I really hate people who use devotion.
Devotion is awesome. Being able to snipe from long range with single shots or crank it up while in a fight is so satisfying.
I really hate people who use devotion.
Combine with Hover and ta da!
Now you can change directions mid-air.
I said 4th row behind the division. I wanna know if there are more than just 2 modes with people playingHow is the 4th most played game on a system that has an install base of 20+million dead?
The logic of some people
I dont want to ruin it for you buy you can do all that without grapple and hook too.
Is there a titanfall2 themed dualshock? That xbone controller is sweet.
I'm on PS4 and never have wait more than 10-15 seconds to enter a match, for both Attrition and Pilot V Pilot.
And yes, it is so awesome. It took me a while for me to warm up to it, because I went in with zero online shooter skills, but now I'm grapple hook-punching guys in mid air.
I used the cloak a lot, but now I'm really liking the grapple hook
This is how you play Titanfall.
Does the single-player campaign unlock anything in MP?
How has the leader of [GAF] on PS4 not even played a single match? Who is it? You're letting the side down.
How has the leader of [GAF] on PS4 not even played a single match? Who is it? You're letting the side down.
I thought about joining that server until I saw "Competitive" rather than social. That ain't nor ever will be me.
Hm, this MP might be my fav this year. Need to play the campaign but cannot tear myself away from the MP.
I'm playing.
Been sending invites to the network every time I finish a match but no one joins
The one with 4500 people is Social.
I dont want to ruin it for you buy you can do all that without grapple and hook too.
The grapplehook allows for much greater control and a higher margin for error. If I didn't have it in that .gif, there's no other way I would have hit the far wall and kept the momentum gained going.
So yeah, you can use Hover without grapplehook, but goodluck chaining it together during some longer jumps since using it kills all momentum gained.
I'm pretty sure hover maintains your momentum, at least going by Frothy's tier list video.
I'm pretty sure hover maintains your momentum, at least going by Frothy's tier list video.
I was exaggerating with the earlier comment, but I don't think it carries your full momentum. I almost always feel as if I'm dropping much steeper then I would if I hadn't activated it.
Bonus .gif for stuff you can pull off with the grapplehook:
Wish there was a PS4 trial so I could sample the controller or how good people are.
Rice-Eater, this is for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvtyHCraGc8
Good people are on par with Xbox, bad people are worse.
Social and Competitive make NO difference, by the way...
I just ripped a battery out of a titan, called my titan, that first titan killed me but my titanfall KILLED THAT TITAN AS HE WAS OUT TO GET THE BATTERY
Wish there was a PS4 trial so I could sample the controller or how good people are.
Rice-Eater, this is for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvtyHCraGc8
Thought it was expectations...
I remember we tried playing each other during AE 2012. The lag was horrid though. Would have been nice to get some real games in. Or maybe not since who wants to get stuck in a endless vortex.
As for PS4, most players play very COD like. Traveling mostly on foot and ADS'ing everything, even at close range. As for the controller. I like it but I've had every PlayStation since the first one so I'm kind of biased about that.
We could try once more, I only have today to try.
I've noticed that you can't blink in this version etc.
Hit me up with a PM if you wanna play (I'll see the notification). My PSN iD is Izuninja
I'm not at home right now but I might try later tonight if you're still available.
As for PS4 player skill(again), I'm not seeing many players bunny hopping or killing me while flying around the stage with hip shooting. I guess that's a good thing for me because I'm pretty much one of those terrible players.
After a one week break, I came back to it and adjusted to all the changes that the patch made. It still awesome, just some tweaks with some guns n turrets need to be made.
I missed you Tittyfall 😘😘😘😘
I just ripped a battery out of a titan, called my titan, that first titan killed me but my titanfall KILLED THAT TITAN AS HE WAS OUT TO GET THE BATTERY
My Titanfall story:
I killed a pilot just before he reached his bubble shield. I waited for the shield to fade and called my Titan in on top of his. The pilot embarked just in time to get titanfall'd.
#4 for me. It was either this or Overwatch as the game that got me into online multiplayer, but Titanfall won that fightYou can drop titans on enemies? Woah.
I will say that PS4 has good players; not everyone is on the ground.
Played some of the campaign and this is my GOTY. After two days. lol
I get the criticism of seeing the same shit, but who cares? That's in every game.