FYI my XB1 bros. I asked Drew Mccoy (the producer of the game) whether we should give up on the the performance improvements. Here is how it went.
Me - should we give up hope on a performance patch for XB1? What's become of the March statement about a resolution bump?
Drew - There's already been some improvement, coming in this patch. More to come! Its hard, delicate work.
Me - Cool. Thanks. Only asking because Richard Baker suggested a 900p or 1080p resolution bump was coming.
Drew - The goal is the highest resolution our performance allows. If that means we can bump it, we will! 
Me - yeah,thats what I always figured, but Bakers use of the word "likely" was probably not good idea. Less tearing the better
So yeah, it sounds like they're still working on it, which is great, but you certainly don't get the impression major changes are likely, which is what Richard Baker (Titanfall programmer) suggested in a Digital Foundry interview just a couple months ago. Even if big improvements are coming, they're certainly not imminent. Probably best to assume nothing is coming, and be thrilled if it ever happens. :/