Something has really been pissing me off lately. When I'm doing a FMS and a hold trigger comes up, when I'm holding down on the trigger at the start, it will sometimes register as a bad, forcing me to start over. I'd say there's a 1-10% chance of it occurring, and when it does, I'm pretty disgusted cause I know damn well I'm holding down the damn stylus and I know the game is trying to fuck me over. It's even more frustrating when it happens while I'm in the middle of trying to get the max score on an Ultimate stage (which already takes multiple tries). Re-calibrating the touch screen over and over really gets tiresome
still missing black shards.![]()
Bummer that the online mode seems to be completely dead. I've tried several times the past week and haven't found a single match.
I think I have several black shard quests! Let me know when you want to play to exchange maps!
Yeah, I jumped online today for the first time in a while and it seem to have completely died. I wish 2014 hadn't been that packed honestly. Between Smash, P4AU, and now Xrd I don't think I've enjoyed the online for each game to the fullest.![]()
Been playing this again recently. Is there an easy way to get EXP Hoard scrolls? Just want to bring some characters up to speed with my main party.
There sure is. You just need a few powerful characters and the shortest BMS unlocked. That song is The Chaos Shrine - TFFCC BMS Arrangement - From FF (40,000 Rhythmia unlock). I wrote about my experiences before so copypaste time:Been playing this again recently. Is there an easy way to get EXP Hoard scrolls? Just want to bring some characters up to speed with my main party.
That is all a lot easier than brute forcing chaos maps or reaching out to people with out...That also happens to be the shortest BMS in the game (1:28). The enemies in it are fairly tough, especially the first one and the boss (which on difficulties above basic can withstand a trance+dualcast boosted Ultima). The boss has things like Ultima, Exp Hound, Doomsday in its drop table (even in basic difficulty). As it is a drop table it is luck based which might frustrate (especially if your party isn't able to make off with 6 treasures most of the time and/or the game decides the non useful scrolls are not going to be cards but things like potions).Feral Chaos
The basic score has just enough notes to get off a Firaga too (my Terra runs Ultima, Firaga, Dualcast, Trance which did require 6 resets plus a little CP boosing to make room for). Due to the length of the song added cut users are advised against (as their added cut and other skill activations can queue up Ultima and make it cast later).
Other tips are having scare is a must as the first enemy is a right damage sponge (especially in my case as Terra is a late bloomer here) so you need to race to the boss after that.
Ultima [BMS] – Final Fantasy XIV
Hard to Miss [BMS] – Final Fantasy XIV
Zero [BMS] – Final Fantasy Type-0
Opening Titles [FMS] – Romancing SaGa 2
Passionate Rhythm [FMS] – Romancing SaGa –Minstrel Song-
Battle #4 [BMS] – SaGa Frontier
Meridian Dance [BMS] – Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger [BMS] – Chrono Trigger
I hope SE brings this new DLC (along with Krile and the Bravely Default DLC) to NA/EU players.
Video/music preview.
Oh, awesome! Was there an official announcement posted somewhere?![]()
Upcoming DLC for December 24th NA/EU
Upcoming DLC for December 24th NA (and most likely EU)
Battle Music Sequence (BMS)
He of the Name (Bravely Default)
Evil Wings (Bravely Default)
The Serpent That Devours the Horizon (Bravely Default)
Ardent Rhythm (Romancing SaGa ® : Minstrel Song)
Battle #4 (SaGa Frontier)
Meridian Dance (Secret of Mana)
Chrono Trigger (CHRONO TRIGGER)
Field Music Sequence (FMS)
Horizon of Light and Shadow (Bravely Default)
Title Screen (Romancing SaGa 2)
Will the FFXIV songs be free for a limited time as well like in Japan?
Square Enix announced today that the Bravely Default add-on tracks, previously only released in Japan, will be available for North American fans of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call on December 24, 2014. This update, entitled the Second Performance, also includes an all-new batch of DLC containing fan favorite tracks from not only the FINAL FANTASY® series, but a variety of classic Square Enix titles including CHRONO TRIGGER, Secret of Mana and more. Each track will be priced at $0.99.
Passionate Rhythm from Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song is a must. Inject more Kenji Ito into my veins.
Been playing this again recently. Is there an easy way to get EXP Hoard scrolls? Just want to bring some characters up to speed with my main party.
I haven't read of any methods. There are a lot of maps out there where bosses give out Exp Up III, but the Hound scrolls seem hard to come by. I think the best luck is to fight those "XP" enemies: The Rovers, Magic Pot, and whatever else are on the "Bracing" maps. They probably give you best chance for a rare drop like Hound.
The DLC songs are live in Europe, I grabbed them this morning. Not got a chance to play them yet, I'm giving EXP Up scrolls to those characters who didn't get EXP Hound*.
A bizarre fact mentioned in the description for one. Boss Fight #4 (SaGa Frontier) was used in TV commercials, were these ones to do with the game or not?
*-Btw The Chaos Shrine track gave enough scrolls for me to give the top 25 (25 of the top 26 since Krille isn't out) strongest Magic users EXP hound and Doomsday. I still have about a dozen EXP hound left.
Ironically enough, I StreetPassed someone last week with a boss who drops EXP Hound. I can give it to you, but I need to clear the map first. I'll be available this evening, I should have it cleared by then.
DLC up in NA. Woke up and the forest thing I did was download the Chrono Trigger DLC.
Bought: Chrono Trigger, Ultima, Meridian Dance, and The Serpent That Devours the Horizon.
I also added the youtube links from above to the full list of DLC. Thanks Robin~
Chrono Trigger BMS
... I forget what the place is called, where you jump through different time portals. But its presented in the DLC, that's pretty cool.
Don't forget SaGa![]()