Shotgun Kiss
Added you as well and opened a room.
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I keep refreshing in "Online Battle - Friends", but can't see you.
EDIT: Never mind, found you!
Added you as well and opened a room.
I need an EXP farming map. Does anyone have one to share?
Friend code is: 4296-2976-2330
Also, should I reset my characters once they hit 99? I heard you can raise CP fairly easily via the Cards.
The heck, someone's running the exact same byline!
Yeah, I've got the lv50 bracing fantasy map. Not looking to play matches atm, but I can share it at least.
FC is 2878-9608-8408
Edit: That's up to you, I'm doing it, but mostly because of the pretty stars =p And because I'm currently not looking to farm cards lol, lots of other stuff for me to focus on atm, and I can level while doing that.
Awesome. Added you. Let me know when you can get on to mop he floor with me and share the map, haha.
3210 points? are you kidding me shotgun?![]()
Mmk, started a friend match. Should show up now.
Edit: And I'm not particularly great haha.
Edit2: Good game, enjoy the map =)
Thanks! I'm at work and was hoping no one would walk in on me playing. They didn't.
Is there a specific path I should take on the map to maximize the benefits?
Haha, yeah, that was super close!
Thanks very much for the map and the good games!
Anyone willing to share the XP map and play some songs ?
My friend code : 1891-2363-4823
I can share the map, but only play one or two songs. FC: 2878-9608-8408
Thanks, I just added you !
Mmk, ready. Should show up on the search now.
Notice how the even numbered games have the best soundtracks:
FFXV to have garbage-tier soundtrack confirmed.
The OSTs of VII, IX, XI & XIII are easily on par and some even better than most of those.Notice how the even numbered games have the best soundtracks:
FFXV to have garbage-tier soundtrack confirmed.
Notice how the even numbered games have the best soundtracks:
FFXV to have garbage-tier soundtrack confirmed.
Added you!Just finished a Lv.99 Nostalgic Pastoral map. If anyone wants it, feel free to add me and we can play a round
I'll give 2 people the map tonight then everyone else tomorrow. Going to be heading to be shortly.
Added you!
Thanks dude!Just made a room!
How is everyone going about getting Shards? The Rhythmia rewards no longer give 4-6 shards to unlock a new character and instead just give 1. I'm trying to use the ProfiCard trading in the online mode to maybe luck into getting maps that have the shards I need. Otherwise I'm not sure how I'd ever get the right shards.
If you don't have the quests you need for shards, you can keep failing quests to get more quests.How is everyone going about getting Shards? The Rhythmia rewards no longer give 4-6 shards to unlock a new character and instead just give 1. I'm trying to use the ProfiCard trading in the online mode to maybe luck into getting maps that have the shards I need. Otherwise I'm not sure how I'd ever get the right shards.
at 5260 points I feel good enough to challenge you. Will post my FC later
can't waitto get slaughtered
I didn't know this. Thank you!If you don't have the quests you need for shards, you can keep failing quests to get more quests.
Hey Square-Enix, word wrap is important.
There's an item that lets you start over from the same stage, it lasts until you either use it or finish the quest. Otherwise, you have to start from the blue crystals.Hey Square-Enix, word wrap is important.
Also, do quest medleys only save at the blue crystals, or will I be able to start from the beginning of the boss' lair if I die? That one has one save point near the start and about thirty stages afterwards - I really don't want to go back!
I think I'm going to call it a day.