And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'

*Selected as GAME OF THE YEAR 2011 in the American iTunes App Store!*
iPhone/iPod touch owners know about the endless Farmville knockoffs that've swarmed the App Store, so here's a welcome change to the formula. Tiny Tower has a lot of the same mechanics of those busywork social games, but it doesn't punish you for not forking over real-life dollars, and doesn't kill your spirit for not checking in for days or weeks.
The mechanics are ultra-simple: Build floors that sprout a random business according to which type you specify: FOOD, SERVICE, RECREATION, RETAIL, and CREATIVE. Stock the store with timed restocks, or spend Tower Bux to get the job done instantly. You send visitors up and down the elevator shafts for tips, sometimes even Big Bux. Grinding the elevators brings you new opportunities to improve in the form if VIPs. These guys offer to buy out entire floors, deliver your supply faster, or even build floors for you double-time.
Tower Bux are the game's "microtransaction" element, but the beauty of it is that, unlike most social grinders that almost dare you not to play without giving them money, you can easily have a great time without ever forking over any real world bux.
The stars of the game are it's Bitizens. You'll be getting to know them very well, because they're all unique. They've got charm, but they've also got a Dream-Job in mind.

Each little guy or gal has a specific Job that, once you start cranking out floors and stumble upon their prized profession, they can boost your Tiny Empire like crazy.

Every floor you build brings a new kind of business. These micro-merchants can really start to cook once you find the right Bitizens for the job.

Bitbook! There's a wall for all your Bitizens to vent about crappy neighbors or their awesome job.

And did I mention that this game is FREE? (0 Tower Bux)