This game is on special at the moment and I am wondering if this is worth 27 canadian dollars for the campaign alone? Also how long is it? I heard the campaign was amazing... is there any story dlc?
This game is on special at the moment and I am wondering if this is worth 27 canadian dollars for the campaign alone? Also how long is it? I heard the campaign was amazing... is there any story dlc?
buy it
campaign is amazing and even if you don't love the MP, we have co=op now
no story dlc tho
Are coop missions seperate events from the campaign?
There's an option for Titanfall 1's multiplayer menu music, I just unlocked it?
There's an option for Titanfall 1's multiplayer menu music, I just unlocked it?
On another note, getting all 7 Titan's Aegis rank to 5 may be long, but it's a fun ride
Pilot Melee
- Punch range increased from 2.5 feet to 3.75 feet.
- Lunge range decreased from 8.13 feet to 6.89 feet.
- Lunge animation time increased from 0.2 sec to 0.3 sec.
Phase Shift
- Now carries only 1 charge instead of 2.
- Cooldown per-charge decreased from 20 sec to 15 sec.
R201/R101 Carbines
- Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 21. Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 16.
Hemlok BF-R
- Amped close range damage decreased from 45 to 43. Amped longest range damage decreased from 30 to 25.
- Close range damage decreased from 45 to 40.
- Firerate decreased from 7 r/s to 5.5 r/s (420 RPM to 330 RPM).
V-47 Flatline
- Medium range damage decreased from 25 to 20.
- Amped close range damage decreased from 45 to 35. Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 25. Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 18.
- Medium range damage decreased from 17 to 13.
- Amped medium range damage decreased from 25 to 16. Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 13.
- Medium range damage decreased from 25 to 18. Longest range damage decreased from 15 to 14.
- Amped close range damage decreased from 50 to 45. Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 20. Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 17.
- Medium range damage decreased from 18 to 15. Longest range damage decreased from 14 to 12.
- Amped medium range damage decreased from 25 to 18. Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 15.
- Close range damage decreased from 23 to 20. Medium range damage decreased from 18 to 12.
- Amped close range damage decreased from 33 to 25. Amped medium range damage decreased from 33 to 15. Amped longest range damage decreased from 24 to 13.
- Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 23.
X-55 Devotion
- Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 17.
Longbow DMR
- Firerate decreased from 3.5 r/s to 3 r/s (210 RPM to 180 RPM).
- Amped damage decreased from 80 at all ranges to 75 at all ranges.
- Amped close range damage decreased from 30 × 8 to 25 × 8. Amped medium and longest range damages decreased from 17 × 8 to 16 × 8.
Hammond P2016
- Close range damage decreased from 40 to 30. Medium range damage decreased from 30 to 20. Longest range damage decreased from 20 to 15.
- Consequently, suppressed close range damage decreased from 32 to 20. Suppressed medium range damage decreased from 25 to 18. Suppressed longest range damage decreased from 15 to 13.
- Amped close range damage decreased from 45 to 35. Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 25. Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 17.
Wingman Elite
- Base ammo capacity decreased from 6 rounds to 4 rounds. Extended ammo capacity decreased from 8 rounds to 6 rounds.
Entertainingly, the model was not updated to reflect this.- Close range damage decreased from 75 to 50.
- Amped close range damage increased from 90 to 95. Amped medium range damage decreased from 75 to 70. Amped longest range damage increased from 45 to 55.
SA-3 Mozambique
- Firerate decreased from 3 r/s to 2.5 r/s (180 RPM to 150 RPM).
B3 Wingman
- Close range damage decreased from 55 to 40. Medium range damage decreased from 45 to 40.
- Amped close range damage decreased from 90 to 50. Amped medium range damage increased from 50 to 55? Amped longest range damage increased from 35 to 40.
- Can no longer lock onto cloaked targets, regardless of Pilot or NPC.
Smart Pistol
- Can no longer lock onto cloaked targets, regardless of Pilot or NPC.
- Damage dealt from running over a Stalker in your Titan has been decreased from 1250 to just 500 (1/2 a bar to 1/5 a bar).
- HP has been decreased from 250 to 150.
All Titans
- Overcore will now deploy your Titan with 20% core charge instead of 30%.
- Electric Smoke is mow earned at 20% core charge instead of 25%.
- Sword Block's effectiveness has been decreased by 5%, meaning that it will now block 70% of damage and 85% in Sword Core, decreased from 75% and 90%.
- Now has 1 base dash, with a cooldown of 10 seconds. Equipping Turbo Engine will cut that cooldown to 5 seconds (an improvement to its original cooldown of 6 seconds).
- Tempered Plating now provides complete immunity to your own thermite, and also removes Scorch's critical hit zones.
- Wildfire Launcher now increases the impact damage of the Thermite Launcher from 800 to 1000.
- The trails from Flame Core when using the Scorched Earth kit have an increased duration, from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.
- Now has 1 base dash, with a cooldown of 10 seconds. Equipping Turbo Engine will cut that cooldown to 5 seconds (an improvement to its original cooldown of 6 seconds).
- Power Shots with Hidden Compartment equipped do 15% less damage to Titans, meaning 1800 damage decreased from 2000.
With Close Range mode, this means each pellet will be doing 112.5 damage instead of 125.
With Long Range mode, this only affects the impact damage. The explosion will still do its full 1800 damage to Titans.
- Critical Hits with Entangled Energy now restore 30 damage, or 8 when split, increased from 20 and 5.
- Frontier Defense only: Splitter Cannon damage globally increased by 10%.
- Frontier Defense only: Laser Shot damage against Titans increased by 25%.
- Frontier Defense only: Laser Core damage globally increased by 45%.
- Energy Siphon now decreases your movement speed to 70% base speed and turning speed to 80%, less severe than the original 50% movement speed and 65% turn speed (which are still the case with any other EMP such as Arc Grenades).
- Arc Rounds shield drain against Vortex and Flame Shields decreased from 5% per round to 3.3%.
- Frontier Defense only: XO-16 damage against Titans decreased by 20%.
- Frontier Defense only: Salvo Rocket damage against infantry decreased by 20%.
- Frontier Defense only: MTMS damage damage globally decreased by 20%.
Fixes and Other Changes
- Grenade indicators will be constantly visible again.
- Fixed Scorch being unable to ignite his gas with the Flame Core. You're welcome! 😉
- The transitions between menus for your Titan and Pilot loadouts have comfy and smooth camera movement now.
- Improvements to the Pilot Weapons and Titan stats screens, with the models in-engine so you can kiss them. Comparisons here.
Future Content
- Decent chance that the next Frontier Defense maps are Angel City and Eden, judging by them already having (temporary) names for their waves.
- There's some stuff in the backend for Private Match settings that suggest you might be able to play Frontier Defense in there some time.
- Entitlement entries for a "Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition" and "Titanfall 2 Jumpstarter Kit" have been released, presumably being the game bundled with some quantity of DLC.
- The next Pilot Execution will be for the Amped Wall. Who'da thunk. I actually found the animations a while ago, but there is now code in the execution script that is loading the AWall disc a prop, so it's extra confirmed.
No indication of what the unlock condition will be yet.
Scorch has never let me down.Played 3-4 matches of FD and had, predictably, a blast. And I'm just getting into Scorch right as his buffs drop.
This game...
NERFING DOES NOT MAKE THE GAME MORE FUN. There will be another gun that everyone uses and is considered best.
Scorch has never let me down.
I hate you, Respawn
Depends on what you nerf
Phase shifters were incredibly frustrating to fight against, because they could turn invisible/invincible twice in a single engagement. Nerfed, it's still powerful because it's a "get out of jail free" card, you just have to use it more judiciously now.
Out of curiosity, did you not find it a struggle to use Scorch on maps like Homestead?
Are there too many guns in the game? I felt like there were too many. I never got accustomed to any of them during the campaign. I would just grab whatever because I forgot the names of them.
And that carried over into pvp. I have no idea what the best guns are. Chances are I'm hindering myself without realizing it by picking crappy guns.
Anyone mind informing me what guns are best for pvp?
I don't even use most of those things and the list makes me sad. So many nerfs.
I agree, but more often than not, nerfs leave many unhappy. I don't use phase shift, but imagine this will negatively affect the people that do.
On another note: Respawn, will you release a patch for the Xbox One X?
Any long time G2 and PS user will agree that they are way, way too strong and the nerf is very reasonable.
Also it has been confirmed it will have a XOX patch, goes up to 6K resolution even.
War Games seems harder than other maps?
I am disappointed the EPG or Softball didn't get no skin love :-(
I find it odd that Angel City was the map Respawn used to tease Frontier Defense on the roadmap, yet it wasn't one of the release maps for said mode
Maybe next update?
Data mined files had warpaint entries for all pilot weapons
Shit. I ordered Rainbow Six Siege but I've been thinking on cancelling my order to get this one.Just played this for first time yesterday, PS4 Pro.
Extremely impressed with the SP. Some of the best SP FPS I've ever played for sure, very happy with it. Will jump on the co-op sometime today probably.
Very happy with the purchase, great $20 spent for sure, great game.
Shit. I ordered Rainbow Six Siege but I've been thinking on cancelling my order to get this one.
I don't know what to do![]()
Gimme my Kraber skin. My love deserves something special to wear.Data mined files had warpaint entries for all pilot weapons
Love that part. They should expand more on stuff like that in the next game, vehicles other than Titans.Also very cool how you can shoot at stuff as your pilot is being flown in.
Yeah, seems that way to me. Also, can't seem to join a game at the start.War Games seems harder than other maps?
Wtf, hope you guys are happy with all of these nerfs. This is why we will never have a game like MW2 again. I thought Respawn was smarter than to just nerf everything for the "sake of weapon diversity."
I want to use SMGs, why make them worse? How does that please players such as myself?
Seems like being the "loudest" member is the only way to get Respawn's attention. Damn, I'm pissed. They pulled a Bungie with these patch notes: "we fucked up these weapons, please use others."
Respawn, please tell me what's wrong with people using the guns they want whenever they want? Weapon diversity was perfectly fine since launch - people did their own thing. Why must everything be nerfed? People will cry no matter what (yes I am bitching now) - don't make the game worse for everyone that was enjoying it. I spent a lot of money because I supported your vision for TF2. A nerf-fest is the last thing I wanted.
NERFING DOES NOT MAKE THE GAME MORE FUN. There will be another gun that everyone uses and is considered best.
My back really hurts lol. Scorch is a beast on Rise.
On the bright side Siege is the best multiplayer shooter of all time. But it's not very casual or forgiving. And it's best played with a regular group.Shit. I ordered Rainbow Six Siege but I've been thinking on cancelling my order to get this one.
I don't know what to do![]()
Ugh Frontier defense is factoring into stats for player vs player on the stats page. It completely bombed out my K/D for the last 10 games. Why would they include stats for a game mode that doesnt have other player characters....