It was smaller budget than say, Gaurdians. I think this was right around their expectations. Of course they'd have loved for it to be higher.
Marvel stans have too much time on their hands, get a hobby.
58 mil ain't shit either.
I think it was mostly people doubting it would be any good since Edgar Wright wasn't directing it anymore.Guardians crow thread worked because there was a ton of doubt going into it, and it ended up breaking box office records. Ant-man, I don't remember getting so many negative predictions.
I think it was mostly people doubting it would be any good since Edgar Wright wasn't directing it anymore.
This is a few step lower than me discussing who is going to do an OT for a film.
Yeah. "Eating crow" is only a marvel thing here...The whole "crow eating" obsession Marvel fans have is so off-putting. It's funny when it's a real ranty post or something but just pulling these one-off predictions gaffers make as part of a wider discussion is sad. Especially the way you guys were talking about it in the Rotten Tomatoes thread. It made me sad to see how fans of Marvel movies react to the successes of the movies. Very childish but I expect it to be some sort of complex after how disappointing AoU was.
Yeah. "Eating crow" is only a marvel thing here...
Isn't 58M one of the lowest opening for a Marvel movie? At least since they started beeing rather big
That tag is like 5 minutes old.people saw his tag right? i didnt see much reaction
people saw his tag right? i didnt see much reaction
Guardians crow thread worked because there was a ton of doubt going into it, and it ended up breaking box office records. Ant-man, I don't remember getting so many negative predictions.
why do you marvel folk care so much about tomatoes and crows
Disney/Marvel is like a religious entity of some sorts.
Yay I finally have a tag!
Hester didn't show off her A, dude.
What I said in the last thread.
It was stupid then and it's stupid now. I'll make sure not to say that Civil War might not be that good or you might quote me in a year.
I'm strutting.
Yay I finally have a tag!
Lowest MCU movie since Increidble Hulk?
Despite the quality of the movie, there's no crow to be eaten on it's performance. Against a bigger oppenent, it probably wouldn't even be #1. He won't be getitng another solo movie, that's for sure.
For doing something so creepy on an internet forum that you were basically branded for it?
Acting like this thread was really an attempt to get a tag?