Man if Destiny ever came out on PC then we could just look at the code to see how they calculate drops.
Even ammo and all that in Division is considered "loot drop" as it rolls the same way.
Man if Destiny ever came out on PC then we could just look at the code to see how they calculate drops.
Man if Destiny ever came out on PC then we could just look at the code to see how they calculate drops.
Not sure it will.
Well Activision has to be looking at the Division PC sales numbers, and the last gen Destiny numbers, and IMHO it would be quite crazy if Destiny 2 doesn't come out also on PC in 2017.
If your group kills a rogue, does that count? I don't have any kills yet, sucks running a Tech build in DZ. But love dominating Challenging mode even with a semi decent team.
can someone help me visualize 10 in-game meters? was just thinking about it while in my backyard, seems like that's pretty far considering typical firefights in this game.
Set a waypoint and walk away from it!can someone help me visualize 10 in-game meters? was just thinking about it while in my backyard, seems like that's pretty far considering typical firefights in this game.
you have to get the finishing blow on a rogue for it to count as a Rogue kill.
It'll say it in the bottom left kill feed
Ah well better start trying out that Sticky Bomb build, reports as doing 250,000 damage.. should be enough for 1 shotting some at least.
Can be dangerous because of the blast radius do be prepared to go rogue alot.Ah well better start trying out that Sticky Bomb build, reports as doing 250,000 damage.. should be enough for 1 shotting some at least.
If you look at the minimap id say that circle got a 20-25 meter radius around your dot.
So about 45-50% of it inside that circle is 10m
Set a waypoint and walk away from it!
Dont it also say in their contract they need to publish for PC as well?
I'd be highly surprised if destiny went to PC.
Not that I'd care either way, but still surprised.
Yeah Destiny 2 in 2017 is gonna be a new game. Probably drop last gen support and come out on PC too. Gonna get hacked like crazy on PC IMO.
It kinda looks like the same distance as the second farthest target in the shooting range? That'd be good for testing weapons.thanks, i feel stupid for not thinking of it, but man that seems way closer than i would expect. the way point is just beyond the guy's head
No daily's until 1.1 patch the 12thWhy is there no daily for me?
I assume soIsn't almost everything in Destiny server side already?
DT is QUALITY drops, all boxes are QUALITY too. DT Drops = higher quality DT
DZ mobs
Code:LootTable loot_table_npc_low_normal_darkzone < uid=C742C9DC5443A0D1000225826B54AA9F > { myLootGroups { LootGroup "Drop 1 - Weapons, Gear" { myDropChancePercentage 5.0 / 6.0 _veteran_darkzone myQualityChart < uid=075801E256448B8D00000D11937E3114 > = loot_quality_chart_default_darkzone myLootItemList = rejuice_lootitemlist_equipment myBackupItemList = rejuice_lootitemlist_equipment_backup myHasLosersLuck TRUE } LootGroup "Drop 2 - Mods" { myDropChancePercentage 5.0 / 6.0 _veteran_darkzone myQualityChart < uid=075801E256448B8D00000D122A834C8E > = loot_quality_chart_default_darkzone myLootItemList = rejuice_lootitemlist_mods myBackupItemList = rejuice_lootitemlist_mods_backup } LootGroup "Drop 3 - Access (incl. DZ key) & Consumable & DZ Credit" { myDropChancePercentage 30.0 / 35.0 _veteran_darkzone myQualityChart < uid=C742C9DC5443A0D100022588CADC83B5 > = black myLootItemList = rejuice_lootitemlist_resources_darkzone } LootGroup "Drop 4 - Vanity" { myDropChancePercentage 2.0 / 3.0 _veteran_darkzone myQualityChart < uid=075801E255FC1F9D000006BDD7392C8D > = loot_quality_chart_vanity myLootItemList = rejuice_lootitemlist_vanity myBackupItemList = rejuice_lootitemlist_vanity_backup
Then we got how the game calculates the drop
Code:LootSourceDropWeight myDropWeight < tooltip="DropWeight = A * SourceLevelDiff^2 + B * SourceLevelDiff + C" >
which for reference is
Code:LootSourceLevelChartElement "source level 0" { myDropWeight { myB -100.0 myC 100.0 } } LootSourceLevelChartElement "source level +1" { mySourceLevel 1 myDropWeight { myA -100.0 myB 200.0 myC 0.0 } } LootSourceLevelChartElement "source level +2" { mySourceLevel 2 myDropWeight { myB 200.0 myC -200.0
And here is RC drop rates
Isn't almost everything in Destiny server side already?
Well it's still mainly a p2p game, unfortunately. Still a lot of lag switching, etc.
Oh yeah, I forgot that they didn't have dedicated servers.
Is there something else going on in the background for the loot drops? Because from what I can gather from what you are posting, you seem to suggest that the rate of drops (ie, % chance for superior) is flat and is not adjusted by scavenging...
Where as,
This conversation from Bode basically states that scavenging affects the 'Quality' of the drop, and then goes on to state that Quality refers to High End, Superior, etc. Additionally, in the State of the Game address, Bode also states that scavenging affects both chest drops and NPC drops in the DZ.
There's been countless discussions on this topic, especially on Discord lately.
Scav might increase quality of drops from other sources (loot boxes, boxes, normal mobs) but named mobs have fixed drop numbers.
Its been a lot of this and that, but in the end it feels completely useless.
And from all the files that's been opened it seems like scav is a number of things named MagicFind but not taken into account on various loot tables.
I guess we'll dig more in 1.1 files but for now, that's what it seems like.
Started an official 2nd toon. Just gonna take a couple hours a day clearing a section or 2 with the spotify playslist, chilling.
170hrs in, and I'm still enjoying this game quite a bit.
The grind of getting the second agent to 30. Need to team up with some others and take turns on missions with three 30's and the lower level.
Probable supply drop location in DZ06
Probable supply drop location in DZ06
I have kind of an odd issue. The game doesn't show me damage numbers anymore and everything lags a bit. So pulling the trigger won't shoot immediately, there's a delay. Same thing for turrets. This wasn't happening a few hours ago when I played. Is this my fault or is this server side?
that area bugs out pretty often, seen over 60 and throwing stuff up there manages to kill a couple but accomplishes nothing except keeping you in combat so you can't go in a checkpoint or safehouse
Am I nuts for attempting stuff alone? I see the option to match make at level 5 for these early missions and I just don't wanna wait. But I am barely scraping by, so I know I'd have an easier time if I paired up. Has anyone else gone solo through the entire game?
The grind of getting the second agent to 30. Need to team up with some others and take turns on missions with three 30's and the lower level.