Around Friday lunchtime and probably £54.99. You can get it £20 cheaper online though so don't buy it on PSN.
wow at £55,I was thinking something more like £39,99 .
Around Friday lunchtime and probably £54.99. You can get it £20 cheaper online though so don't buy it on PSN.
wow at £55,I was thinking something more like £39,99 .
look on hotukdeals, got mine like 34 at £55,I was thinking something more like £39,99 .
All these positive PS4 impressions. I'm going to be forced to buy this.
The game looks gorgeous, and never seems to dip below 60 at all. It's almost distracting at times it's so pretty.
I having some issues with the controller audio though. Anything that comes out of the controller speaker is also coming out of the TV, so there's an echo effect and it's irritating.
Why can't those sounds just come out of the controller? I checked my controller audio settings too and they're fine, and I'm not using headphones. Anyone else experiencing this?
+1Yeah, same here.
I having some issues with the controller audio though. Anything that comes out of the controller speaker is also coming out of the TV, so there's an echo effect and it's irritating.
Why can't those sounds just come out of the controller? I checked my controller audio settings too and they're fine, and I'm not using headphones. Anyone else experiencing this?
Picked mine up yesterday (didn't realize the street date got dropped). I originally played this on PC with the downsampled resolutions and max settings. I must say this looks every bit as good and plays smoother than what I first experienced. I also got a new TV so that could be why it looks so good to me as well. Now I have a dilemma on whether to get Witcher 3 on PC or PS4...
I am in the same boat. I frankly can not see myself buying a game for my PC if there is a PS4 version and it looks like this. 70" vs. 28" display, full surround sound, and a couch makes a huge difference for me. When I was playing it on PS4 yesterday I kept thinking finally--finally--I can get PC comparable graphics on a console... Can't wait for Diablo III...
Yeah we heard. But the weird thing is that there are also some really bloody screens...So I'm guessing you guys know this definitive edition has toned down the violence and gore. I just heard about this, weird way of censoring without letting anyone know. Not a big deal, just unexpected. The game still maintains its exploitation film feel.
Hardcore Gamer - Lara too Pretty to Bleed? Violence Toned Down In Definitive Tomb Raider
Gamersyde (with footage) - More surprising is the fact that some scenes have been censored, among which the passage where Lara finds herself literally bathing in a pool of blood. It seems that the amount of blood has been toned down overall, which is odd considering that you still encounter corpses whose limbs have been cut off, and Lara still savagely stealth kills her enemies. The game is still 18+ so we can wonder why such a decision was made, why the team behind the port didn't respect the artistic direction of the original game. It's not that it makes a huge difference in the end, but it could come as a surprise for those who completed the game last year and would be willing to try this not so definitive after all edition.
Videogamer - they think it might be because of the face remodelling
Yeah we heard. But the weird thing is that there are also some really bloody screens...
So it doesn't really hold up it seems.
There is a BIG difference with High resolution on a large screen vs high resolution on a small screenDude I just got a 70" myself and it's nuts! Plus the surround sound, yeah agree. The big screen makes a big difference.
I think that's a tad...hyperbolic. It seems the new face modeling and texture work might be a good logical explanation for the gore reduction. The game already came out on consoles so I'm assuming they weren't worried about how it was going to be perceived. I think it's hilarious the way they describe it. 'artistic vision,' ha ha. The original designers were probably well aware of the changes that were made.So I'm guessing you guys know this definitive edition has toned down the violence and gore. I just heard about this, weird way of censoring without letting anyone know. Not a big deal, just unexpected. The game still maintains its exploitation film feel.
Hardcore Gamer - Lara too Pretty to Bleed? Violence Toned Down In “Definitive” Tomb Raider
Gamersyde (with footage) - The game is still 18+ so we can wonder why such a decision was made, why the team behind the port didn't respect the artistic direction of the original game. It's not that it makes a huge difference in the end, but it could come as a surprise for those who completed the game last year and would be willing to try this not so definitive after all edition.
Videogamer - they think it might be because of the face remodelling
There is a BIG difference with High resolution on a large screen vs high resolution on a small screen
My monitor is higher then my 1080p and although it look fantastic on there its a OMG moment wheb its thrown on my HDTV, the details jump out at you
I don't think anything under 38 inc is worthy of a 1080p source, yeah it looks better then a lower resolution but it not the same as when it's on a big screen, 4k on a tiny screen like 30inc is a joke
You're not getting the picture that resolution is producing.
I'm having issues with the PS4 DD version of the game. Glitchy as hell everywhere... frame stuttering, audio cutting out. There was clearly something wrong, so I turned it off last night and went to bed.
This morning, game won't even load. It will load the main menu, but when you try to load up a save, it just gets stuck loading.
So I deleted it and I'm redownloading. Pretty annoying, but what are you gonna do?
yes. and not to be a showoff, but playing on a HD projector on a 100 - 140 inch screen will make everything more immersive. Movies, Games, Series, and even watching your holiday photos.Nowadays you can get a good one for the price of a plasma. Sure, Plasma has better colours and black values, but you get a lot of extra immersion in return. I'd reccommend it to everyone. And i have a Panasonic Plasma, but i mostly choose to play and watch on the HD projector. Especially this new gen. Because on PS3 and 360, it also makes the imperfections more aparent, like jaggies. But now games are cleaner and cleaner. Killzone Shadowfall looks amazing on such a big screen. You can see more of the insane amount of detail they put into a game.
Let's hope it will fix it. Have you tested another game since then?
£44.99 according to PS Blog update. Still too much, managed to get a copy preordered for £32.Around Friday lunchtime and probably £54.99. You can get it £20 cheaper online though so don't buy it on PSN.
No... I've actually been having issues with DD games on PS4. Battlefield and Assassin's Creed have both been such a headache. I've had to redownload both of those games multiple times to fix issues where it suddenly won't load a level or mission.
But then every other DD game is fine... Warframe, Resogun, etc... never a problem.
Right now I have TR DLing in the store, but I don't think it works quite the same way as it did on PS3. On PS3 that used to be "safe" mode for big DL to avoid corrupted data (which happened to me only twice all gen) but I honestly have no idea what's going on with DD on PS4. It's been pretty annoying. I hate discs, or I wouldn't put up with it.
Tomb Raider just got updated with a patch on the PS4, that was quick
So I'm guessing you guys know this definitive edition has toned down the violence and gore. I just heard about this, weird way of censoring without letting anyone know. Not a big deal, just unexpected. The game still maintains its exploitation film feel.
Hardcore Gamer - Lara too Pretty to Bleed? Violence Toned Down In Definitive Tomb Raider
Gamersyde (with footage) - More surprising is the fact that some scenes have been censored, among which the passage where Lara finds herself literally bathing in a pool of blood. It seems that the amount of blood has been toned down overall, which is odd considering that you still encounter corpses whose limbs have been cut off, and Lara still savagely stealth kills her enemies. The game is still 18+ so we can wonder why such a decision was made, why the team behind the port didn't respect the artistic direction of the original game. It's not that it makes a huge difference in the end, but it could come as a surprise for those who completed the game last year and would be willing to try this not so definitive after all edition.
Videogamer - they think it might be because of the face remodelling
Picked this up for my PS4 digitally (still digital only for me) and it's gorgeous. The hair, the foliage, the birdies!
I only got a chance to play through the opening scenes, up until she can shoot some deer, but I just kept stopping and staring at how pretty it all was. Even when Lara is getting her head crushed by a big rock.
The popular budget 1080p projectors also have less input lag than plasma.
Plasmas have input lag??
Some types of plasma have been known to have phosphor trails, that can take away from gaming, I have a pioneer kuro and never experienced that problem, but it is out there.
Since this is my second play through I feel like I'm running through it too quickly at times. You really need to slow down and just take in the environments a lot. Oh by the way, I was wondering if the DD would play/load any faster than off the disc. Would it be worth it to install on the HDD?
The popular budget 1080p projectors also have less input lag than plasma.
Plasmas have input lag??
Game auto installs from disc, so probably no difference from disc to digital.
In fact, all PS4/X1 games are mandatory full install.
Yeah, i know. Maybe he said it wrongLess than 40ms?
No, type in Plasma on Screen Type here:
Plasmas (particular from Panasonic) have very low input lag.
Impressions from initial 15mins on PS4:
- Smooth running.
- Lara hanging upside down with hair defying gravity.
- Animation not-up-to-par with any Uncharted.
- Tight corridors and scripted events.
- QTE garbage.
- Voice commands gimmick.
- Map looking good. Plenty of exploration it seems.
Yeah, the game hasn't really begun yet.
Played for a couple hours now on PS4.
Honestly? I really wish I could lock the frame rate to 30. I'd obviously rather have variable fps above 30 rather than variable fps below 30, but nothing beats a consistent, locked frame rate. The judder really is noticeable and the fps fluctuations occur far more frequently than I was expecting. How difficult would it be for devs to just add an optional display toggle to limit the frame rate to 30? BioShock had that...