Snowden's Secret
Any mention of possible DLC? New stages or heroes etc?
Kamiya also tends to be opposed to DLC, and thinks the game should ship in a finished and complete state.I think Kamiya mentioned he put just about everything into this game, so I wouldn't count on DLC. You got a huge 15-hour action game, about a billion different secrets, 100+ heroes to find, 15 secret characters to unlock, Platinum trophies to achieve, figures to find, bottle caps to earn, etc. You'll get your money's worth if you willing to invest.
Kamiya also tends to be opposed to DLC, and thinks the game should ship in a finished and complete state.
Kamiya also tends to be opposed to DLC, and thinks the game should ship in a finished and complete state.
That's how he feels about it as an industry standard. I'm talking about his own game creation philosophy.That's not true. Alot of people seem to like to project that opinion onto him though
He spelled out his thoughts during the SFxT reaction actually.
but people can rest easy in regards to 101
That's how he feels about it as an industry standard. I'm talking about his own game creation philosophy.
in my opinion it tops The Greatest Jubilee from Bayo 1.
That's... that's saying a lot.
So who's the composer of the game? I see that people already finished it. I don't think its masami ueda because of bayo2 so I'm curious
神谷英樹 Hideki Kamiya‏@PG_kamiya
Hiroshi Yamaguchi. He did also Okami & Bayo. RT @TimHausladen Who is the composer of the music from TW101? I love it, it's really awesome![]()
(Nintendo typically doesn't produce games with DLC)
This is quickly changing. I expect DLC for at least Bayonetta 2.
Wow just wow... I am breathless after finishing this game, time clocked in at 12:20 on normal.
TW101 is by far the most exhilarating action game I have ever played, this game, seriously this game. Everything from the solid, deep and fun combat system, to the inspiring impactful soundtrack, to the beautiful aesthetics, to the engaging level design, to the hilarious witty humour, to the likeable vibrant cast of characters, to the EPIC storyline... EVERYTHING is such a delight and just generally a huge adrenaline rush. I don't care what any reviewer says, this game is a masterpiece in my books. The crazy thing is I haven't even touched the new difficulty modes yet, I just know it's going to keep getting better from here on mashing this game.
The final boss theme for this game gave me such a huge rush I was starting to sweat xD, seriously when this track played about 30 seconds in I had to pause the game and hook up my headphones as fast as I could... there was no way I was gonna go about this final fight without headphones blasting through my ears. This final boss theme is so grand, I've been in the sound gallery playing this track on repeat for about over an hour now... in my opinion it tops The Greatest Jubilee from Bayo 1. Hoping the game gets a soundtrack release because I need this beauty in my game soundtrack collection.
Wrapping up, I truly can't remember the last game that made made me have such a huge smile on my face after beating it, this was such a wonderful experience I will never forget. Thank you Hideki Kamiya and the rest of the team at PG for crafting such a masterpiece. I guarantee you I will be coming back to this game for the rest of my life. If I ever meet any of the PG team that worked on this I will be sure to bow to them at least 101 times to express how much fun I had playing this game.
And one last thing, PG have got to release that image at the end of the credits, I NEED DAT as a my desktop wallpaper.
Just polished the boss of section 4 off.
The most disappointing boss so far, but the lead up was tops.
Seeing as how this thread is full of people who love to talk about or simply love everything Kamiya, I thought I'd share this video I'm currently watching. It's just a little bit about him and where he draws his inspiration and stuff.
Okay, I need to stop reading this thread. I've gone from 'I'll buy it to support Platinum and get a Wii U when it pricedrops eventually' to 'I NEED TO FIND A WII U BEFORE IT COMES OUT IN SEPT'
I got her as a member. But there is definitely the original one to unlock for the hardest stuff to do in the game. Get Platinum on all operations, evade bonus 10 times, finish all keegah-roo, finish the game on the hardest difficulty etc.So Wonderful figureWonder0054has been found at 2chWitch
[ spoilers alert ]
Played the demo, lawd. This game. 10 seconds in I was "What the fuck is going on? This game sucks!" but at the end I was loving it. Parrying an attack, switching weapons on the fly, so satisfying. The circle gesture was the only problem I had but I got used to it and I can do it pretty effortlessly. I am wondering where are the issues coming from? Is it the whip? Because that wasn't in the demo. The right stick worked so well I didn't even bother with the touch screen.
It has (KI:U levels of crazyness)². Yessir.So by reading a little of the thread. This game has KI:U levels of crazyness near the end? Day 1
Hiroshi Yamaguchi, but not just him, it depends of the track, Rei kondoh is here too with the bayonetta and Fire emblem awakening vibes in these music, and there is two more but i can't check now i'm at work, sorry.So who's the composer of the game? I see that people already finished it. I don't think its masami ueda because of bayo2 so I'm curious
Yes I've recognized all of them.Btw did someone else notice that the operations are themed after several Nintendo Games?
So Wonderful figureWonder0054has been found at 2chWitch
[ spoilers alert ]
I got her as a member. But there is definitely the original one to unlock for the hardest stuff to do in the game. Get Platinum on all operations, evade bonus 10 times, finish all keegah-roo, finish the game on the hardest difficulty etc.
There were codes top input in order to unlock stuff like this in Bayonetta IIRC. There might be something similar in W101 for those who don't want/can't fill the requirements for the I am disappointed and I do not want to go on impossible missions to unlock stuff like this
Finished the demo. Got the hang of it more as demo went on, definitely a little overwhelming. What are you guys doing to do the "drawings?" I used the right analog, with *some* success. Getting circles was a total biatch.
When the Dreamcast was kicking ass, I believed some games would turn out like this, in the future.
Believe the hype, I'm playing the best action game I have ever owned. This Wonderful 101, it's... glorious.
One "issue" I've ran into isn't so much gesture registration, but difficulty of drawing specific gestures due to hero limitations. I think this is what reviewers who complained about gesture detection might be referring to. Best example I can think of is trying to draw unite hammer when you've not many heroes or energy available, for example if many heroes are busy with automated morphs. Because of the shape required for hammer, it's very easy to be unable to "finish" it if you don't have the spare heroes and don't pay careful attention to the size you're drawing. The limited shape has the game closer associate it with something else, like unite whip.
Sword/whip/gun and even fist are all very straight forward shapes that are difficult to mess up no matter how many heroes you have available, due to their simplicity. A small whip is easily registered, as is a small gun. But the more fiddly shapes toe a little close to simplistic shapes, and that can lead to some "misread" gestures.
so glad to hear people are enjoying this game even though I can't
these are heavy words
It's an issue for playing bad. Wrong meter management or being hit. Careless drawing big stuff in the wrong situations.Is that an "issue" as much as it's part of the strategy, though? Like, if you know you aren't good at keeping your drawings small, you'd do better to avoid trying to quickly throw out weapons like the hammer or claws. Maybe try to use those weapon on point and leave the sword/fist/whip on assist, or simply train and get better at making smaller shapes for assists.