Praise baby jesus

Yeah, the video is not great lol I would have chosen yours if I was the judge
I've on playing Killing Floor 2... not sure if PS4 GAF is on tonight?
After jumping back in to multiplayer, I really need a lot of practice. What's the best way to practice movement? I felt like a sitting duck having not played for a month.
To start maybe go through the gauntlet until you can do it without touching the ground except for sliding under the wall at that one part (and at that point hit the ground sliding and jump back up before you come to a stop). Otherwise if you just want some practice on a real map you can load up a private game to just run around in.
I mean, if you watch this video in isolation, it doesn't look like a thing, just an overpowered knife. Console auto-aim and all.
No autoaim on the knife, either before you throw it and certainly not in flight. =)
;( i didn't realise the time. silly me
Good games everyone. Was fun playing with you all.
GGs guys. You're all so good at this game!
Dez had to take off, we have room for 1 if you're still interested
GGs to that gaf party I just played 3 games against. It's always fun going solo against Attacked teams.
Ha GGs!
Let us know if you want to group up
I'm about toss some chicken on the grill but I will be back on in an hour or so I'm usually on the gaf network. My psn is crocodileslogic
I missed you then, i saw the GAF network kinda empty o.o
Quad posting because you people are terrible
Nothing great but I just like the chained moments in this clip
I still want more HUD options, Respaaaaawn
Nice clip. I always wonder how splatter works on Titans though as I end up being stepped on plenty of times when trying to rodeo from the ground.
Anyone know what the trick is to slide hopping up a hill smoothly without double jumping? I can't seem to do it consistently at all.
The only real answer is to be fast before hitting the slope and nail the button timing.wow yall are no help
wow yall are no help
I bet you cant slide hop up a steep hill.I'm not saying Scrub this or Scrub that but really practice offline on a private match server to improve. Bunny hopping in the game has taken me a lot of time to master all terrain's and there is no "quick solution" or technique other than to know and feel each circumstance.
I bet you cant slide hop up a steep hill.
Crashsite bottom start spawn up to top start spawn hill.How steep we talking? Like the ramps on Dry Dock? Hills on Homestead?