Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I thought y'all were full last night, but I guess not. Next time I'll message a breh and get someone booted so I can get my Titanfall on.
I saw the live tile on my phone, came to this thread to post it. Nevermind! =)
That's the goal, yes. =)Just from your opinion... Does this mean having a party of six will no longer make it impossible to lose, and being solo will no longer have unwinnable matches every so often due to absolutely unbalanced teams?
It wouldn't have stacked players against them just because they were winning, no.Thanks for the explanation, although I'm a little confused by this part. Does this mean the MM took no account of Jito and tauke's skill level (and presumably the fact they were dominating) before deciding where to place the new players?
I'm not saying you have to put up with 2v6 games. I was trying to explain how we hope to drastically reduce the chance of them even happening. Sorry if we gave the impression that matchmaking was "fixed" in other updates. It has been improved. This'll probably be the biggest (internal) change yet, especially for edge cases like you've highlighted. We'll still be tweaking it after the patch rolls out. Believe what you will, I hope you have fun either way.Thanks for actually responding but I still don't understand why this means we have to put up with 2 vs 6 games? It was late afternoon on EU West Hardpoint on a Sunday, hardly CTF on Asia at 2 in the morning on a weekday. It's pretty poor matchmaking to put players into games based on searching for teams instead of just empty slots, why do we get punished for playing together and having higher stats in the first place? We've also seen plenty of "next update fixes matchmaking" already for this to mean nothing, I'll believe it when we see it.
Do you Respawn guys ever play your own game? Do you get to enjoy what you've made or are you burnt out on it or too busy?
The game actually balanced the teams like this in the lobby then stayed this bad for the whole game, I think they got one extra player, final scores were 300 to 80....
Has anyone else felt the game connection has got a bit more sketchy since the last patch?
Me and my friends are having connecting issues where we join a game but one of us doesn't get into the lobby properly and is hanging in a connecting screen for ages. It's happened to different people at on stage or another so i don't think there's anything on our side.
Brehs gotta do what brehs gotta do.Hey brehs, thanks for going super dbag mode on my party. You made one guy rage quit with your 5 titans+map hack combo on minion hunter. =/
Hey brehs, thanks for going super dbag mode on my party. You made one guy rage quit with your 5 titans+map hack combo on minion hunter. =/
5 Titans at the start of a round? That's just harsh.
Not just Titans. Titan burn card, suicide, then Map Hack. They dropped a nuclear bomb and my team had no answer.
Not just Titans. Titan burn card, suicide, then Map Hack. They dropped a nuclear bomb and my team had no answer.
Wow that's rough, talk about a dick move by them.
who even played last night? I saw Raider was in a party with a bunch of non gaf peasants
I adds a bunch of people. Gonna be playing tonight
Boston. Living in Fenway now, moving to Mission Hill in September.What part of mass are you from
Boston. Living in Fenway now, moving to Mission Hill in September.
Is it the one where you kill someone by electrocution on that one map?Man fuck this it'd a trap achievement... Never gonna get it...
I even got a gooser kill with the trap.Man fuck this it'd a trap achievement... Never gonna get it...
That's the goal, yes. =)
Oh yeah, a lot. Everyone is different, but I'd say the majority of us do. Everyone got a LOT of (so, so much) playtime in during the buildup to launch (and for the alpha/beta), but that's a cool part about working on an MP game - it's supposed to be endlessly played, right? I think you also learn a lot being a part of it in the wild. Like, in the first patch we added party colors (your friends show with green names instead of the usual blue). Lots of games have done that, and it was always a "would be nice" that was hard to find time for (our schedule was extremely tight). Then we played the Alpha in the wild with our friends (and a bunch of strangers) and it was suddenly "oh, right, shit, yes let's do that now, duh".
Also fixed in the coming patch. The game waits way too long for players who crash/disconnect during level load. We used to never print those "Connecting..." or "Loading..." players in the scoreboard, so (I bet) it was a hidden problem before. Now, in the wild, it's obvious.
I'm not even mad at them. I'm mad at the guy that rage quit from my team, then expected an invite back after the game was done.
Titan Brehs, your leader has returned. Too bad ol grimy is dead. He's probably in the uh
I'm at my GF's place until September. Wifi here fucking blows and I can't snake an ethernet cord through the place....
Case in point.
Reticle was RIGHT ON THE FUCKER. But my bullets were hitting thin air. Kept happening all night. I can still play but some games are a little brutal and I lose fights when I shouldn't.
Not seen here is an amazing comeback. And I get a clutch last kill.
This was an excellent trap/sacrifice play. Good ol' nuclear ejection
Hell yeah you should buy it! Very fun game, and so far the maps from the season pass are all very decent. Pretty sure the PC bros are strong enough in numbers to get a full party going. Go get it.Guys i have 12$ on origin and just saw its 11.99$, should i buy it? i played the beta maps and really liked them. Is it worth it? is the season pass worthy?
It appers as 21$ for me for both titanfall + season pass.
Something weird ocurred, i had 12$ on my card, went to buy it said i had insufficient funds. I check my card and i have now 11$ saying i spent 1$ on origin -.- lol.
There's so many gen 1 players, what gives?
At least there's players being exposed to this game. Once people get a hang of it there is no reason not to love it.
crazy sale atm, is there enough of a community playing the base game tomake it worthwhile? I would pick up the deluze but I am not sure how it will run on my old ass PC (I was only able to do the tutorial and then the game bugged on my trial)