Kk all good then, never done it on consoles before so wasn't sure
If it doesn't start automatically, go to your library and see if that kickstarts the download. I've had to do that for a few things in the past.
Kk all good then, never done it on consoles before so wasn't sure
Is CD Keys a legit site? I assume as much, but I've never purchased from them before. And Best Buy doesn't have the game for pickup in my local store for some reason. I've chatted with them, and sent them 2 emails now, and I keep getting copy-and-paste bullshit about how it isn't available there (I know) and will be soon after release. Except my brother pre-ordered from there for pickup.
Dear God.... -Purchases- The deed is done.yes i got my code yesterday morning, and im playing today via vpn... best part is i got the game for $41
I feel Northstar is a little underpowered.
Rayme told me TOP MEN are on it, so hopefully that stuff will be fixed soon.Code and I will check the spreedsheet semi-frequently. I think there's an issue with how the Networks work from the page atm. Perhaps at release it'll be better.
Rayme told me TOP MEN are on it, so hopefully that stuff will be fixed soon.
preorder bonuses last on xbox one until two weeks after release I believe, or maybe it's a week, whatever it is, there's a grace period though.
Edit: Sorry I just looked it up. Seems to be only specific games that has a grace period, uses DR3 as an example.
Still waiting for my code(xb1) from CDkeys...
Anyone else received their codes yet?
Will i lose any pre order content if i redeem the code tomorrow?
Do I get LE and pre-order bonuses on digital editions of Xbox One games? (or – do I miss out on stuff if I buy digital?).
It will depend on the game – some games like CoD Ghosts have already announced digital versions of their LE with digital exclusive benefits. Other titles like Dead Rising 3 have announced that their channel wide pre-order incentives will come with the digital version for the first 2 weeks. We will see more of these, but can’t guarantee parity in every case.
Turned down my sensitivity, helped me do a lot better in controlling my aim. Also switched to the shotgun (the not-mastiff). Did loads better. I can't fight at long range for shit (at least out of my titan), and that is gonna affect me on maps like homestead. Also goosing people with Ion is the fucking best.
If all goes according to plan, we'll be adding a bunch of new gamepad options in a patch. Including a simple one for separate ADS sensitivity. I've taken to a higher hipfire speed and a normal ADS speed in our playtests; others here have gone the opposite direction.
Just fyi I also requested a refund from GMG, got it in about 2 hours and immediately received a cdkeys code after payment, pre-loading now.
Man, I hate Origin. Tons of problems today, dunno if it's just freaking out from the VPN or what.
Kinda embarrassing for GMG with direct EA hook up for TFall 2 keys. They can't get keys in time while 3rd party site has stock and for cheaper.
If all goes according to plan, we'll be adding a bunch of new gamepad options in a patch. Including a simple one for separate ADS sensitivity. I've taken to a higher hipfire speed and a normal ADS speed in our playtests; others here have gone the opposite direction.
You don't need the VPN once the game has been unlocked
ugh why are you posting shit like this already. the game isn't even out yet for most people.
Hi robotrock,
There’s been a disturbance in the force.
I'm already pining for some form of Frontier Defense. The pilot abilities and the new titan setup would just be AMAZING for it.
Gave up, MP just isn't functioning right now.
Hopefully things are smoother in the coming days, had a blast when it worked.
Self control?
It was clearly marked as a spoiler and inside proper tags. People have had access to the game for several hours, so yeah, campaign stuff will be posted.
Sure thing.What data-center are you connected to? What ping is reported on main menu? If you can get a video of what you're seeing that would be helpful too.
Yuck. I see your problem right there---you aren't using Legion. That must be it.Sure thing.
London 19ms
I've had this for about 45 mins straight, sometimes I'll actually get into a game only to be frozen in place and kicked with the same message. Or just stuck hearing everyone fighting but on a black screen. (With access to the pause menu if I press options)
Here's a video hope that helps, thanks for replying.
I must have tapped it when I was scrolling down the page on my ipad because when I scrolled back up it was just out in plain sight. Sucks for me!
Northstar can fly thoYuck. I see your problem right there---you aren't using Legion. That must be it.
Well just got an immediate refund. Every data center available had a minimum of 250ms. What a joke. Game was completely unplayable
The last time I used Green Man Gaming was when they told me a day before release that my Star Wars Battlefront key would be delayed for six days, and they sent this really crummy email about it that started with this garbage
It seems mostly solid but as a rule of thumb, more than 3 titans in close proximity = frame drops.How's the MP framerate on PS4 for those who have played?
Whyyyy there's a 0 gamerscore achievement for placing top 3 in the Gauntlet scoreboards.
I wonder if I can snag this when the game drops. I suck at these modes.
Where the hell do you live?