you guys are not going to believe how large the limited edition box is.
the size must be due to the art book
They showed it off briefly on one of the livestreams a week or so ago, it looked pretty big but hard to tell from a small video.
you guys are not going to believe how large the limited edition box is.
the size must be due to the art book
you guys are not going to believe how large the limited edition box is.
the size must be due to the art book
you guys are not going to believe how large the limited edition box is.
the size must be due to the art book
Someone is just starting the game on a stream here if anyone is interested:
the art, music, everything....
Someone is just starting the game on a stream here if anyone is interested:
I was thinking that the music is particularly good so far. Also, I really like the way the new UI looks with the new portraits.
Just remembered another thing I didn't really get in Cross Blood Infinity, does the personality you choose for each character do anything?
Agreed, although the XPD officer art looks like it was drawn by a totally different person. It's pretty bad.
Minor nitpick. This game will be mine.
it effects what blood code you are able to select
similar in wizardry where it effects classes available
I mean the stuff more specific than that. For example, is there any actual difference between お人良し and マイペース if both characters are neutral? If that stuff also affects which blood code you can choose, then no wonder I had trouble with it.
They must have paid a lot for that door sound, they are getting their money's worth XD
its how they stay profitable lol its the same as id imagine a lot of the map designs will be
similar to the pc one
I'm cool with it, but haven't they been using it since wizardry Xth or at the very least Students of the Round? Are door sounds more expensive than art? Just noticing it is all.
Did you get your copy yet?
Wow the limited edition box is bigger than even I expected! Smaller than the D&D ecapcom one I got last year but one of the biggest LEs Ive gotten for a Vita game.
Now time to play and enjoy!
Must be pretty big, 3600 yen in Tenso fees+shipping, should have just gone for the Sofmap bonus, haha. Oh well.
One thing for sure is that this game uses an older system in general or should I say more the original system the Xth series has always used. Which is based closer to the system of Wizardry in general when it comes to magic points and how you level up. Though the combat part people will have to get used to the fact that you target a group of enemies and not every single individual one like with Demon Gaze for example.
So with that in mind among other issues this game will be a bit more "difficult" to get into in comparison.
Magic is dealt with using the older system of actual points so your starting caster classes will have 3 points to use Lv 1 spells. Once those are used up its back to HQ to get them refilled. Similar to the original Wizardry system. Also leveling up is done by recovering at HQ which you have to pay for. So its basically the "Inn" system. So once said exp is reached for the next level back to HQ - "Rest" - Level Up.
This all was present initially in the series but just am stating it here for those who will have their first experience with this series in general. Or will be those coming from Demon Gaze.
Must be pretty big, 3600 yen in Tenso fees+shipping, should have just gone for the Sofmap bonus, haha. Oh well.
Does anyone know of an unboxing video of the limited edition?
Haven't seen any video but I saw a picture of the box opened up which I can't find now of course. Just looked like the art book and a cardboard holder to keep the game from sliding around. Found a picture that gives a decent size comparison for the large box, though.
Yeah, I gave up trying to fit most LE boxes on a shelf. I just take the regular game out and put the LE stuff on a totally separate shelf or in a drawer somewhere. Moero Chronicle had a tall and thin box too (not this big) so I just stuck it where I put most of the pre-order bonus stuff I have.
Yeah, I gave up trying to fit most LE boxes on a shelf. I just take the regular game out and put the LE stuff on a totally separate shelf or in a drawer somewhere. Moero Chronicle had a tall and thin box too (not this big) so I just stuck it where I put most of the pre-order bonus stuff I have.
Just curious, how many pages is the instruction manual? Not like it's a huge deal nowadays but I was wondering if a new publisher meant a smaller booklet.
oh shit i have it all packaged up actually. hang on.
its an actual proper manual about 46 pages. that includes the usual disclaimer pages also.
Cool, nice to hear. Thanks for checking!
Finally got my hands on this! Will be my first time playing any game in this series so your OT helped greatly. Now time to finish FW first![]()
These are all DLC contents from the following.
1 from the Limited Edition (Swimsuit Heroines) #17-22
1 from the Famitsu Game Magazine (Dark Hero Pack) #23-28
1 from First Print Bonus (CHAOS; HEAD NOAH) #29-34
Not really but it does make things easier. If you really are hardcore do what I do sometimes when I do a second playthrough and roll only once per character.
Apparently nothing, its just "flavor text" that will show up sometimes in battle. Does not really have any impact on the actual game itself as far as I know.
This really isnt all that uncommon for Experience Inc. nor is it a unique situation for them, Starfish and ZeroDiv are 2 other well known devs within the genre who do the same. Am certain it is done to help cut production costs as they are a small studio and not a massive dev house with huge financial backing from a publisher. Generally all the fans of the company are used to this and dont seem to mind that much as long as the actual game content itself is enjoyable.
Same answer as above.
With the DLC ones aside, for the main vanilla game there are 2 different artists working on character design. Kurosawa Tetsu クロサワテツ and Oxijiyen 沖史慈 宴(おきしじえん)
Magic is by the old system of allocated points per magic level. Not standard MP. What that means is the following example of a Wizards lv 1 spell tier below.
3 - Fire, Wind, Avoid Down
You have 3 points to use in all of those lv 1 spells. Once that runs out you need to go back to HQ to recover the MP said number of points per level increases as your character gets advances in levels.
For the time being it may seem that way since its the start of the game, but later on things will ramp up a bit. Also a separate issue in the point below explains another combat related feature.
Game has you targeting groups instead of individual targets, then the AI decides on what gets hit apparently.
Those come into play later on a lot of the classes gain skills from lv 7.
To level up you need to return to HQ and allow your characters to rest in the medical facility which costs money. This is the older type of leveling system that Wizardry used.
Its just the way this particular game was designed. This series was one of Experience's first titles when they went off on their own after Michaelsoft folded.
Red text means that you dont meet the level req for the particular item. Level req shown in upper left side I think it was.
That has always been the games weak point is the item descriptions are a bit of a mess. If folks were having trouble with the simple and fairly easy to understand Demon Gaze item details, I have a feeling they will be crying over this one. The scrolling text at the bottom too which is supposed to be the "description" doesnt help also due to how small the scrolling text section is. They should have just made a separate window to switch to that had all the description text.
It shows the added strength of monsters in the dungeon, the more you fight the more the gauge fills up. The higher it is the more levels will be potentially added to the monsters in the dungeon. Very simple pros and cons of this below.
Pros: More Exp / Money / Better item drops.
Cons: Chance to get totally roflstomped also rises.
The level of this meter is also saved when you exit the dungeon which will bring us to the next question.
Successfully running from battles will drop the gauges level by 1. Also the less desirable solution is if your party wipes the gauge is totally reset back to 0.
Added another video with more Dungeon running in the same as previous vid. Though now the enemy strength meter is added which goes up as you win more fights. The higher lv it is the stronger the enemies become. Though the up side to this is that they give more exp / money and chance to drop better loot from the "chests".
Also has the first "boss" fight with one of the wanted monsters. It wasnt that bad at all.
Wow, that IS Gen Xth: Code Hazard's first dungeon. Same BGM, look, everything.
Considering it is a remake of the original series it shouldnt really be much of a surprise to folks.
Does it have best girl?
are there some difficulty setting, infinity mode? hehe