doneit seems that the tinything(pic) is banned, use another image hosting.
Ok, I'm envious. Happy now?Played more, last time i was as satisfied with a game of this kind was sin & punishment 2.
For the unfriendly guy pissing in my inbox
bilder kostenlos
Will not answer the kind of strange questions he got, but let me tell it this way:
To all of you still on the fence, waiting for a price drop of the U, picking up the game but not the console, waiting for GTA v, to the ones been put of by limited demo useage, the ones that would have been there buuut daaat ign review, the ones that would have liked to play at a friends house but he already got rid of his Wii-U in order to buy Facebook games and so on....think over your decision if you like good videogames because your loss will be rather big.
I want a Viewtiful Joe x Wonderful 101 game
Japanese retail blog Sinobi has shared that it appears Nintendo will be shipping about 30,000 copies of The Wonderful 101 for the games launch in Japan.
Oops, posted in the demo thread by accident.
Oops, posted in the demo thread by accident.
Over midnight in PAL territories, soooooooooo:
this belongs here.
well the wiiu is selling horrible there and pikmin 3 didnt really do great numbers either. hope they can at least sell the initial 30k
Is the Classic Pro Controller the best way to play this game?
It's fine, but not the best in my experience. The position of the dodge/block buttons are not the best, though I didn't check if you could remap them. I think gamepad is the best, unless you're completely set on using the stick to draw.
So gamepad with stylus or finger?
Oops, posted in the demo thread by accident.
Platinum getting screwed by publishers yet again!
Platinum getting screwed by publishers yet again!
My body is wonderfully ready.
Fair enough, I am like that sometimes with games, too.
Is the Classic Pro Controller the best way to play this game?
Over midnight in PAL territories, soooooooooo:
it sucks that the game comes out on friday. on thursday i am at gamescom and i would have loved to get my copy signed by Kamiya![]()
hold on why 3 days?
game are giving out download codes tomorrow.
please do the same as pikmin 3...
hold on why 3 days?
game are giving out download codes tomorrow.
please do the same as pikmin 3...
The official release is on the 23rd, so... And as I'm buying it on the eShop I'll have to wait more three days to play it on Friday.
The robot hydra fight was the most awesome thing I've played in years :lol:
My jaw was on the floor the whole fight.
You do realize you are talking to yourself. No one owns the game yet.
I am jealous....
You do realize you are talking to yourself. No one owns the game yet.
I am jealous....
I am so jealous people are already playing this game right now.
What th-?! Lucky buggers!
I am my own best friend !
There are at least two other people in this thread already playing it. The others have yet to denounce themselves
Btw, disappointed with retail version. No manual and DVD is ugly.
No manual? This has to be a first. Not even a leaf?
Nintendo hurting for money or trying to save trees?
Take a pic of the disc.