3 marked matches lost in a row, about to win the 4th match and disconnected 
Amped 40mm
Automatic 40mm with an increased rate of fire.
Amped Arc Cannon
Increased damage, superconductive Arc Cannon.
Amped Quad Rocket
Fires mini-cluster rounds that create additional explosions on impact.
Amped Railgun
Faster Railgun charge time.
Amped Triple Threat
Magnetized Triple Threat grenades.
Amped XO-16
Electric rounds deal increased damage to enemy shields.
Amped Cluster Missile
Longer-lasting, more accurate Cluster Missiles.
Amped Slaved Warheads
Slaved Warheads that lock-on faster, and fire an extra volley.
Amped Rocket Salvo
Greatly increases the number of rockets in each salvo.
Amped Missile System
High-capacity Multi-Target Missile System.
Amped Vortex Shield
Instantly reflect enemy fire without dropping your shield.
Amped Electric Smoke
Longer-lasting Electric Smoke.
Amped Particle Wall
Store up to 2 Particle Walls that can be deployed simultaneously.
Explosive Punch
Your next Titan will trigger explosions with its melee.
Turbo Engine
Your next Titan will have increased Dash Capacity.
This is still an issue.
Wait, is the patch out now?
Well then. Thanks.
Switching to High water whilst in game crashes the game. Okay
Here is an imgur album I've created with the new menu backgrounds.
They are 1408x792 and are very cool:
Now it's time to actually play the game!
Here is an imgur album I've created with the new menu backgrounds.
They are 1408x792 and are very cool:
Now it's time to actually play the game!
And here's what the water looks like set to High after the update. Only been on Swampland were it's been this bad, Lagoon just had no water at all.
That pilot kill noise should be optional because holy crap it's annoying. Why did they ever think this was going to be a good idea??!
I'll try and jump in within 20 minutes. No promises though.Who's online? I'm on for an hour or so. Gt: Tawpgun
You can fix this manually by forcing Origin to update your DLC package.
(I don't have the exact steps in front of me, but apparently it involves more than right-clicking the actual Titanfall icon, I think you have to navigate to the DLC's icon itself, right-click, tell it to update.)
Mic audio I can confirm is busted after hard resets. Pretty sure Tawpgun is thinking I'm ignoring him.
Anybody wanna add me for some Xbox One games? Just got the console and the season pass a few days ago. GT: EscapingJail iP
Mic audio I can confirm is busted after hard resets. Pretty sure Tawpgun is thinking I'm ignoring him.
Titanfall tonight XB1 lads. I'll be on.
To the best of my knowledge, they are part of a limited run. I suppose it's their solution to cut down on the fracturing of the player base, and they'll likely cycle between the two or eventually add them to the variety packs.
And yes, that means that [again to the best of my knowledge] MFD isn't a part of the Variety Pack playlist.
Gg ark. I heard you some of the time.
Marked is a lot of fun.
I just loaded up Variety Expedition and it threw me into Marked for Death
The matchmaking doesn't seem any different at all, played plenty of games with super low level, non regenned players tonight.
Team shuffling is just random as well, doesn't seem to take rank into consideration at all. So many games tonight with me and a team of tards against an uber team.
I can only carry a team so far Respawn, let me play on the stacked team for once!
Uhh this is getting pretty silly now, it didn't even bother to balance the game before starting, no one had quit as well. 5 mins into the game and it's still 3 vs 6, what the hell?!
I have to give props to Respawn for the SMG buff though, thing is god like now.
Uhh this is getting pretty silly now, it didn't even bother to balance the game before starting, no one had quit as well. 5 mins into the game and it's still 3 vs 6, what the hell?!
I have to give props to Respawn for the SMG buff though, thing is god like now.
And the game does load insanely fast, I can put texture quality back on high and it still loads fast.
Could it be that the other team was in a party?