Man I am really digging this game and the button controls, much more fun than just stylus. Also recently posted an unboxing of the collector's edition if anyone cares.
Thanks for sharing!
Speaking of dlc, the character offerings have been weak.
Man I am really digging this game and the button controls, much more fun than just stylus. Also recently posted an unboxing of the collector's edition if anyone cares.
So will this go up on the eshop at midnight Eastern time tomorrow?
I think only Nintendo published games go up at midnight?
Bummer. What time do 3rd party releases generally go up?
I miss the funky catchphrases from the first one.
Although some of the expressions of the characters that replaced it is pretty funny. My onion knight made this face once -> >:3
Every time I watch a YouTube video I play along with my finger. Don't tell anyone but I'm more excited about this game than Smash.
I think the music is smaller in curtain call. Maybe the Nintendo bcstm codec improved between them or has weird properties like quieter music compresses better.Played the demo for a while and I don't know if it's just me, but the music is too quiet. No bass, even with decent headphones. Started the demo of the first Theatrhythm afterwards and there everything is fine. In the system settings you see that the the demo of Curtain Call is only half the size of the first demo. Did they reduce the sound quality for the demo, so it's smaller? The IGN review says there's no audio compression although there are three times as many songs as in the first game.
I didn't realize this has online coop.
That's amazing.
Every time I watch a YouTube video I play along with my finger. Don't tell anyone but I'm more excited about this game than Smash.
Can it be tomorrow already? Slowest monday ever.
Is the music also softer in the full game? Can anyone with both games confirm? The demo drives me nuts. It's too quiet even with headphones.
Still cannot decide digital vs physical. Will digital be available at midnight?
Got my Collector's Edition on Saturday, been playing the crap out of it ever since. Digital River really came through this time!
It's so fun. It's better than the original in every way, and the original was already very good. There's so much to do it's almost overwhelming, but it plays just beautifully. I find the button controls kinda wonky and prefer playing with the stylus (I can SS most Ultimate Scores no problem with the stylus, but the button controls feel imprecise enough that I almost can't pass some Ultimate Scores outright), but I'm glad the option is there for those that can make better use of it than I.
Also played a Versus match against a guy in Japan, and it was super smooth - no lag, stuttering, or anything of the short. I can see myself getting a lot of mileage out of Versus Mode once I figure out how to play with EX Bursts off.
I've unlocked the capability to download DLC, but I investigated and, unsurprisingly, nothing's up yet (you just get an error message and get kicked back out to the main menu).
Having customizable trigger sounds this time around is REALLY COOL, and there are so many! There's a lot more to unlock this time around in general, which is fun. Characters are also much easier to unlock than in the last game (no ridiculous note grinding), which I appreciate.
I think my only real complaint at this point is how sluggish the menus are and the longish loading times, but that was an issue in the last game too, so it is what it is.
Still can't believe how fun Maybe I'm a Lion's Ultimate Score is - no song so lame to just listen to has any right to be so fun to play.
Anyone have any questions? I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
Having played the japanese version for a while, I'd say digital. It's the kind of game you'd want to have with you all the time so you can boot it up and play a song or two.Still cannot decide digital vs physical.
People said earlier that it won't be. Expect it at around Noon I think.
So does this new game have any of the videos from the first game or any new ones?
I didnt like the button controls that much tbh. Those long up and down lines are much easier to control with the stylus.
Is the music also softer in the full game? Can anyone with both games confirm? The demo drives me nuts. It's too quiet even with headphones.
Seconded, demo was super quiet.
I don't have any questions, but thanks for posting your impressions.
I have a feeling I'll be sticking to stylus.
Is that Maybe I'm a Lion by The Black Mages?
With the spoken English at the beginning?
I definitely like the touch controls more after playing the demo. I feel like I have more control, which is odd because I thought it'd be the opposite. It's more enjoyable to play with the touchscreen in general as well. Hitting one button and sliding the pad isn't as fun.
I too thought the demo was way too quiet, but I've been playing a ton of the full game and haven't noticed the same issue. It still helps to be in a relatively quiet location with headphones just because the 3DS's overall sound output is so much lower volume-wise than, say, the Vita's, but the full game definitely seems louder to me
I've put quite a few hours in since I got my CE in on Saturday. I can say as someone who put more than my fair share of hours into the first Theatrhythm, this is the definitive game. The general play mode is a lot more friendly being able to pick and choose your songs, and the new Chaos Map system is certainly an upgrade to the Dark Notes in the first game. And sooo many unlockables between characters, hitsounds, and songs.
The only complaint I've had so far is that the versus mode is kind of plagued by RNG with how powerful, or weak, the EX Burst skills that activate so often are. They can be as powerful as forcing you to hit exactly in the circle, or as weak as switching your health with the enemy when they have less health than you. However, the joys of having multiplayer as an option is worth it enough to overcome that minor issue.
Overall, I'm having so much fun playing this game. The Touch and Button controls both feel responsive and satisfying, although I prefer to stick to the Touch controls from the first game. There is so much to play around with in this game, and I would definitely recommend a buy. I can't see myself playing another 3DS title, other than Smash 4, more this year. Get hype.