Looks like I have montage to distract me from my exam studies![]()
I'm very late to the party but I recently bought a new PC (after 8 years) and a friend recommended the game. It's a lot of fun! The single player was a huge surprise in how fun it was with all the set pieces and traversal.
I'm just starting multiplayer, and I think I'll get the hang of it, but my only worry is the player base - are there enough people playing? It was a sobering experience going into multi for the first time and having to wait a good bit to find a match. Or do people only play attrition?
The standard of player is absolute dogshit on PC. The game isn't that hard to understand and play. The TTK is so low that even farting in someone's general direction should get you at least 5 kills per game. How the fuck are 99% of players so shit?
It is appalling but how good were gamers at unreal and quake? there weren't many. General population is god awful at games that require tons of fast mobility and accuracy. I've seen "pro" COD players get on Titanfall, get wrecked, call the game shit, and quit.
So many of these "pro" circuit games don't impress me at all. Counter-strike is the PC FPS gold standard and that requires 1 fucking skill. High level twitch aiming. That's it. You see someone, you aim, they die in a millisecond. There's no real duals. You aren't flying around maps like the early days of PC first person shooters battling someone up and down all over the damn place.
The capable seem to stick with League of Legends type stuff and that's not for me.
I agree. It's a shame people are so so SO bad at games that it sours your own experience.
How can people have like 2 minion kills in Attrition?
How can they have 20$ in BH?
What happens there? Are they playing with a Joystick or Drumpedals?
I sometimes do not understad how those people got into gaming or FPS if their skill is abysmal.
It is appalling but how good were gamers at unreal and quake? there weren't many. General population is god awful at games that require tons of fast mobility and accuracy. I've seen "pro" COD players get on Titanfall, get wrecked, call the game shit, and quit.
So many of these "pro" circuit games don't impress me at all. Counter-strike is the PC FPS gold standard and that requires 1 fucking skill. High level twitch aiming. That's it. You see someone, you aim, they die in a millisecond. There's no real duals. You aren't flying around maps like the early days of PC first person shooters battling someone up and down all over the damn place.
The capable seem to stick with League of Legends type stuff and that's not for me.
How do you get the Target skin? Does anyone here have it?
This is great. Pilot takes out a Legion all by himself by being an absolute pest. Legion needed help from that Ronin to take out that Pilot haha.
Usually if something like this happens to move I just say F it and move on. You are wasting my time and I have bigger fish to fry.
Fit your BH clip criteria Izuna? Cheeky rather than impressive.
There's waaay more skill in CS:GO than just aiming. I'd even say that's the game that requires the most skill of any mainstream FPS right now. The difference between the top players and bottom is much larger than any other.
Any advice on Legion? What should i use for loadour
PilotsDamn Legion is fun. Smart core makes mince meat of pilots especially on maps like homestead
Still, Scorch is GOAT.
Any advice on Legion? What should i use for loadour
And this is part of the reason i'm going nuts over CTF. At least in Titanfall 1 going into CTF there was a good chance you'd run into a decent to god tier level player on the other side. It made things interesting waiting in a lobby and one by one superstars would start dropping in. Things would get sweaty fast.
Now all i play is how 'many kills can i stack?
He is, I just started using him. Like the video above he gets shit on by pilots. He has no AoE damage to take out pilots. Always stay in 'close range' mode because it reaches out pretty far and his burst in this mode is a powerful shotgun. Imo this is his most useful attack at taking out pilots, the downside is it has a pretty long windup before it shoots. Just point in they're general direction and you can take out almost everything in front of you in ~30 degree field of view. I highly recommend saving smart core for when your getting hammered by pilots all over and can't get a bead on them because they're jumping in and out like gophers. This will increase your titan survivability exponentially.
Ok, this is where Legion shines. He melts other titans even Tones and his hard counter Ion if used correctly. I use double storage for a double shotgun/snipe. If you run up on a unsuspecting titan start off with 2 shotguns then start firing, they'll be in Doom state before they can even turn to face you AND you'll have a core from zero. If your face to face it's safe to start the engagement the same way on anyone but Tone and Ion. You have to pick your shots with them anticipate the shield for both and only use you power moves when you feel they'll land. If far away sometimes it's worth unloading on a shielding ion to deplete his energy and his return fire is to inaccurate to hurt. Against a Ronin they're cake if you don't fuck up. Shotgun blast to the face as they try to close the distance DO NOT put up your shield until he phase dashes behind you. Turn as quick as you can then put up the shield, if you saved your other shogun blast let him have it and finish off with your full mag. His Smart Core isn't to good at taking out titans but it looks like to me in smart core your burst attacks HIT ALL TARGETS CURRENTLY LOCKED ON (I may be wrong but that's what it looks like). This is amazing when your going up against a mix of Titans and pestering pilots.
Again pilots are your worst enemy as Legion, and shotgun is the best for both. I recommend a dash to get away from nuclear ejection. I'd post more but it's dinner time and my fiance will kill me if I'm at the dinner table on my phone lol.
Thats how I used to play and now feel it's the shotgun that's best at taking out pilots and grunts. You can instant kill anything in a radiating cone up to mid range. It looks like to me it has the properties of a shotgun without the weakness most video game shotguns get. What I mean is if your in the cone of effect you take full damage, there is no rng on pellets or damage drop off. Your either in its range of effect or your not. Same goes for titans even at mid range, they take full damage. A Tone behind a shield for instance may feel safe but if just his shoulder is peaking and you use it they take full damage.Snip
In short range R1 is a shotgun blast(good from short to mid), in long range R1 is a snipe that does some AoE(good for pretty much any range but sometime difficult to land on an agile titan when close).How do i use the shotgun?? I switch from long to short range but it doesnt make a diff on titans it seems
Thats how I used to play and now feel it's the shotgun that's best at taking out pilots and grunts. You can instant kill anything in a radiating cone up to mid range. It looks like to me it has the properties of a shotgun without the weakness most video game shotguns get. What I mean is if your in the cone of effect you take full damage, there is no rng on pellets or damage drop off. Your either in its range of effect or your not. Same goes for titans even at mid range, they take full damage. A Tone behind a shield for instance may feel safe but if just his shoulder is peaking and you use it they take full damage.
Wouldn't it make sense if tickets were bonuses within gifts instead of the entire gift?I think this is my first time earning a Coliseum Ticket from an Advocate gift.
Fit your BH clip criteria Izuna? Cheeky rather than impressive.
I stopped caring about winning long ago in a game without SBMM, I just focus on getting good myself lol. My win rate is like 40% or something due to lots of Complex, Crash Site quits and high ping quits.
It's insane, but I really think everyone should be using Phase Shift lol. You can eliminate so much with it. Getting away from Titans is the best, you can shoot an Archer then Phase (I've done this soooo many times with Amped Archer and gotten too many kills), and you can also negate Grapples and Gravity Stars.
I can't explain how much I hate Tone.
It's such a fucking boring Kit to play against and to play with.
It's pure shit
Okay, last minute title voting
TITANFALL 2 |OT2| I Don't Ike Your Tone
TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Can We Get An Encore?
TITANFALL 2 |OT2| "Whatever The $*&% That Means?"
Titanfall 2 |G2.1| I love|hate Neogaf
G2.1 should be used, you're right haha.
Will you press the button soon?
I need the sweet first post
I'm not a member, so I can't tell you exactly when it'll go up-- it'll be before 20k posts though, ofc.
Are you Japanase?
No, but the girl holding the sheep is.
This is gunna be so fun to do.
If you guys would prefer a Gamertag/PSN_ID/Origin_ID instead of your GAF name, just let me know.
I have a lot of lovely clips here. I recorded too many for myself though ;(