id be much happier with titanfall 2 if the SMGs and shotguns had their range drastically cut
Is Angel City known for having a poor framerate vs other maps? Just running around in that map without any action brings my framerate down to the 50s whereas it's ~80 in other maps. This is on PC but I'm curious as to whether it's true on console as well.
Is Angel City known for having a poor framerate vs other maps? Just running around in that map without any action brings my framerate down to the 50s whereas it's ~80 in other maps. This is on PC but I'm curious as to whether it's true on console as well.
I have that problem too.
I also have that problem on PC, including the other remastered Titanfall 1 maps
Accidentally forgot to reset boost and titan after a regen, so played a match with Ion for basically the first time since Monarch dropped.
Felt weird for a bit, but got back into it. Man did Respawn go a little heavy on the nerfs with my baby.
I get it, you dont want players demolishing people with double-tap into primary pester into chest laser, repeat. It was too powerful.
Knocking down the damage AND increasing energy usage per laser shot? Come on. One of those two would have been enough.
But Im biased. I was an Ion player from day 1 up until Monarch dropped. I was a true blue titan loyalist.
That's why I hate nerfs.
One time a reaper landed on and launched me while I had my back turned, saving me from a pilot that was probably going to execute me.
probably something similar to this:What do you figure the other guy that had crossed the distance and approached you unnoticed felt at the time RNG nuked him from the sky?
You know whats great? Going against a group of G2 shitters
Sure glad Respawn has yet to address a weapon that stuns all movement.
But we have premium weapon skins now. Thats important!
Crash and I had a good run after that terrible match! Had some close games but nothing that was as aggravating as a G2 group.
I just bought the game again since it was on sale on Amazon would you guys recommend one of the DLC bundles? What all comes in them I see Prime Titans but that's it.
You see, the best way for me to not complain is to not play until we get PvE![]()
mates, pls recommend me the best loadout for this game, currently use standard assault rifle + stim + lock-on rocket. i'm liking the ronin titan, scorch sucks ass
mates, pls recommend me the best loadout for this game, currently use standard assault rifle + stim + lock-on rocket. i'm liking the ronin titan, scorch sucks ass
Had some fun with Odysseus earlier today. This game is just so addictively fun. Even on mediocre matches I'm still finding ways to have fun and experiment with new loadouts.
I've been playing Legion for weeks and finally mixed it up. Hopped back into Ion and it was like riding a bike - so easy to pick back up and laser snipe.
I used to play a lot of Tone before the nerfs and he just doesn't feel as fun anymore. Feel like other Titans have a lot more utility and variety in approaches now. Maybe need to warm back up to him again.
Tier 3: Legion
Cheers, ill give them a shot. Havnt unlocked phaseshift yet just got into playing tf2I basically run 3 loadouts, depending on map and mood.
1) Run and Gun
Ability: Stim or Phase Shift
Primary: CAR
Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle or MGL
Secondary: Mozambique
Grenade: Arc Grenade
Kit 1: Power Cell
Kit 2: Low Profile
I should probably use MGL with this instead of the charge rifle, but at this point I'm so comfortable with the Charge Rifle, that I can bounce around and phase shift all over Titans, landing charge shots, and eating through damage. Plus, I like having the ability to pester at range to help teammates out, without necessarily having to cross the distance and give up position I think is more valuable. Finally, it doubles as a sniper rifle against stupid, immobile opponents.
2) Versatile
Ability: Pulse Blade or Phase Shift
Primary: R201 or R101
Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle or Archer Rocket
Secondary: P2016
Grenade: Arc Grenade
Kit 1: Power Cell
Kit 2: Low Profile
Mid-range. I can still run and gun a bit with it since the hip fire is useable, but I can also hang back and play a bit more passive, use Pulse Blade to highlight enemies for myself and my teammates. If my teammates prove incapable of taking advantage, I just swap to phase shift and use it purely defensively as opposed to aggressively like with the CAR.
3) Long Range
Ability: Pulse Blade or Stim
Primary: G2
Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle or Archer Rocket
Secondary: P2016
Grenade: Arc Grenade
Kit 1: Power Cell
Kit 2: Low Profile
Basically just pick off guys from distance. I try to reposition after every kill or two. Very 'hurry up and stop' play-style. Run around the map at full tilt, but stop and pull up ADS when I spot an enemy, repeat.
I used to swap between Amped Damage and Battery boosts, but now that Amped Damage has been nerfed into oblivion, I pretty much run Battery exclusively. If for some reason I hate myself and am playing PVP, I'll use the Smart Pistol.
As far as Titans, if you like Ronin, keep using him. He's one of the better Titans currently, if you can use him well. I'd personally sort the Titan tiers as follows:
Tier 1: Ronin, Ion, Northstar
Tier 2: Tone, Monarch
Tier 3: Legion
Shit Tier: Scorch
It's the only mode with bots on each team, you can thank Respawn for that. I would play other modes like Hardpoint if it was like it was in the original.I hate Attrition.
But getting any other gamemode to play takes 5 minutes instead of 5 seconds. It's such a garbage gamemode yet it's the only one people seem to play.
It's the only mode with bots on each team, you can thank Respawn for that. I would play other modes like Hardpoint if it was like it was in the original.
It's the only mode with bots on each team, you can thank Respawn for that. I would play other modes like Hardpoint if it was like it was in the original.
The things I would do for more modes I would actually play that aren't Attrition and Live Fire. Respawn please. PLEASE.Fucking THIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS
I COMPLETELY forgot that Bots were in TF1 Hardpoint
I hate Attrition.
But getting any other gamemode to play takes 5 minutes instead of 5 seconds. It's such a garbage gamemode yet it's the only one people seem to play.
Did they nerf scorch or did he just fall out of the meta? I remember him kicking ass a few months ago, especially on cqc maps
I picked this up this friday in the PSN summer sale... this game is a god damn blast.
Never thought I'd like this. I played Titanfall 1 for maybe 3 or 4 hours on PC and didn't bother to buy Titanfall 2. Never have I been so wrong. Everything feels perfect and straight to the point. The movement speed, the controls... absolutely great. Even when I'm on the losing side it is a ton of fun, because games are really close. I'm only 2 hours in yet, because I also play BF1... but my playtime will grow really really fast.
Did they nerf scorch or did he just fall out of the meta? I remember him kicking ass a few months ago, especially on cqc maps
Monarch ate its lunch