Seem to have gotten a bug already. Ray and Reyes notebooks are switched for me, so I have to change to Ray to read Reyes objectives, and vice versa.
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Seem to have gotten a bug already. Ray and Reyes notebooks are switched for me, so I have to change to Ray to read Reyes objectives, and vice versa.
The Pigeon Brothers sisters have one, but they only come out for supernatural phenomena.
You'll need to cause one, which immediately limits your options.
To get you started - what's the Hotel Manager looking at on his computer screen?
Dunno where you heard that from, but it's not true
will bring up the nine verbs in their spatial order (IE Q is the top left verb and C is the bottom right verb).
And as always, full stop skips dialog. There's also O for options, 1/2/3/4/5 to switch characters, Esc to skip cutscenes, ctrl s for save, ctrl l for load and ctrl q for quit.
I figured out how to scare the guy but I can't figure out how to get the Pigeon bros out. I keep calling and they're like "emergencies only try again later lol"
You don't need to call them. Give their business card to the hotel manager.
Dunno where you heard that from, but it's not true
will bring up the nine verbs in their spatial order (IE Q is the top left verb and C is the bottom right verb).
And as always, full stop skips dialog. There's also O for options, 1/2/3/4/5 to switch characters, Esc to skip cutscenes, ctrl s for save, ctrl l for load and ctrl q for quit.
any tip howwin the thimblecon ticket? you have to do something with the radio but i cannot figure it out
It's a phone-in competition. Have you tried phoning the station yet?
yes, they say their line are busy
Just started playing and I'm loving it so far. The clown flash-back was fucking hilarious.
So make the line NOT busy. You have to do something at the radio station.
Any tips going into this. I love some PnC, but i always get stuck on more obscure puzzles. Should i try writing stuff down to help? I really don't want to use a walk through for this.
Would love to get this on Switch. What are the chances of that happening?
Any tips going into this. I love some PnC, but i always get stuck on more obscure puzzles. Should i try writing stuff down to help? I really don't want to use a walk through for this.
Need to call the pidgeon brother. I zap the hotel pc but the menager dont say anything
I dunno, Monkey Island 1 had a hint line pixel as well. Assumed it was about the whole genre.
What is up with the MST3K level eastern European voice acting? FBI guy sounds real bad but maybe it's a twist or something lol.
I don't know what non-genre fans would think, but it's a really excellent game.
You don't need to call them. Give their business card to the hotel manager.
The solution to the broken stair case in Delores' flashback was amazing lol
It really annoys me that we can't skip lines of dialogue.
That's a lot of opinion for three minutes.So, when Rock, Paper, Shotgun's review of the game was posted here, and it was positive, and not written by John Walker, I thought for a while that I would joke about "how long will it before John Walker feels the unstoppable urge to post his own article about how everyone are wrong about this game and he's not?"
I didn't.
But he did.
The answer: About a day.
Everything wrong with the first three minutes of Thimbleweed Park
I'm stuck at the moment, especially since I'm not quite sure what the wrench is used for. is it,tubesorpipesor something else entirely?valves
The point where you use the wrench is pretty obvious.You need to get past the factory fence to be able to use it
So, when Rock, Paper, Shotgun's review of the game was posted here, and it was positive, and not written by John Walker, I thought for a while that I would joke about "how long will it before John Walker feels the unstoppable urge to post his own article about how everyone are wrong about this game and he's not?"
I didn't.
But he did.
The answer: About a day.
Everything wrong with the first three minutes of Thimbleweed Park
I honestly had similar thoughts regarding the lack of interactivity in the game. I don't understand why can't we look at people, or why the detectives can't talk to each other. Why do we even have tow detectives in the first place anyway.
The solution to the broken stair case in Delores' flashback was amazing lol