Greatest |OT| to ever grace NeoGAF?
I don't get the ass stomach comments? Can somebody explain please.
Great OT man! I bought this today, but haven't played yet. Seems like typical NISA fare, mainstreamers hate it, anime fans love it.
Great OT man! I bought this today, but haven't played yet. Seems like typical NISA fare, mainstreamers hate it, anime fans love it.
This is why I'm getting a PS4...for NISA games!
Great OT man! I bought this today, but haven't played yet. Seems like typical NISA fare, mainstreamers hate it, anime fans love it.
This is why I'm getting a PS4...for NISA games!
I'm assuming the reference is to this piece of artwork, because it seriously broke by brain trying to figure out what was going on until I figured out that it was just that her dress was styled and colored in a way that it resembled an ass (versus actually being one).
I was actually really interested the game but once I get a look at the combat system and palette swaps I bailed. Too bad cause the rest seemed appealing.
One of my coworkers received the game today during work, showed it to me and all I did was laugh.
That's probably the closest I'll ever get to this game (thankfully).
But Time and Eternity has a Yuzo Koshiro-composed soundtrack!
lol nope, I try to play every JRPG that gets released and I usually manage to find some commendable aspect somewhere in them. Not this one. The only think NISA has released anywhere near this level was Last Rebellion and at least that had one good song.
Dat gorgeous LE.
Did anyone get their LE today? I went with the free shipping option, otherwise it was like 20 bucks to ship =;/
Hopefully I get it soon.
I'm at work right now but I did free shipping and says my LE was delivered. Of course it looks like it shipped from Irvine and I'm in San Diego so that's only like two hour drive![]()
Yeah, you're pretty lucky. Mine only says Electronic Shipping Info received =/ Might even be a couple days now.
Eats me up inside!Just remember that trash like this got localized when tonnes of good PSP RPGs didn't.