Happy birthday.
I'm really surprised I've posted so many times in the Titanfall thread, i thought i had like maybe 50 posts tops.
What's your GT?
Surprised I didn't make it off of posts bitching about lack of support for the 360 version alone.
That's holding the power button down for about 10 seconds or so, correct? I'll try it out since the last hard reboot was likely prior to that issue.
Regular maps are ok, DLC ones... still can't find a variety matchmaking, after 10 tries ;_;I tried the 48 trail and I think this game is awesome.
It's 110% designed for me.
Story mode multiplayer,I fucking love it.
To bad it seems almost dead on PC
Regular maps are ok, DLC ones... still can't find a variety matchmaking, after 10 tries ;_;
My brother hyped me for the season pass, said the maps were all kinds of awesome, well good luck playing them tho. =/That's why I don't buy DLC, because in the current gaming lsndscape the maps become irrelevant after one month. Makes me sad, too that COD is the only game where you get your money's worth for the dlc.
My brother hyped me for the season pass, said the maps were all kinds of awesome, well good luck playing them tho. =/
I keep trying to play a particular campaign mission and it will load, then load again, then load again and I'm in some completely different mission starting. WTF?
I heard the maps were cool, too. But as I always said, there is no need to buy a season pass until the first pack is released and the state of the community can be gauged. Unfortunately, as we see now, the DLC maps are a rare breed. If the next pack contains some kind of snow environment I may buy it, but otherwise it's a waste of money. I love Respawn, but buying DLC that becomes irrelevant within weeks always leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
Publishers need to smarten up like VALVE. Release a map pack DLC for first month and all who buy it get something special in game. After a month or two it's free.
has there been any word on when the next map pack will hit? all 3 maps were terrific in the last pack
Am I the only one randomly getting Titan summon burn cards even though I've stopped regenerating? I just got a random Reserve Orge burn Card after a match even though I didn't complete any challenge, its weird.
Also, once you stop regenerating and finish all the challenges aren't the number of burn cards you get meant to reduce? I barely complete a challenge these days and I'm getting spammed with burn cards. I have to constantly get rid of some because my deck is overflowing with them, I have no idea where I'm getting them from.
Respawn must have had foresight and implemented a way for people who stopped regenerating to continually get burn cards it seems, no idea of how the mechanics of it work though.
That's why I don't buy DLC, because in the current gaming lsndscape the maps become irrelevant after one month. Makes me sad, too that COD is the only game where you get your money's worth for the dlc.
I put the game on variety pack or attrition and routinely wind up in one of the DLC maps.
At first it was all wargames, but I've been playing on Swamp and Runoff a lot recently.
Are you on PC or the Bone? NAT Open?
Any word on when update 4 is hitting?
I hate you.
Happy birthday.
Anyone playing on 360? We need to make a list for that!
Yeah I was gonna reccomend OddOne put something like this in the OT.
Gamertags of everyone who plays and what platform they play on.
I'm on the Xbone under Tawpgun
So close to getting done with the All I do is win regen challenge.
I just noticed when playing today the oil reflections on the port are of Angel City. For some reason it looked really well done. I know a lot of people haven't been hugely impressed with the quality of the graphics on this, but I've always felt like I'm playing a next-gen game.
Still playing alone all of the time.
anyone ever up for some titanfall - GT: Mouroutaru
I'm on right now on XB1. I added a few of you guys so you'll see me in your Followers.
GT: Mouroutaru
Exactly. Good luck, that is incredibly annoying.
knowmyKEEZ on Xbone. I'll be on after work today. Will add you.
Do you have it on X1? Would love to actually play with some gaffers. I'm actually getting back into it now, I'm currently 4th gen. But I might wrestle some MVPs away from you
GT: xGeneral Ice
You always know I'm up to game. We wrecked it before.
Until you jinxed us.![]()
There is this thread with some tags and so.Yeah I was gonna reccomend OddOne put something like this in the OT.
Gamertags of everyone who plays and what platform they play on.
I'm on the Xbone under Tawpgun
Yeah Runoff has been very common for me since yesterday. I LOVE it. I only play the normal playlist so I'm happy the best map in the game is frequent.
My GT is Izuna Lasky, but I may end up changing it.
I can only play EU and East US however
I heard the maps were cool, too. But as I always said, there is no need to buy a season pass until the first pack is released and the state of the community can be gauged. Unfortunately, as we see now, the DLC maps are a rare breed. If the next pack contains some kind of snow environment I may buy it, but otherwise it's a waste of money. I love Respawn, but buying DLC that becomes irrelevant within weeks always leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
Publishers need to smarten up like VALVE. Release a map pack DLC for first month and all who buy it get something special in game. After a month or two it's free.
Any word on when update 4 is hitting?
Damn, update 4 sounds awesome. Lots of great stuff being added.
Loving the balance notes. I'm on board for all of them.
Also LOVING that regenning now has a purpose. Guess I'll regen out of Gen 2 now. Maybe...
Damn, having played for the free weekend, that update would have been great for that time. :\
Carbine is weaker whereas CAR remained the same? Sweet. I will test the new SMG but I night stay with the CAR.
Other than that, I am worried any adjusting to the new game modes, but I will give it a try.
I have a question however...
Will the Titan Insignia's unlock based on stuff we have already done in the game? I know about the Gooser challenge, but I don't want to be forced to used weapons I have already used before and I don't like to unlock the new patterns, that would make me feel like it would be better to go Gen 10 from this update.
I also hope the new achievements aren't grindy, and that if they are they can be unlocked based on what we have already done.
Yes, in the notes they said everything is retroactive![]()