There's no timed DLC for this right. If I buy the game tomorrow I can get everything there is?
Anyone interested in doing a GAF High Score Challenge? It can be a weekly thing. We can nominate a couple of tracks, maybe a BMS and a FMS track, and we can post Miiverse screen shots of our high scores.
Anyone who still plays regularly want to give this a shot?
EDIT: Screw it, I'm just going to go ahead and organize something together and if people want to participate they can! I'll probably do four different songs: a set of DLC and a set of non-DLC, BMS and FMS stages. I'll post what stages we are playing this week and type up a rule set. It'll be fun!
I'm down for that! Someone's gotta bring up the rear after all. I don't have any DLC, so I can only do the base songs. But now that I have every character unlocked, I don't feel like I have to constantly be doing quest medleys.
I'm hoping by including a DLC section it will encourage people to buy it! It's only a buck per song!
I think I'll post the competition tomorrow that way I can include the newest DLC songs. Do yall think we should have a new thread for this, or just keep it going in this one?
I'm hoping by including a DLC section it will encourage people to buy it! It's only a buck per song!
I think I'll post the competition tomorrow that way I can include the newest DLC songs. Do yall think we should have a new thread for this, or just keep it going in this one?
I guess think of it as less of a leaderboard thing then. More like we have four songs and a week to get 9999999 or as close as possible. Then we can discuss the songs in a bit more detail.
Like a book club.![]()
I guess think of it as less of a leaderboard thing then. More like we have four songs and a week to get 9999999 or as close as possible. Then we can discuss the songs in a bit more detail.
Like a book club.![]()
I think we'd have to play on Ultimate since Expert/Basic are very easy to get perfects on. I'm pretty impressed if I end up with an SS on most Ultimate songs. Except something like Force Your Way, which I'm happy if I even finish.
A thing to bear in mind is stats can be boosted in this game using cards that drop. So outside of stats are skills which also need consideration as the scrolls you find don't cover everything.Quick question about characters: do any characters have specific stats that might make them more attractive to pick? Or are they simply there for fan service? I have no attachment to any character, really. I recognize many of them simply because FF characters are all over the internet, but other than that I have no motivation to choose anyone in particular.
I guess think of it as less of a leaderboard thing then. More like we have four songs and a week to get 9999999 or as close as possible. Then we can discuss the songs in a bit more detail.
Like a book club.![]()
A thing to bear in mind is stats can be boosted in this game using cards that drop. So outside of stats are skills which also need consideration as the scrolls you find don't cover everything.
I perfect chained Force Your Way once, but it was during a multiplayer match, so I didn't get credit for it. At least my friend saw it happen, it made him quit playing for the night. :3
I'm not sure if this is a question that can be answered but I'll try...
Is there a limit to stats? I assume I can hit 999 for agility if I use the Crystarium a lot, but say I stack Wind Rhapsody on top of that which adds x to agility when you play FMS stages. Am I still capped at 999, or will it go beyond that for the duration of the FMS stage?
I think 999 would be the natural limit for a stat. I can't imagine using an item to stack upon that would make any difference.
That's my current hypothesis also, but Wind Rhapsody is a weird one.
The skill adds, say, 40 to Agility and then a further 60 to Agility in FMS stages. So I'd fully expect to lose that first 40 if I was already at 999 for the stat, but I'm curious as to what would happen to the 60 if I played an FMS. I'm not sure there's any way to find out short of actually getting someone with the skill to 999 Agility!
It would be the difference between levelling up any character to 999, and levelling up Onion Knight who has Wind Rhapsody LV1, 2 and 3.
Gonna need a blood test to prove you're not a robot, robot.
I think we'd have to play on Ultimate since Expert/Basic are very easy to get perfects on. I'm pretty impressed if I end up with an SS on most Ultimate songs. Except something like Force Your Way, which I'm happy if I even finish.
I've already considered this. All songs will be on Ultimate score and I will have a tie breaker scenario if we have two or more people All-Critical a song.
I'll post all the details of the competition tomorrow. I want to include this week's DLC in the current set.
Damn, I'm out. Have no dlc.
Oh sweet. Was thinking you were doing dlc week, then reg.There will be four songs every week, only two will be DLC.
Wow, that's actually pretty cool. This sounds like such a unique game, I'm really excited t play it.A thing to bear in mind is stats can be boosted in this game using cards that drop. So outside of stats are skills which also need consideration as the scrolls you find don't cover everything.
In terms of BMS high strength characters with focus and added cut do fairly good constant damage (Auron and Cloud are good examples) while mages with dualcast will do more occasional shots of very big damage (someone like Terra can singlehandedly knock out multiple enemies in a row on a basic score by stacking dualcast and trance with her strongest spell).
For Ultimate songs and when you are less experienced having a or defensive cleric sort of character is a must as it gives you a safety net. Cosmos and Garnet are good examples of constant healing over time (Paeon and regen respectively and have skills to boost those) there but far from the only choice (Cecil is more traditional here with thing like cure and protect). The problem with having too many defensive characters is you lose offense in BMS and in FMS will lose distance (both of which mean less EXP at the end of the song) so finding a balance keeps the game enjoyable.
My BMS strategy tends be 3 level 99 characters while for FMS I'll take one or two level 99s in the lead. I should point out I have the EXP hound* ability on every character (it only took about 200 playthrough of a song where the scroll drops**) and the most any single character can get per song is 9999 EXP (level 99 is 65535 EXP). If you don't have EXP hound this will make leveling up very slow.
*-At the end of the stage, only characters with this ability split the total earned experience. Otherwise, EXP is split by 4 (max per stage is 39996).
**-Unlocked by earning 40000 rhythmia.The Chaos Shrine - TFFCC BMS Arrangement - From FF
Yeah, it's too bad you don't have a screencap or something. A perfect chain is believable for Force Your Way though, if you practice enough (or are maddeningly lucky).
AN ALL CRITICAL CHAIN, on the other'd have to be a rhythm god.
I've already considered this. All songs will be on Ultimate score and I will have a tie breaker scenario if we have two or more people All-Critical a song.
I'll post all the details of the competition tomorrow. I want to include this week's DLC in the current set.
Yeah, it's too bad you don't have a screencap or something. A perfect chain is believable for Force Your Way though, if you practice enough (or are maddeningly lucky).
AN ALL CRITICAL CHAIN, on the other'd have to be a rhythm god.
On button mode no less. My thumb hurts just looking at it.
On button mode no less. My thumb hurts just looking at it.
My feeling is diminishing returns come into play, especially if when you get that high. I compared EXP gained using a few characters (my tests are really bad due to skills equipped, sorry):I'm not sure if this is a question that can be answered but I'll try...
Is there a limit to stats? I assume I can hit 999 for agility if I use the Crystarium a lot, but say I stack Wind Rhapsody on top of that which adds x to agility when you play FMS stages. Am I still capped at 999, or will it go beyond that for the duration of the FMS stage?
Also EXP gained with the same party varies due to boost pads being random so one test is not conclusive. Also come to think of it the 235 agility one I had EXP up 2 on the leader (I don't know if it boosts the pool of EXP listed or if that character gets the bonus added to their slice)...these tests are pretty terrible.800 agility - 9366 (haste 3 - 107 chain 2 great)
235 agility - 4868 (haste 1+2 - 107 chain AC)
16 agility - 2388 (dash 1...dash is inferior to haste and barely makes any difference to EXP 107 chain 1 great)
That is a very good point. Sadly I'm too invested into the whole loot game part.Man I obsessed over stats for a while when I first got into the game, but then I realized... what's the point?
If your purpose is to travel the furtherest distance during FMS, the distance relies more on your skill than your character's stats. I think after you get up to an SSS rating, it doesn't really matter how high your stat goes. The best way to get EXP, items, distance during a FMS is to play an Ultimate score perfectly.
Personally, I settled on Onion Knight being the best FMS runner with his abilities.
My feeling is diminishing returns come into play, especially if when you get that high. I compared EXP gained using a few characters (my tests are really bad due to skills equipped, sorry):
I'm not even really working on it to get more EXP or whatever, I just want to try and the best party (on paper) that the game can give me. It's what keeps me playing songs, that and watching my rhythmia go up.
So my dilemma is do I get Fran up to 999 Agility, which is my preferred choice, or do I just go with Rikku who could potentially have 999 Agility +40 +45 +60 in FMS stages? I know it doesn't ultimately make a lot of difference, but yeah, it's the stats that keep me playing.
More DLC coming on February 19!!!
More DLC coming on February 19!!!
More DLC coming on February 19!!!
How have they managed to make two Theatrhythm games, with 220 base songs, plus another 70+ as DLC, and not one of them is The Landing from Final Fantasy VIII?
How have they managed to make two Theatrhythm games, with 220 base songs, plus another 70+ as DLC, and not one of them is The Landing from Final Fantasy VIII?
Right?? But it took them up til now to release Liberi Fatali...
NO KIDDING. Or Cid Theme's from VII.
Onion Knight is good because he is very easy to set up. Naturally high stats doesn't need a whole lot of CP. The drawback to Onion Knight is no sight (more chances of Moogles and Fat Chocobo though to be honest I rarely have problems with either...if anything I wish the Chocobo would show up less as its fixed drop table is becoming useless) or treasure hunter and has pretty low luck (but these two are where I would really love more technical info it says it increases chances changes but from what to what, I have a feeling like the agility I showed earlier it is diminishing returns). There is scrolls for level 1 of both those skills but they're insignificant so I'd rather the stats for what little they're worth.