So did they fix that SLI bug or does it still continue to ignore your second card?
You did not read what i said.BF4 looks a lot better, but bf4 was terrible in terms of bugs. Haven't had a single bug yet in Titanfall and i'm playing it right now on PC using exe.
Sorry, but I can't help my self sometimes when people are acting like it's something dangerous or severly immoral.. it's a VIDEO GAME
Also i'm pretty sure what you just did is against TOS
EDIT: Yup it is
So who's the dick now
I won't go as far as worst looking game ever, but I do think the game looks graphically abysmal for a current gen title.
I have owned an Xbox One since midnight launch and have Titanfall already preloaded to my SSD on my PC.
Gamertag: KTgrim86
Origin ID: KTgrim86
The game looks bad, has nothing to do with avatars.
That said, the game is super fun.
I don't think making a couple posts about people screwing with beta files and using backdoor methods around the security to play the game early is harping. I have no issues whatsoever with anyone playing the game early legitimately.
You did not read what i said.
Also, lets not turn this into a battlefield vs titanfall visuals conversation, thats not my intention.
You're not adding anything of value to this thread posting shit like this. It doesn't create discussion about what the thread is about or even what the topic at hand is, you're just mocking another member because you find it funny. It's videogames, we know that, we're here to discuss them. If you can't handle that go to another site.
Holy Shit at the other thread. It's hilarious how everyone saying it's the worst looking game ever all have red stocking hat avatars. Fucking embarrassing.
Oh yes it is for sure.Wasn't mine either. Just saying titanfall is a LOT more stable than bf4 at launch. I also have many hours in bf4.
I have a question, how does adding "They've said they don't want people to use that method. They made it pretty clear yesterday. Supposedly they fixed that backdoor way around the security. I'm surprised mods haven't started warning people about continuing to bring this up."
any value what so ever?
God damn right i'm mocking him. He's acting like it's a sin to use a modified exe.
Okay Bruce Lee what ever you say.
I honestly don't get all the people saying the game looks terrible. I mean it's not mind-blowing by any means, but I think it looks just fine.
Saw this pop up on CAG for anyone wanting the PC version for $50
What's the red stocking supposed to mean?
Oh yes it is for sure.
At launch i found battlefield to be unplayable to the definition of unplayable.
I love how the titanfall beta played, outside of the server bug, which they seem to have fixed, i experienced smooth gameplay and nothing felt unfair.
Although battlefield 4s beta didn't have nearly as many bugs and glitches as the full release, such as the crashing etc... Blew my mind.
Good hit registration and netcode is something I as a battlefield player do not yet understand and hope to get used to.
God forbid someone try to warn people that they might get banned for playing early when multiple people from Respawn have stated it's not a good idea.
So lots of people are saying this is a legit site, although I am still a bit wary, I think the hype is starting to get to me. Is this the best deal out there right now?
$43.70 with promo code.
Why do the websites with the best deals also look sketchy as fuck?
A few posts ago someone said they ordered and already got their key, but it was a picture someone took of the code on a piece of paper. Right.
So.... someone needs another person to warn them it's not a good idea to use this exe to play this game early, okay...................
Maybe Respawn shouldn't you know.... HAVE SERVERS ONLINE FOR 48 hours? That's right PC servers are up and running by RESPAWN![]()
Yes, I think it's a good idea for people to be reminded, and to have all available information shared with them. Some people miss posts or don't follow Vince on Twitter.
Servers need to be online early for testing and press to review the game. It would be a terrible idea to flip the switch as soon as the game goes live and hope nothing goes wrong.
It's netcode alone makes the game unplayable.:/But i have over 400 hours in it.
If its broken and unplayable, i would have 0 and no longer play the game.
The fixes are coming along, as well as new bugs.
The amount of game breaking bullshit thats in the game is a fraction of what it once was, yet there is a presence.
Game isn't fixed by any means, but its also by no means unplayable.
I just wish people would ask the OT if something is fixed or not instead of making inevitable battlefield bashing threads.
Most played the beta and Respawn confirmed it used the final textures. With confirmation it's 792p from counters, that makes it identical to the beta.What blows my mind is that people are judging the quality from compressed jpg pictures that aren't even in a native resolution.
You know i'm pretty sure most of the online users are pretty much aware what they are doing. It's not like you can play the game as of right now without using exe or invite.
Maybe Respawn shouldn't you know.... HAVE SERVERS ONLINE FOR 48 hours? That's right PC servers are up and running by RESPAWN![]()
Why do the websites with the best deals also look sketchy as fuck?
Fair enough. I'm playing right now, if they want to ban me for doing just that, fine by me. I'm well aware what i'm doing is not 100% alright by Respawn.
It's netcode alone makes the game unplayable.:/
Nice. Thanks for the breakdown.It really isn't a "backdoor" method. If you look at the titanfall.exe the code is "encrypted" and requires the Activation64.dll and the first instruction of the binary is a NOP and a call to Core_Activation64_100. As long as you know what you are doing its pretty trivial to unpack the "encrypted" Titanfall binary and remove the requirements to the Activation64.dll (if they even exist after unpacking) by simply inserting a jmp instruction or nop it out completely and probably cleaning up the stack a bit, then skip right through to the launch subroutines. Looking at this TitanfallEarly.exe I'm going to say it took a skilled RE about 20 minutes to build this...tops![]()
Probably old? 150 PC shots of Titanfall:
Some really awesome ones in there.
Didn't want to post the actual image as I didn't know if they were spoilers?
Oh, this is good. Much more reputable site. Thank you.
So i might have missed this because i can't bear to watch any more footage before i get my copy...
But... whats up with the "monsters"? Are there more than just in boneyard? Different types? Do any come into the map and screw with NPCs or humans? If not, they missed a cool opportunity.
How sweet would it be to see a group of NPCs fighting some monster, mid match, as it hauls one of their grunt buddies into the forest or something lol
This is exactly how I feel, but I don't game on PC so I'm not really an expert on these matters.Abysmal is a gross overstatement but it is subjective. For instance someone says BF4 multiplayer looks better but I prefer the graphics in titanfall due to its style.
The models aren't great and on a technical level it isn't amazing graphically but it still is aesthetically great.
They are in airbase as well.
Basically just unkillable NPCs, the bird monsters swoop down and kill MPCs sometimes, thats as much as we know.
Abysmal?? LOL ok whatever man.
Ok, that's pretty cool. I hope there are a decent variety... just a very neat touch and really sells the atmosphere and "space colonizing" vibe.
Saw this pop up on CAG for anyone wanting the PC version for $50
Agree.Games that looked like this on launch day.
I consider this.
On my brand new $500.00 console, abysmal.
Infamous Second Son Avatars
I added my name to the Origin thread, but I'll add it here also since there is more traffic.
Origin GT: Tapatios, add me so we can play.
So lots of people are saying this is a legit site, although I am still a bit wary, I think the hype is starting to get to me. Is this the best deal out there right now?
$43.70 with promo code.
Where is this said thread?
Origin: KINGofCRA5H
Feel free to add me.
Damn... It's stuck at "initializing".