHK on me by the gargoyles, but finally beat the operators ass and now I have his awesome staff!!!!!!
You come across him at the tail end of a story event. More specifically you (spoilers for the end of Roche's path ch2)Can someone tell me how do I find the troll in act 2? Trying to get my cheevo here.
Er, yeah, well its during/before you go to catch(major end chapter spoiler)ohhh, it's in the end? so afteri meet up with the king?
Just want to ask if Playing through Witcher 1 is worth it, It's a good price on steam and I'm interested on the witcher 2 through that prologue video they put up.
I usually play the games in order, is it worth it to play through Witcher 1?
Damn you, CD Projekt, I was talking a couple of days ago with a friend about how this title essentially ruined fantasy games for me.
Since I played the Witcher a year ago I have a hard time now looking at armors and items in pretty much any other RPG or hack'n slash around.
Oversized swords floating on the back of the main character? Giant shoulder pads? Cheesy flaming effects on the blade? Horned helmets and unlikely spiked chestpieces?
Just want to ask if Playing through Witcher 1 is worth it, It's a good price on steam and I'm interested on the witcher 2 through that prologue video they put up.
I usually play the games in order, is it worth it to play through Witcher 1?
Bahaha, you should all look at this thread
Don't worry, you'll get it during one of the main quests.How can I get the Queen Harpy Contract in Iorverth's path? There is nothing on the notice board, only the harpy contract itself.
Bahaha, you should all look at this thread
"I am on an achievement schedule and I don't appreciate the attention this game demands for casual players."
This embodies everything I loath about achievement/trophy hunter culture.
"I am on an achievement schedule and I don't appreciate the attention this game demands for casual players."
This embodies everything I loath about achievement/trophy hunter culture.
"I am on an achievement schedule and I don't appreciate the attention this game demands for casual players."
This embodies everything I loath about achievement/trophy hunter culture.