Why didn't they utilize Lara's aerobic abilities? Instead it's like she just got out of the Drake school of jumping far and grabbing shit.
Why didn't they utilize Lara's aerobic abilities? Instead it's like she just got out of the Drake school of jumping far and grabbing shit.
So far I am liking the lore behind the so called myth, the intrigue and mystery of the island and Lara's journey to not only solve this ancient mystery, but the journey of being forced to survive and find herself at the same time. Forgive me if I find it interesting. To each their own.
Right now your generally in a sea of people bad mouthing the game. Their own opinion of course but you'll find that most of the people that really loved the game have moved on from the thread already unlike the posters that keep talking about how bad a video game story is, can't understand how this is a game, and don't understand why people could enjoy it.
Cut the persecution complex out. It was a good game but it has several valid flaws, one of them being the story.
I'm not cutting anything out. Right now the thread has a ton of negativity comments posted by some of the same people over and over. You want me to lie and say otherwise... sure. No.
How many college graduates you know have the acrobatic ability of a circus performer?
How many college graduates you know have the acrobatic ability of a circus performer?
I'm not cutting anything out. Right now the thread has a ton of negativity comments posted by some of the same people over and over. You want me to lie and say otherwise... sure. No.
None, but I also don't know any college graduates that are born killers, skilled in melee and firearm combat, with the athleticism of a olympian and durability of a tank.
Right now your generally in a sea of people bad mouthing the game. Their own opinion of course but you'll find that most of the people that really loved the game have moved on from the thread already unlike the posters that keep talking about how bad a video game story is, can't understand how this is a game, and don't understand why people could enjoy it.
Gears as well right and any other game it has borrowed heavily from. SMH
Gears? Don't see any Gears here, sorry. Besides, Gears of War did not invent third person shooters, not that this game is really that much of one anyway. As there is more to it than that.
But where I feel it excels over the likes of Uncharted is in more open areas and masterful level design that intertwines with routes back to where you came from, different paths to take when there are enemies, and even a bit of Metroidvania type design with areas you cannot access until later in the game when you have the right items and upgrades. Will be nice to go back and explore the areas in different ways and collect lore, relics, etc.
In addition, I also feel the gameplay and the natural free-form cover is better. When Lara is sneaking with the bow, it feels great and you get a real sense of being a hunter. No, there is nothing incredibly deep here, but it works, it's polished, the presentation and production value is outstanding, it plays great and the level design is a thing of beauty. I can see why it was received so well, but of course you cannot please everyone. Again, to each their own.
bad·mouth or bad-mouth
-To criticize or disparage, often spitefully or unfairly
Highlighting flaws / criticizing the game = badmouthing the game. You're reducing or mischaracterizing people's criticisms with a rhetorical trick. If you yourself is supposed to be a reviewer, surely you should be able to distinguish between badmouthing and criticizing.
Or do you really think that people have been criticizing the game unfairly?
No, people going on and on about what they find bad, which as I said your opinion, is fine. Though the way some people are treating people who are enjoying the game is ridiculous. Hell I was insulted earlier for trying to offer my thoughts and called simplistic and would be amused by a lazer point pen.
No, people going on and on about what they find bad, which as I said your opinion, is fine. Though the way some people are treating people who are enjoying the game is ridiculous. Hell I was insulted earlier for trying to offer my thoughts and called simplistic and would be amused by a lazer point pen.
No just find people going on and on about what they find bad, which as I said your opinion is fine. Though the way some people are treating people who are enjoying the game and like it is ridiculous. Hell I was insulted earlier for trying to offer my thoughts and called simplistic and would be amused by a lazer point pen.
I think those are all valid things to really like about the game I just don't see how it has anything to do with UC at all. The only thing it copies from UC is the 'idea' of a set-piece which I think is one of the weakest aspects of TR. I just don't see why people think that in order to glorify their experience they have to diminish the accomplishment of another game that it isn't even remotely like.
Can someone gif the scene whereLara slowly rises out of the river of blood?
I think that was the greatest looking part of the entire game, and that's saying a lot. It looked incredible, and well done.
Haters; try and get some sleep. You have a full day tomorrow to copy and paste why this game keeps you up at night.
I have never seen a bunch of posters do their best to overthink every detail they can to derail this thread. The mechanics and everything else in the production, for all intents and purposes, weree implemeted very well. If you don't like it; it says more about your taste. We get it. Question is when you continue to linger to argue and denounce people who disagree with you when you could be playing another game that does please you, you have a problem; sorry.
I cannot fucking fathom all the "this shit doesnt happen in real life" posts in a videogame thread. Truly remarkably unbelievable.
Did I miss the explanation why theFortress is apparently sitting on top of molten lava and it starts to all cave in?
For the record, the only reason I'm still here is because I haven't beaten the game yet, and this seems to be where the cool kids are
Because living on top of an explosive volcano is cool; and makes life interesting for the princess as she learned to enjoy every day as it might be her last because she never knew when she would be blown to peaces by lava and rocks.
I suppose I did not have to word it the way I did. As I actually love the first two Uncharted titles (did not care for 3). I have just heard so many rip this game as some sort of rip off, when it is really not and offers so much more than Uncharted at a gameplay level. That is all I meant and I think they are both superb for what they bring to the table. But as far as adventure games go, I do prefer this to the full-on linear design and sticky gameplay of Uncharted.
Considering I have posted on this thread no more than a handful of times and have skimmed through multiple negative posts by others, i find your assessment completely laughable. I don't see the value of making repeated negative posts. I hate eating raw eggs but i don't complain about it.
Lol, it's not that serious. As much fun as I've had with the game, there are many flaws and valid criticisms that many have discussed; the thread doesn't have to be a strictly positive circle jerk. No one seems to be saying the game is terrible; views are mostly positive.Haters; try and get some sleep. You have a full day tomorrow to copy and paste why this game keeps you up at night.
I have never seen a bunch of posters do their best to overthink every detail they can to derail this thread. The mechanics and everything else in the production, for all intents and purposes, weree implemeted very well. If you don't like it; it says more about your taste. We get it. Question is when you continue to linger to argue and denounce people who disagree with you when you could be playing another game that does please you, you have a problem; sorry.
I cannot fucking fathom all the "this shit doesnt happen in real life" posts in a videogame thread. Truly remarkably unbelievable.
The bow feels so nice to use that I think I'm going to just not use guns ever.
The bow feels so nice to use that I think I'm going to just not use guns ever.
As for Tomb Raider: I had fun with it. I didn't stop having fun with it. I never wanted to stop playing; I never got bored and started looking at Facebook on my phone. It's rare that I can say that about games these days. I'm not looking at it to be some deep and meaningful piece of art. I wanted to be entertained and the game delivered.
Man, MP is so hilariously designed/broken. It really feels like a team's first learning deal with multiplayer. Spawning is a bit whacked and some teams can just stay and camp in their main spawn points.
All good. Didn't mean to ruffle feathers.
Now, on-topic: here's whats interesting to me; after playing this, i'm compelled to go back and play uncharted 2 specifically. Why? I wasn't a fan of it. I felt it was pretentious, love itself a bit too much, the gunplay was great but the exploring not so much...i can't put my finger on it but i never got it.
So i play this with its dark tones and moody approach and despite its demeanor, i can accept its abrsudities (what little of it i pay attention to) and im wondering why i have a higher tolerance for it with tomb raider than with uncharted.
I beat the game entirely using the bows, except when the game forces you to use a gun in QTEs
Yep, some co-op stuff would have been fun. Those were some of my favorite times with Uncharted's MP.Yep, spawn-on-friend and some of the treasure spawns are straight-up broken. Sometimes on certain maps the treasure spawns pretty much right next to the ring. It was also better in Uncharted IMO where both teams were vying for the treasure instead of this different objectives stuff.
I think a horde mode would've been cool though, or any co-op multi.
I hate the sound it makes :| sounds so weird. FC3 is the only game lately that did the bow properly and it felt really good
Haters; try and get some sleep. You have a full day tomorrow to copy and paste why this game keeps you up at night.
I have never seen a bunch of posters do their best to overthink every detail they can to derail this thread. The mechanics and everything else in the production, for all intents and purposes, weree implemeted very well. If you don't like it; it says more about your taste. We get it. Question is when you continue to linger to argue and denounce people who disagree with you when you could be playing another game that does please you, you have a problem; sorry.
I cannot fucking fathom all the "this shit doesnt happen in real life" posts in a videogame thread. Truly remarkably unbelievable.