Neo Member
Popped in my 360 version after playing the PS4 one for a little while and for it to be a year apart they're almost night and day versions in terms of visual
some pics i took
This game is better than Uncharted 3.
I hope they release a second one of these.
It was pretty cool when I noticed it.Playing the game, having fun
Notice my controller light is flashing rapidly
What the hell is wrong with my controller?
Turn it over; it's flashing red/orange/yellow
Look at the screen
Controller light flashes colors to emulate ambient torchlight whenever Lara has the torch out and lit
i disabled the voice commands and audio log stuff, it just rubbish. using the touch pad to light up though is pretty cool.
don't see the point of the levelling systen, some of the basic movies are pointlessly locked behind a XP wall (like melee combat, why??), but so far i'm just not feeling or seeing a difference in terms of weapon or skill leveling. the constant gratification notification is pretty pointless too.
Don't forget Mathais looking all evil the first time you see him, anybody could have been like yo this dude is a creeper except Lara and Sam apparently.
ok gonna d/l for x1 later.
I never noticed it until people started mentioning it and now I can't stop looking at it.
I'm just past the Chasm Monastary level and I've still not noticed any huge performance hits...when do they come?
Certainly haven't experienced any judder/jutter yet.
Lol NO, an animation starts and ends at the same time regardless of 10, 30 or 60fps. The animation will contain more viewable frames though
Say an animation that takes 3 seconds to show.
@10fps: 10x3 = Will contain 30 total frames
@30fps: 30x3 = Will contain 90 total frames
@60fps: 60x3 = Will contain 180 total frames
There is no disadvantage running at higher framerate if it can be maintained and the animation is detailed enough
I remember reading that the HD versions of Shadow of the Colossus and The Wind Waker were locked at 30fps because of the animation, why is that?
I'm sure you're probably doing it right, but on the off chance; are you using R1 to shoot the arrows? I did that once; shooting regular arrows instead of the rope ones.Fuuuuu.... I seem to have encountered a bug on the PS4, that prevents me from shooting robes on which to traverse between the wooden poles, and thus proceeding in the game. Nothing happens when I shoot the arrow on the marked pole. It happened after I completed and exited the optional tomb, called Hall of Ascension, and fell off the cliff shortly afterwards. Before the untimely death the arrow shooting mechanic worked completely fine. I tried to save to another slot, and boot-up the game, didn't help. This is really fucked up.
Also the basecamp, where I met Conrad Roth afterseems to have disappeared from the fast travel menu. The last basecamp is now the one beforethe plane crashthe radio tower.
I'm sure you're probably doing it right, but on the off chance; are you using R1 to shoot the arrows? I did that once; shooting regular arrows instead of the rope ones.
Don't know what to say about the base camp; first I've heard if that. That sucks.
Just finished it on PS4. Fuck me, that was awesome. Game looks absolutely stunning. The credits rolled at 72% complete and I'm going back tomorrow to collect the rest.
I paid full price (£45) and thought it was worth every penny. Really glad I didn't buy it for PS3 when it first came out.
I'm playing on Xbox One and enjoying it. Am quickly at the point of not bothering with collectibles though, ugh.
I thought the voice commands were quite well done - yelling "bow" means leaving my hands on the cobtroller for character movement, really useful when getting shot at.
Lara is having a horrible day
That reminds me, I thought it was super cool that the journals you collect are from three vastly different time periods but they all tie into the same story. A shame that story is kinda stupid and there's not much payoff. But oh well!I love the variety of places in this game. It really is a damn shame the actual narrative is so laughable as everything is just so damn well done...
I want to get in on the photo sharing action. What's the best way to share these pics without compressing them?
The only way to get uncompressed shots would be via a capture card. Any other way would result in compressed shots.
Lara is having a horrible day
That reminds me, I thought it was super cool that the journals you collect are from three vastly different time periods but they all tie into the same story. A shame that story is kinda stupid and there's not much payoff. But oh well!
Started to play a whole bunch of it.
Amazing game, amazing visuals aside from Lara's face looking stiff as hell during cutscenes.
I hope Uncharted 4 takes some notes from the Metroidy style environments of this game. One issue I had with the Uncharted games is that despite them being thematically about explorers and discovery there was a distinct lack of exploration and uh, discovery.
That reminds me, I thought it was super cool that the journals you collect are from three vastly different time periods but they all tie into the same story. A shame that story is kinda stupid and there's not much payoff. But oh well!
Lara is having a horrible day
69 per cent of Tomb Raider copies were bought for PlayStation 4, UK numbers company Chart-Track revealed, leaving just 31 per cent on Xbox One.