Reckless Onion
It's a great game.
People will buy it and play it.
It is, it's so fucking good, that's why i'm sad.
I hope you're right, i want a healthy community for this
It's a great game.
People will buy it and play it.
Well if we weren't already sure this released at the wrong time, there is only 15k people online right now on ps4! 1/10! of battlefield 1this saddens me greatly
It is, it's so fucking good, that's why i'm sad.
I hope you're right, i want a healthy community for this
This is totally not what I expected from the campaign. It's like they made a Portal game.
didn't understand this at firstbut then I got to the level with the moving platforms. so good
This has only just been released though, I'm sure it will increase.
Well if we weren't already sure this released at the wrong time, there is only 15k people online right now on ps4! 1/10! of battlefield 1this saddens me greatly
I don't think you've seen anything yet lol. The campaign keeps delivering surprises.
didn't understand this at firstbut then I got to the level with the moving platforms. so good
lol indeed.I don't think you've seen anything yet lol. The campaign keeps delivering surprises.
I'm hoping the Network thing makes it easier for communities to stay active. TitanGAF on PS4 seems really small though, but if there's a core group who play then hopefully finding groups and games won't be hard.I said it before, but I hope the game ends ups like Rainbow 6 siege. Slow start, but good word of mouth and support helping it build a healthy community.
Beat the campaign earlier, absolutely incredible. Short but so sweet. Honestly I would pay good money for more singleplayer content. I didn't expect to enjoy the campaign nearly as much as I did. As for the multiplayer, I started playing a few hours ago and is it normal to feel like I suck but consistently come out on the top of the scoreboard? For some reason I constantly feel like I'm getting shat on, but at the end of the game I always end up doing pretty good.
Pretty sure those numbers are total, not data centre. I changed my data centre to a random one near the bottom and it said the same amount.The Networks and it showing numbers might be backfiring it seems, no? It shows how many people are in each Data Center, right? Some might think it's indicative of how many people are online entirely.
Maybe Respawn should just lump Data Centers or player count to show how many are in total? And yeah, if there's not enough players in game mode X in that particular Data Center, then get some or migrate to another? I know Call of Duty does this since I usually play games with non-region players from time to time.
Either that, or go the Battlefield route and employ server browsers.
I think it's because it ranks you based on how well you did collectively (score/points) rather than how many Pilots or Titans you've killed. You can kill three Pilots. a Titan and still come out on top in Attrition due to killing a lot of minions. Better this way rather than everyone trying to get kills.
Man, I don't like this MP at all. TTK is stupidly short, maps are hit or miss and have an insane amount of clutter that mess up the wallrunning flow, weapons feel samey so far, matchmaking is not impressive either, most games are either stomp or be stomped for me. For anyone on the fence because of the MP: if you're still enjoying those twitch, low TTK shooters - this is pretty much the COD formula perfected. If you don't like them, or are bored with them like I am, you'll be most probably just wasting your money. Like I did.
It has to do with the way they track reviews. Not many places do PC specific reviews anyway. As it stands the PS4 version has 22 reviews, the XBO version has 10 reviews, and the PC version has 5. At low numbers a single review can skew the average by a ton so it's not really informative.
I'm going to be frank.
Isn't such an analysis a little early when the game has so many Unlocks?
Either way I'm not bored of the code formula cuz I don't play that crap. This has titans. Very different to me.
Man, really don't wanna play a FPS with a controller but also afraid the PC community will die very fast. Guess I'll wait for a discount and just buy it for the campaign.
What does "Unlocks after XYZ Regeneration" mean?
I've heard this game is great, but fuck me "Jack Cooper" is the best they could come up with?
US Midwest (STL server)What region?
Im thinking to get this but every second comment i read is "mp is so good" and "cant find matches"
Basically its Prestige.
What region?I'm struggling to find any matches on PC. I regret this purchase now. $60 to stare at a matchmaking menu and avatar.
Slap me at the direction for the cheapest place to get a PC copy
What would you call him?
Man, I don't like this MP at all. TTK is stupidly short, maps are hit or miss and have an insane amount of clutter that mess up the wallrunning flow, weapons feel samey so far, matchmaking is not impressive either, most games are either stomp or be stomped for me. For anyone on the fence because of the MP: if you're still enjoying those twitch, low TTK shooters - this is pretty much the COD formula perfected. If you don't like them, or are bored with them like I am, you'll be most probably just wasting your money. Like I did.
What region?
Im thinking to get this but every second comment i read is "mp is so good" and "cant find matches"
Just stopped after beating the first boss. Campaign has been kind of boring so far. Seeing as how I read the campaign is short, how much is left? Does it ramp up at some point?
Doesn't seem to be much in the way of plot so far? Maybe I came into this with the wrong expectations which I guess is my own fault. Not really anything in the way of setpieces so far. Just wall running traversal mixed in with your standard shooting.