? WhyEMP grenades do way too much
? Why
Blinds, stuns and explodes on hit.
That's way too much if its going to explode on hit rather than having to cook it like a frag
They do shit for damage though.
They also don't stun, they slow. You can still shoot with close to full effectiveness when hit with the arc grenade.
That said...I don't use anything else. They all feel useless or too situational compared to the arc grenade. Being able to blind titans easily makes them top tier.
Hey, how is the overall mp player count on PS4? I could pick up this game in a few hours but I´m a bit worried about that.
They do shit for damage though.
They also don't stun, they slow. You can still shoot with close to full effectiveness when hit with the arc grenade.
That said...I don't use anything else. They all feel useless or too situational compared to the arc grenade. Being able to blind titans easily makes them top tier.
A direct firestar hit on titans gives ~15% titan charge which is the best among all ordnance tho.
Hey, how is the overall mp player count on PS4? I could pick up this game in a few hours but I´m a bit worried about that.
Sure, but that's not always easy unlike the arc grenade, and most importantly, the fire stars feel practically useless in every other situation.
I use the firestar exclusively. If there is a path I want to block off for a bit I throw one at a doorway. Works really well on Bounty Hunt on banks or entrances to banks.
It is also perfect for drop pods of AI in BH and Attrition.
Huh, I'll give it another go. I'm just so used to the arc grenade's throwing...arc...that it's really difficult to switch to something else!
Right, there's that as well. That they blind Titans. So that's another thing they do.
Nice work man! You didn't need to use my clip (looks so bad compared to the rest), but thanks ^^;
Do you think it'd be cheeky to include some montages in the next OT? Knowing fellow GAFfers are having a blast and pulling off crazy/hilarious stunts could sway some folks who are on the fence.
Also, are you still working on a Northstar montage?
If so, I have an idea for music (making a track myself...won't spoil it on here, but PM if interested).
...is there a way to skip cutscenes?
During campaign ? I'm pretty sure you can, I think it's "hold X to skip" (there is a prompt in the bottom corner if you push any button), but you can only do it after a few seconds, once the level has loaded.
Hey, how is the overall mp player count on PS4? I could pick up this game in a few hours but I´m a bit worried about that.
Oh man.... sentry guns the range... the precision.... ?@$?@$@#
Why don't they die with a single Titan melee?
Got a kill by a Ronin phase shifting into me![]()
Dumbest shit ever. Why does Phase Shifting into another pilot count as a kill but Ronin phase shifting results in you (Ronin) dying?
Epg is so fun to use
Sorry for such a dumb question but how to cloak? I am in SP campaign. got distracted playing other games now I've forgotten the controls.;
On PS4
Not touched mp but just finished the sp on hard and tip of the hat to those at respawn. The level with the time switch was fucking excellent and a nice change from the usual run and gun of most shooters out just now. Really hope there's another game in the series.
if you could, I'd think speedrunners would use it
3. Fix Ronin's phase. It should not kill you for phasing into an enemy Titan. It should do the opppsite, in fact.
I'm not one for nerfs but the Hemlok and Devotion really need toned down. Sucks every ounce of fun out the vame when people just sit at the very back of the map and pick you off in one burst. That should not be a viable option in Titanfall. At all.
hold block
Dumbest shit ever. Why does Phase Shifting into another pilot count as a kill but Ronin phase shifting results in you (Ronin) dying?
I never get tired of when Ronins try to melee me as Scorch
You done fucked up, little man.
The Hemlock and devotion are disgusting. Especially when paired with amped damage.
I got on yesterday jumped into a mixtape match and the first one that came around was pilots vs pilots on drydock. I had the Hemlock equipped because I hadn't been playing in a while and that was what I was last using so I thought I'd run with it. Finished 33 and 3, killing people as they filtered out of their spawn with one-burst kills at range. Ridiculous!
The Hemlock, Devotion, and amped damage are a problem and need tweaking.
I think a cool change to amped damage would be to have damage amped relative to your momentum, so if you're running or travelling quickly then your damage can be amped up to the value it was before, but if you're stationary and immobile it has no effect. Maybe that sounds silly but I like that amped damage helps aggressive, mobile playstyles, where players actually take risks to cut a path through the enemy team, but it's just extremely overpowered when it's coupled with these defensive, low risk playstyles, where you're able to instant-kill people from across the map, without exposing yourself to any risk.
I mean the easier answer would be to have amped damage affect each weapon class differently. Like, SMGs and shotguns get the most boost, less for ARs, even less for LMGs. They already have those graphs showing the relative damage, range, accuracy, etc of each weapon. Just add another that included amped percentage boost.
Worst case scenario, you put more thought into which boost to use with each loadout.
During campaign ? I'm pretty sure you can, I think it's "hold X to skip" (there is a prompt in the bottom corner if you push any button), but you can only do it after a few seconds, once the level has loaded.
if you could, I'd think speedrunners would use it