I freaking love it.
I just want a good deal to jump in
Ready to go ham on another fps xD
Ps: full price in psn, and Amazon does not have it, only through third parties
Damn! Hope you find a good deal. In fairness, though, TF2 is so worth every $60 cent.

It really is, but perfectly understandable to want to find a better deal. I suggest Amazon. Once they have it in stock.
These Gamesager videos are a summary of why R1 was a better game. Pilots vs. Pilots is so boring...
This is him playing R1 btw:
He literally camps on the rooftop of Angel City during CTF...
Yep. Same reason why I don't watch his montages unless it's for movement. Every vid I load, I see that there's no Titan gameplay and I go "eh, that's not the essence of TF." You can go 30-2, and I wouldn't care if you did it without Titans. Titans are fucking FUN! I have no idea why anyone would want to not be in one. I mostly play Pilots with the goal of getting my Titan always.
Holy hell 50k on Xbox and 32k online on PS4.
I saw 33K on PS4 earlier, I think.

Even if that doesn't stick, I'm definitely fine with 25K on weekends. The amount of "GAF was right!!!" posts here in this OT and that MP trial thread is kinda enough for me to know that a lot of people do not know what they're missing.
Loving Angel City. Quick question about the Gaming Community sub section of NeoGaf. When and how is it decided that a games OT goes to the Cimmunity section?
No one knows exactly. Maybe due to inactivity or just a few people posting? But if so, Infinite Warfare OT should already be here, right? Barely anyone posts there.
Respawn, could you please buff Legion? Back to launch numbers? Thanks
Northstar is like level 2 for me, and Legion is at Gen2.4 I think. Other Titans are Gen4, Gen6, etc. I find him kind restrictive in terms of killing Titans and Pilots since it takes a while to switch weapons, load up his chaingun, etc.
Nice boost from the demo; 39k playing on Xbox One last night.
Pssst! It was 50K.
I feel like everything should be buffed back to launch. All the skills they nerfed are pretty much useless now. Phase Shift s next for the nerf bat IMO. It's the only decent skill now. Just let all the skills and weapons be OP like in MW2.
They should maybe find a good compromise with Cloak and really find a good use for the holo one. I mean, I use it but mostly for funsies, and I can see why people would think it's useless.
Screw it. I figured that I might as well go ahead and just pick this up in addition to BF1 while it is $36. After all, I do like it and planned on getting it anyway, so it would be stupid for me to let it go back up in price and then have to wait for a deal again. Besides, I already started getting invested in progression and really want to play the campaign as well.
Both are great games and different enough that having both will keep you from getting burned out and add longevity to them.
Yep. I agree. EA did so wrong in the release date, but the two shooters are different enough that they can co-exist without the player burning out.
So after the free weekend i've now bought the game.
You got me good Respawn, you got me good.
Oh, and Complex and Crash Site are just so bad... Bleh.
We played pretty much 10 hours into this free weekend and there's still Boomtown, Eden and some other map i've never seen and we played mainly Amped Hardpoint, Mixtape and ofc Angel City 24/7 (yes I realize it's 1 map only playlist).
I suggest using Stim and an SMG in Complex and Scorch for the Titan. Easy kills all day, everyday.

Crash Site, I use Hemlock and Scorch since the tight spaces mean Pilots can't run around that much.
SBMM isn't going to solve the issue people are posting in here. Playing enough Overwatch was proof of that for me, no matter how good you are you'll always have some teammate stinking it up for whatever reason and games were almost always a stomp one way or the other even in ranked.
That doesn't even go into the 2-3 minute waiting for matches that could happen with a player-base ten times as large as this one.
If SBMM was implemented people would just complain about wait times (I know I would, I love how quick getting into matches is) or every match being sweaty.
The game just needs to make it so you aren't getting the same map 3+ times in a row. That sucks.
Yep, I agree. SBMM won't fix anything and will mean we wait longer in between matches. I'd rather have a good connection and play instantly than have to wait. I mean, even in games that have super big player bases (CoD, etc.) they don't use SBMM and rely on connection first
and then SBMM factors in.
I finally got to play Attrition in Angel City! Mind, this is from a regular map rotation!
Ok. So I played attrition for the first time ever earlier, and this game has I think finally really clicked for me.
Yep. This is the only mode I play and I still am not tired of it (Gen7 now).
Bug Report: quitting game at epilogue seems to break the stat tracking... (wooooow I must have lost like half of my stats to this!)
If you leave at epilogue, win or lose, it doesn't go towards Games Won or Games Played. However, your Times MVP does go up (dunno about Top 3).
Is there a form where I can submit these? Rhyme, are you reading these bug reports?
Really? Damnit! I did that a few times. I don't see my stats updating at all, to be honest. It's been stuck in the same number even if I do really well in consecutive games, etc. Same with win rate, etc.