What if you loved Tomb Raider?
This made me laugh so hard. Then I got sad.
Tomb Raider: The reboot for fans of games that aren't Tomb Raider.
What if you loved Tomb Raider?
What if you loved Tomb Raider?
This place is as salty as HaloGaf was before H4 came out.
I don't think that's a good thing.
This place is as salty as HaloGaf was before H4 came out.
I don't think that's a good thing.
This place is as salty as HaloGaf was before H4 came out.
I don't think that's a good thing.
you're SOL. your support of the franchise means jack and the franchise is now tailored to the dudebro audience who never cared about it to begin with and can't bothered to play anything that a takes modicum of effort or resembles anything other than a bad hollywood movie. however, if the game fails you're a horrible person and the people involved won't be able to feed their famiies.
Nope, that's pre-order DLC
Good ol' big-budget gaming
you're SOL. your support of the franchise means jack and the franchise is now tailored to the dudebro audience who never cared about it to begin with and can't bothered to play anything that a takes modicum of effort or resembles anything other than a bad hollywood movie. however, if the game fails you're a horrible person and the people involved won't be able to feed their famiies.
Siiiiigh. Oh well.
yeah,I really don't get this, reviews read like below average game but gets 8 and 9.
oh. Taku Sakaguchi ,i love him.
Eurogamer keeps going on and on about how old Lara is dead and how good that is without explaining what was bad about old Lara or how this new game is an improvement; other than to say that they made the majority of the puzzles optional so that the modern gamer doesn't have to spend much time figuring things out, even though survival instinct completely spoils solutions and the puzzles aren't very hard even without it.
Nope, that's pre-order DLC
Good ol' big-budget gaming[/QUOTE]
I love the look of that skin, too bad it's for preorders at Best Buy, lol.
What if you loved Tomb Raider?
You kill yourself.
I love the look of that skin, too bad it's for preorders at Best Buy, lol.
by jumping off a cli..
I was getting pretty excited for this... and then I watched the Machinima review. They really tore it apart. That being said, some of the footage looks very impressive. I just hope the gameplay's fun enough to back it up. The mere mention of Metroid/exploration elements is enough to tempt me...
Why are people surprised that the lowest scoring review of the game had a few negative things to say about it?
You can pick the lowest scoring review for just about any game and they will shit all over it, no matter what it is. That said, they still gave it a 60, which is hardly an abysmal score.
That's not my point, though.The other reviews make the same complaints.
The other reviews make the same complaints.
No swan diving to death anymore. I tried. A lot.
The person reviewing the game for Machinima was REALLY hung up on the story. He kept trying to tie everything to it not justifying the on screen action.
I can list of boatload of problems with Dragon's Dogma. More negatives than positives. I'd still rate the game quite high. The insistence that only the negative reviews got the scores right is saltiness at it's greatest. The only thing that will make this better is if it sells incredibly well on top of being a wonderful game.
I've asked this in other threads, and may have missed the answer, but I'm not seeing 'plenty' of games doing what this Tomb Raider does. I can think of three that are worth anyone's time.I'm not sure I was exactly calling them art or making an art argument. In my head I was thinking of them not liking the artworks as they were and destroying them to create something superficial that they enjoy more. Similar to how people that didn't like the old Tomb Raider games are enjoying "finally getting interested in the series" now that it's nothing like it was. Joker's crew is in a museum without any of the art that defines the museum and "expanding their horizons" by narrowing the horizons to fit themselves. It's meaningless to get people who weren't interested before interested in something if you have to destroy almost everything about it but the name to do so.
Obviously the gif was meant to say that Tomb Raider fans should expand their horizons to accept the change in direction, but there are plenty of games that already do what this game does and few that do what Tomb Raider does, and I'm sure most of us play and enjoy those games. The complaints are about the loss of something unique; the reduction of gaming variety.
Why are people surprised that the lowest scoring review of the game had a few negative things to say about it?
You can pick the lowest scoring review for just about any game and they will shit all over it, no matter what it is. That said, they still gave it a 60, which is hardly an abysmal score.
The person reviewing the game for Machinima was REALLY hung up on the story. He kept trying to tie everything to it not justifying the on screen action.
The lacking qualities of the gameplay in Spec Ops are vastly overstated.yeah think about how ppl went nuts for spec ops even though the gameplay was pretty shit
The lacking quality of the gameplay in Spec Ops is greatly overstated.
The lacking qualities of the gameplay in Spec Ops are vastly overstated.
So I take it this game's "platforming" is in the vein of Uncharted? That's really a shame.
I'm down with that. I play games for their plot first and gameplay second, and if the plot is off then I enjoy the game less.
I really don't get this, reviews read like below average game but gets 8 and 9.
EDGE was the worst offender of this practice for me because they pretty much confirmed all my fears about the game and still and gave it an 8.
The person reviewing the game for Machinima was REALLY hung up on the story. He kept trying to tie everything to it not justifying the on screen action.