Titanfall 2 |OT2| We are the 6-4 and we're here to nerf your arse!
i'm genuinely blown away by the sp campaign. don't give a toss about the story but the level design and shit is crazy, on another level.
I go back and forth on the Titan's having more health thing.
Angel City makes it very apparent that TF1 Titans had more health. If you are in the middle of the map for any amount of time in Angel City in TF2 say goodbye to your Titan because you are getting hit from all sides by MGLs.
I think it is a good balance for the most part but damn you can take down a 3 health bar Ronin or Northstar so fast if they dont see you coming.
And anyway, TitanGAF... I'm going to start making OT2 now. If you keep misgendering Northstar you'll get a polarising title again.jk
Kicked out? You have the option to enable audio when the game is not in focus.Holy shit, this game needs an audible cue for joining matches. A 3 second countdown, for fuck's sake. Can't tell you how many times I've been kicked out of the loadout screens jarringly. Very frustrating.
It depends on the titan Ion's laser, and Tone primary make them easy targets. Just back off as you said and they have to peak. Same for charge rifles. Northstar however makes them comical. Fly up and either hit them with rifle or cluster. If they're in a room using MGL or any anti titan weapon for that matter out of sight cluster works nicely lol. If Legion, Scorch, Ronin..buh bye.I think I'm falling further and further out of appreciation for the new titan/pilot balance. In 1, a couple titans could definitely become a ball of death and wreck unstoppable, relentless damage on pilots. Here, that's not really the case at all. One dude sitting on a rooftop firing an MGL who is smart enough to not creep over the ledge is enough to force you to flee in terror. Otherwise, they're taking off 2 or 3 bars of health in the blink of an eye. That's not even mentioning the volley of charge rifles from across the map from pilots you can't even see.
I think I'm falling further and further out of appreciation for the new titan/pilot balance. In 1, a couple titans could definitely become a ball of death and wreck unstoppable, relentless damage on pilots. Here, that's not really the case at all. One dude sitting on a rooftop firing an MGL who is smart enough to not creep over the ledge is enough to force you to flee in terror. Otherwise, they're taking off 2 or 3 bars of health in the blink of an eye. That's not even mentioning the volley of charge rifles from across the map from pilots you can't even see.
I think I'm falling further and further out of appreciation for the new titan/pilot balance. In 1, a couple titans could definitely become a ball of death and wreck unstoppable, relentless damage on pilots. Here, that's not really the case at all. One dude sitting on a rooftop firing an MGL who is smart enough to not creep over the ledge is enough to force you to flee in terror. Otherwise, they're taking off 2 or 3 bars of health in the blink of an eye. That's not even mentioning the volley of charge rifles from across the map from pilots you can't even see.
It depends on the titan Ion's laser, and Tone primary make them easy targets. Just back off as you said and they have to peak. Same for charge rifles. Northstar however makes them comical. Fly up and either hit them with rifle or cluster. If they're in a room using multiple or any anti titan weapon for that matter out of sight cluster works nicely lol. If Legion, Scorch, Ronin..buh bye.
Sensiblechuckle.gifTITANFALL 2|OT2| SwolBro is still crying
I want you on my team. I swear half my games my teams idea of being annoying is jumping into the enemy Titans fist...over and over and...I could keep going.Determined pilots should be able to take out titans. In fact, I wish more pilots were determined lol. Personally, I love being as annoying as possible to Titans.
I want you on my team. I swear half my games my teams idea of being annoying is jumping into the enemy Titans fist...over and over and...I could keep going.
PSN but I'm going to pass. I have feet, I don't like being carried.I cost $15 an hour and double on weekends. XB1 or PSN.
PSN but I'm going to pass. I have feet, I don't like being carried.
And I was being a smart ass, I guess we doI was sarcastic. I guess we really do need kappa these days![]()
And I was being a smart ass, I guess we do
Edit: I mean I'd be doing the carrying. Shades.gif
Strafe circling a titan using stim + Boosted weapons + MGL is so satisfying. I can get them down to half health (or less for the squishier titans) in a clip and then steal a battery before backing off and hiding to reload and do it again. Plus,. by the time I can get them to low health I've usually earned my titan, bonus points for getting a drop kill with it![]()
The key is to make the Titan so salty and only focus on taking you out. It's how I kill many of them - tunnel vision stops them from common sense.
Exactly - when they're trying to kill you they aren't doing anything else. I think that's more in line with the weapons and how they are scaled against Titans.
Something is wrong with stats on PS4. I got two Titan kills in my last game of Attrition but the leaderboard shows that I had 0. I recorded the match and double checked.
People actually used it and deemed "start up time to slow". One page back, good read.What happened to "Devotion is op"?
Since TF1 came out, attacking Titans as a pilot has always been one of my favorite things to do. It's like fighting a miniboss.
I've had that happen before; it's indeed weird.
Isn't Ion gender bent? He's male normally but female when prime? Females superior to males confirmed. We should start a controversy about this absolutely miniscule change that doesn't mean anything /s.
People actually used it and deemed "start up time to slow". One page back, good read.
What!? I really thought the only "females" were Tone(Big Bertha) and Northstar. I guess "she" never really stood out to me until prime voice.Ion is a girl, always.
Btw. The mod did not answer me why we're in community already. Anyone got further information?
What!? I really thought the only "females" were Tone(Big Bertha) and Northstar. I guess "she" never really stood out to me until prime voice.
We dropping an OTitan in the main discussion feed?
We dropping an OTitan in the main discussion feed?
Yeah let's just open OT2 in gaming >;D
I'm not doing that.
TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Please...
Well if the mods don't react to polite discourse, let's see how they react to mutiny.
Take one for the teamI'm not doing that.
Do it! You're the chosen one
Member the times when we thought there won't be an OT2?
Take one for the team
What? I see bish in PS4 network every now and then.I've always said... This game won't get an OT3, just like the original.
Though tbh, we have made it to OT2 WAY faster than R1 ever did. I think it took until the Ranked Chip came out which was... I think like 6 months into the game or something.
I feel like Bish would straight up close it, lmao.
I won't lie sometimes I wish that slide gave a boost like the knee slide in vanquish. Shit would be mad. Could you imagine if every slide gave a stim like quick boost *drooling with flys in sparkling eyes anime style*Coliseum reminds me so much of Tribes.
Also, this game really makes me want a Vanquish sequel with wall running.
Doesn't beat "whatever the fuck that means" though.
Each weapon has a different play style. You either adapt to its niche or realise you don't like the play style and move on.I regenerated my pilot and used credits to unlock Hemlok instead of Devotion. Big mistake. People like this gun? It's so slow.